Happy Financial Literacy Month!
During the month of November organizations from the private, public and non-profit sectors are working together to promote financial literacy in Canada through the National Strategy for Financial Literacy—Count me in, Canada (#CountMeInCA). During FLM, organizations across the country will share resources and host events to help Canadians learn to manage their money and debt, save, and prevent fraud and financial abuse.
Help the movement grow
If you are on social media, don't forget to share your resources and use the hashtag #CountMeInCa.
Thursday November 5, 2015
1pm - 2pm EST
Financial Abuse of Older Adults: Recognize, Review and Respond
A year ago, to mark the end of Financial Literacy Month, Credit Union Central of Canada launched the course Financial Abuse of Older Adults: Recognize, Review and Respond.
This course is the result of a partnership with Prevent Elder Abuse Manitoba, Tamlo International Inc., and the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. It is designed to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to help credit union employees detect and prevent financial abuse of their older members.
Kate Martin and Donna Bailey (Credit Union Central of Canada) will preview the course that has helped almost 2,000 credit union employees to recognize and respond to financial abuse since its launch. This webinar will also discuss how the launch of the course led to involvement and partnerships in other national initiatives, including supporting Dementia Friends Canada as a Workplace Dementia Friend and 2015 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
The CNPEA is planning monthly webinars on the following topics over the course of the next few months:
- Police intervention in cases of elder abuse in Québec (January)
- Strategies to engage seniors against elder abuse (March)
- Results of the national evaluation of NICE's tools (May)
- WEAAD and Intergenerational Day (June)
We are also looking to host a webinar around the topic of elder abuse prevention and intervention in Aboriginal communities. If you wish to participate or suggest presenters, contact us!
Some dates are still available for more presentations. If you wish to suggest a theme for a webinar, send us an email! We will be happy to work out a date with you.
Don't forget to check our Events page to stay informed of future happenings. If you want to advertise a conference or webinar, send us an email and we will add it to the Hub.
Coming up next:
- The Journey of Ageing - The Law and Beyond
2015 Elder Law Conference presented by the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC and the Canadian Centre for Elder Law
November 12 & 13, 2015 
DAY 1: Connecting Across Discipline and Geography
Join practitioners from law, social work, health care, finance, non-profit and other sectors from across the country and around the world to talk about the challenges and issues involved in working with older adults.
DAY 2: Key Practice Challenges and Hot Topics in Legal Practice
Explore issues engaged in powers of attorney and substitute decision-making, health care decision-making and end of life care, mental capacity and dementia, elder abuse and neglect, and other challenging subjects that arise in representing older adults and their families.
Keynote speakers will include:
- Isobel Mackenzie, BC’s Senior’s Advocate
- Dr. Andrew Wister, Chair, National Seniors' Council
- Barb MacLean, Chair, BC Council to Reduce Elder Abuse and more...
Information and registration
- Provincial Learning Event by the BC Association of Community Response Networks
November 17, 2015

10:30 am - 12:00pm
David Sheach, Executive Director
of BC Association for Charitable Gaming
BCACG is a voice of BC Charities and non-profits to provide feedback on gaming grants & licensing programs, working as a liaison between community groups and the Province.
Contact administration@bccrns.ca to register and receive the dial-in information.
- Find us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and share the CNPEA news with your contacts.
- Do you wish to spotlight specific resources, events or people? Email us and we will help you spread the word.
- Show your support: ask us for a jpeg of our logo and feature a link to the CNPEA on your website!
Have you ever considered becoming a sponsor of the CNPEA?
The network will be happy to display the logo of your company or organization on the hub.
Contact us for more details