The first Stanford Earth brand items have arrived at the SU bookstore with more on the way. SAA alumni members enjoy a 10% discount. Select items online.
March 1, 2016 7:30pm, Earth Matters public lecture, Bishop Auditorium
Stanford Earth oceanographer Kevin Arrigo has led numerous research trips to the Arctic and Antarctic. He will cover the impact of global warming on the oceans and share geoengineering ideas to mitigate it.
April 19, 2016 1pm-4pm, Arrillaga Alumni Center (free)
Peruse the fair and attend Connecting the Dots: Knowledge to Action forum. Stanford Earth Advisory Board's Marcia McNutt, the editor of Science and soon-to-be president of the National Academy of Sciences, will keynote.
Register for brunch at the educational farm, reconnect with alumni, hear the history of Water in the West, and listen to Stanford Earth's Rob Dunbar talk about submersible adventures in the Pacific.
Geophysicist Mark Zoback says man-made earthquakes from oil and gas activity are manageable but right work must be done first. Dallas Morning News, February 5, 2016.
Geologic forces that stitched the supercontinent Pangea together also helped form the ancient coal beds that powered the industrial revolution. January 22, 2016