ISPP Early Career Committee
Newsletter Spring 2016
The ISPP Early Career Committee (ECC) gives voice and visibility to the needs and interests of graduate students, junior faculty, and other early career scholars within ISPP. An Early Career Scholar is defined as a graduate student or person within eight years of having earned their degree. The ECC's goals include providing information and assistance to early career scholars' efforts to conduct political psychology research, helping them to develop their careers, and supporting their attendance at the ISPP annual meetings.
2015 - 2016 ECC
Committee Chair:
Sanne Rijkhoff
Portland State University, USA
Committee Chair-Elect:
Shelley McKeown Jones
University of Bristol, UK
Mentorship Program
Stavroula Chrona,
University of Surrey, UK
Thia Sagherian Dickey,
Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland
Professional Development
Gary Smith
University of Central Florida, USA
Emma O'Dwyer
Kingston University, UK
Blog and Web Resources
Kanica Rakhra,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Kulani Panapitiya Dias, Princeton University, USA
Newsletter Co-Editors
Kevin McNicholl
Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland
Elif Sandal Önal
Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
We'd love to hear from you!
Greetings from the Early Career Committee (ECC)!
We look forward to welcoming you this July at the annual meeting in beautiful Warsaw, Poland. As always, the ECC has arranged a number of key events and new events that will promote emerging scholars and enhance networking opportunities for those who are able to attend. If you are looking for someone to share a room with in Warsaw, please let us know as we may be able to connect you with others through our Facebook page or through email.
Registration is now open and accepted presenters should confirm their participation by April 15. In addition you should now take full advantage and get to the front of the line for the ECC Mentoring Luncheon for which registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. At the luncheon, you will be paired with an experienced ISPP mentor, along with two to three other early career scholars. The aim is to provide the opportunity to ask lots of questions and strengthen your own ISPP network. In addition, we hope you ALL join us for the ECC Social Hour; this is an opportunity to see old friends, make new connections, and establish a broader base among the emerging scholars in ISPP.
During the conference, we hope you will attend the two ECC Roundtable Discussions. The first is focused on practical, ethical and methodological issues that researchers deal with when researching social media and online dimensions of political events and behaviors. Experts will discuss guidelines for issues that may arise when using online participants such as informed consent. The second is aimed to understand diversity in academia. The panelists will identify ways to overcome challenges and propose strategies to counter inequality in academic life.
This year we introduce a new activity for early career scholars: an Elevator Pitch Contest. During two morning sessions, mentors will provide training to early career scholars so that they can present their research. Being able to present your research in a short amount of time is an excellent skill for scholars on the job market. After the training, we will have each participant present their own elevator pitch in a short contest with a financial incentive for the winner. We encourage those who are finishing their dissertations, or who just finished and are seeking jobs to sign up for the contest. Look for more information in the relevant section in this newsletter.
Finally, we hope you will consider applying to be a member of the 2016-2017 ECC. We have open positions in each of the areas: mentoring program coordinator, newsletter editor, professional development coordinator, blog and web resources coordinators, and a chair-elect. For more information about the application procedure, please take a look at the relevant section in this newsletter and follow our blog.
We are thankful to the special contributors in the Spring Newsletter, and look forward to highlighting more good work in the years to come.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions please contact us at ecc@ispp.org.
We look forward to seeing you in Warsaw!
Sanne A.M. Rijkhoff
Portland State University
ECC Chair 2015-2016
Apply to be an officer of the ISPP Early Career Committee (ECC)
The ISPP Early Career Committee (ECC) is now accepting applications to the 2016-2017 ECC! By working with members of the ISPP, organizing events at the annual meeting, and maintaining several online sites that facilitate communication across the discipline, the ECC is an integral part of the ISPP community. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and work with other members of ISPP, provide input into the ECC, and enhance your curriculum vitae with international committee experience to make our committee more representative of ISPP’s membership, we encourage applications from every continent.
To apply, email a curriculum vitae and a brief (max. 200 words) statement of your interest in the ECC and the ECC position(s) that are of most interest to you to ecc@ispp.org by April 30, 2016.
For more information, visit http://www.ispp.org/ecc or email us with any questions at ecc@ispp.org. Only complete applications will be considered.
Chair-Elect (1): Working under the current chair, this position is responsible for learning the ins and outs of the ECC, in preparation for taking the lead the following year. You will also work together with the chair ex-officio and the editors of our journals Political Psychology and Advances in Political Psychology for writing press releases and increasing visibility of the journals. Duties as chair include writing reports to the Governing Council, overseeing the Early Career budget, and representing the interests of early career scholars in ISPP. This position includes three years of service to ECC; as chair-elect, chair, and the final year of service is in the capacity of chair ex-officio.
Mentoring Program Coordinator (1): Arranges the mentoring lunch organized at the annual meeting.
Professional Development Coordinator (1): Arranges the publishing and career development roundtables and the elevator pitch for the annual meeting.
