We’ve got lots of information going out to GreyStone members this month. Be sure to check out the latest issue of eConnect so you know as well!
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Vol. 1, Issue 2:  May 2016

Linemen showered with appreciation

Don't be alarmed!

In order to improve our communications with you, we are reaching out to ask a few questions to find out how you feel about our communication methods and the type of information you are receiving, wish to receive, or would like to see less of. We simply want to know if we are communicating with you effectively and in the way YOU wish to receive it.

We are working in coordination with TSE Services to conduct the Residential Communications Survey, which will begin on or about May 11, and should conclude on or before May 28. Approximately 350 members will be randomly selected to participate in the telephone interview. The survey calls will be made primarily during weeknights from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and some Saturday evenings as deemed necessary. The length of the interview will be approximately 12 minutes, depending upon the survey conversation.

If you are unable to participate at the time of the initial call, you will have the opportunity to schedule an appointment to complete the interview at a more convenient time for your schedule. Your thoughts and opinions are extremely important to us. We hope that you will take a few minutes to give us the needed feedback to communicate with you the way that YOU want us to. 

Data Decisions Group, a large market research firm based in Chapel Hill, N.C., will conduct the actual phone interviews, which will originate from their call center. Calls originating from this center will have a “919” area code. Professional telephone interviewers will identify themselves as calling on behalf of GreyStone Power. This is legit. We have given them permission to ask questions on our behalf. These calls are safe to provide information to, though you NEVER want to provide your personal financial information to anyone that calls you.

We want to thank you in advance for taking the time to help us improve. You have a voice and we want to listen. This is a great opportunity to let us know how you feel about our various communication tools:
  • The GreyStone Report (stuffed with bill)
  • The GreyStone Connection (wraps the GEORGIA Magazine)
  • GEORGIA Magazine
  • Bill inserts (stuffed with bill)
  • eConnect (electronic newsletter sent via email)
  • GreyStone's web page (
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn)
  • Annual Meeting (business meeting for members, held annually on the second Saturday in October)
  • Various signage (walk-in center and branch kiosk locations)
Board vote image

Got a bill problem?

Ever had a problem having your payment applied to your account? We have found that many members may experience a problem here and there, so we have investigated and found the top reasons why you might be having an issue and why your payment may not have posted.  
  • Postdated checks are submitted. We cannot hold checks.
  • Items are stapled or taped together. They cannot go through the machine this way and often cause problems.
  • Pay the exact amount to avoid problems.
  • The numeric and spelled out check amounts must agree. If we receive a check like this, we apply the payment based on the spelled out amount.
  • Often envelopes include bill stubs, but no payment. We can't process it if we didn't receive it.
  • We do not accept counter checks. Unfortunately, they will not scan.
  • When multiple accounts are being paid, but the check is for a generic amount, we cannot process the payment because we are unsure how you would like this applied to your accounts. 
To ensure the success of your payment, follow the tips above. Should you have additional problems, Member Services Representatives are just a phone call away. They are ready to help when you need them by calling 770-942-6576.
Feedback button

Help your community and you could win a $25 gift card!

Help improve the health in your community by taking an online survey provided by Kennesaw State University and Cobb and Douglas Public Health. By completing the survey, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win one of five $25 gift cards.
Kennesaw State University and Cobb & Douglas Public Health, through our
Cobb2020 and Live Healthy Douglas community health partnerships, are conducting the 2016 Community Health Assessment of Cobb and Douglas counties. As part of this assessment, we are requesting Cobb and Douglas county residents to complete an online survey (link below). The survey will not take more than 15 minutes of your time.

Topics include:
  • Access to health services
  • Community health
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Other health-related issues
Your responses are completely confidential.  At the end of the survey, you will be given the opportunity to be entered into a drawing for one of five $25 gift cards. Winners of the gift cards will be notified through email. Your email address will be stored separately and not associated with survey responses. In order to qualify for the gift cards you must complete this survey by May 31, 2016. Only Cobb and Douglas County residents are eligible to participate.
Thank you for assisting Cobb and Douglas Public Health Department to respond more effectively to your needs and priorities.
Findings from this survey will assist with revising and updating community health improvement plans for the two counties; the plans will be available at the end of 2016. Visit and for public comment.  

CLICK HERE to take the survey.
We're helping you watch your wallet
Cooperative Solar image

It's coming!

Want to add the sun to your energy plan? Soon, you will have the opportunity to add solar energy to the mix with no long-term contracts or maintenance headaches for your home. With nothing to finance or neighborhood covenants to obey, adding clean energy has never been easier. Cooperative Solar is more cost-effective than owning or leasing a rooftop solar system, and both homeowners and renters can participate! Interested? Stay tuned for more!
Rates infographic_9.2016

A little helps a lot

Over the past year, contributions to the Operation Round Up program have allowed many organizations the opportunity to assist those in need through financial assistance, housing, utilities, extra-curricular programs and so much more. Your change can and will make a difference. With more than 21,000 members already participating, just think what else can be done in the community if even more joined forces. Sign up today so your change can help make a change. 
Read More
Cooperative Solar image

Shop and save

The Co-op Connections Card (CCC) is here when you need it! Save on hundreds of deals, both locally and nationally, that can bring a smile to that special lady in your life. Whether she loves flowers, a spa day, or even someone else to clean the house, you are sure to find something that will brighten her day. Be sure to check out the deals to see how you can shop and save by visiting Need a card? Give us a call at 770-370-2273.
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Member feedback
Going mobile_woman on cell
Going Mobile! 

What do you think about our new mobile-friendly layout? Is it easier to read? Are you getting enough information?

Tell us what you think
How can we help you?
Storm Center button
Self-service button
Co-op Connections Card button
Beyond Energy button
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Bottom Line MSR video
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GreyStone Power is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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GreyStone Power
P.O. Box 897
Douglasville, GA 30133

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