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Still Eagle
Gifts under $50
Laura - S'Well Insulated Stainless Steel Bottles: Practical... these insulated water bottles work extremely well to keep your drink cold or hot - great colours and patterns available.

Jonelle - Thermohair Socks: Soft, silky warm and durable. I am never without my Thermohair socks in the winter. I love them.

Laura - Thermohair Socks: Canadian-made, super warm & soft, and long-lasting.

Olivia - Bambu Spork: They're a great size, very small -- perfect for fitting in your purse to take around with you to eliminate plastic utensils!

Gifts from $50 to $150

Laura - Indigenous Designs Scarves & Shawls:
Beautifully made - organic cotton, or alpaca - tons of variety and fair-trade.

Jonelle - Native Organics Kimono-Style Robe:

Super thick and absorbent, nice and long to cozy up in.

Olivia - Baba Tree Baskets: Stylish, practical, multi purpose basket, no need for a plastic grocery bag!

Gifts over $150


Ocea - Natural Sheepskins: I love the sheepskins, every time I move them around in the store or receive a shipment of them, I'm overwhelmed by their infinite warmth and fuzziness.

Jonelle - Natural Sheepskins: Love these all naturally tanned sheepskins from a farm in Kelowna. My dogs like them too I have a hard time keeping them off. 

Laura - Nicole Hobbs and Vanessa Bate Paintings:
Local art... a gift that lasts forever!

Olivia - Hoodlambs Jackets: A nice heavy weight for winter, water resistant with the coziest faux fur lining!


More gift ideas in the sidebar in the sidebar.

Browse the Staff Picks and Gifts sections on our website.

Dec 21, 2014

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