Newsletter Editor (1): Solicits articles and announcements for the Early Career Committee newsletter that is published twice a year.
Web Resources Coordinator (1): Manages all web-related ECC archives and responsible for updating the ECC Blog and the ISPP Facebook and Twitter pages.
ECC Mentoring Luncheon
Join us for this year's Mentoring Luncheon in Warsaw, Poland!
The Mentoring Luncheon is a great opportunity for early career scholars to sit together with mentors in their area of interest and discuss a variety of topics that could include (but are not limited to): career advice, theoretical and methodological advances in political psychology as well as hot topics in the field.
The luncheon is free of charge. However, there are only 75 slots available, so be sure to sign up when you register for the 2016 ISPP Annual Meeting!
Slots will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
This event offers the chance to early career researchers to meet and discuss with leading scholars from the field of political psychology.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Stavroula Chrona and Thia Sagherian-Dickey at ispp.mentoringtea@gmail.com.
Are you a senior scholar interested in serving as a mentor? To sign-up please contact us at ispp.mentoringtea@gmail.com.
Stavroula Chrona
Thia Sagherian-Dickey
2015-2016 ECC Mentorship Program
Early Scholars Roundtables
At the annual meeting taking place this year in Warsaw, Poland, the Early Career Committee will host two roundtables. These roundtables will address two key themes, which will hopefully be of great interest and use to early career researchers – ‘Taking Political Psychology Online: Ethical and Methodological Issues’ and ‘Diversity in Academia’’. We hope that these sessions will provide a space for early career researchers to discuss these important issues with more established academics, and gain practical advice on issues related to professional development and research practice. We welcome early career researchers to attend and participate in these sessions, along with our invited academics.
Taking Political Psychology Online: Ethical and Methodological Issues
The Internet is no longer an arena which political psychologists can afford to ignore. Social media and the online sphere more generally are now crucial in the framing and construction of political events, and further represents a context in which individuals and groups can mobilise and engage in meaningful political action to alter their social worlds. This interactive roundtable will address some of the practical issues, both ethical and methodological, which present themselves to researchers keen to examine the online dimension of political events and behaviours. Questions to be addressed may include: What are the ethical issues around online data collection? What does the concept of informed consent mean in online research? Do we need to develop alternative or additional guidelines for ethical online research? Are there any methodological issues which political psychologists need to be aware of when conducting research online? Are certain methodologies more ethically problematic than others?
Diversity in Academia
Diversity is an important issue in academia. Both ethnic and gender diversity is sorely lacking in academic life. Men and women face very different challenges in completing a Ph.D., acquiring a tenure-track job, and subsequently achieving a tenured position. Additionally, ethnic minorities are often underrepresented in tenured faculty positions. What is it about the nature of academic life which is causing these disparities? Possible reasons might include lack of adequate mentoring, access to childcare, institutional discrimination or the current output-driven academic culture. This roundtable will address the challenges faced by these different groups in academia and will include a discussion of how to best navigate these issues in the pursuit of a Ph.D. and tenure-track position.
These roundtables are being organized by the ECC Professional Development Co-chairs Emma O’Dwyer and Gary Smith. Established scholars will be invited speak and share their experiences on the above issues. We would like to encourage all early career researchers to join and participate in these roundtables. Specific details on the time and location of the roundtables will be provided in the conference programme on the ISPP website.
Furthermore, to make the roundtables tailored to your interests, do get in touch with any comments or queries you have in relation to the themes of the roundtables.
Emma O’Dwyer (e.odwyer@kingston.ac.uk)
Gary Smith (gary.smith@knights.ucf.edu).
2015-16 ECC Professional Development Co-Chairs
At the annual meeting this year the ECC organizes the first Elevator Pitch Contest. The goal of this contest is to train early career scholars to present their dissertation research in a short amount of time. The training is not about trivializing or “dumbing-down” the research, but to challenge scholars to consolidate their ideas and dissertation findings so they can be presented concisely.
We will have mentors to train you for the final presentation. These sessions are scheduled for the early mornings on July 14th and 15th. After these training sessions we will hold a contest in which each participant presents their pitch. The winner(s) will receive a certificate and a gift certificate.
We like to keep the group of participants small so that there is ample time for individual attention and feedback.
We encourage those who are finishing their dissertations, or who just finished and are seeking jobs to sign up for the contest.
To sign up, email your contact information, a brief (max. 300 words) description of your research and what your status is (e.g. student, on the job market) to ecc@ispp.org by April 30, 2016.
I am pleased to announce the 2016 Summer Academy will be held in Warsaw, Poland, for the three days prior to the ISPP Annual Conference. We are planning to admit 35-40 fellows. All fellows will receive a full fee waiver for the 2016 ISPP annual conference, as well as free ISPP membership for 2016-2017.
In 2016, the Summer Academy program will feature courses led by the following scholars: Molly Andrews (University of East London), Daniel Bar-Tal (Tel Aviv University), Kevin Durrheim (University of KwaZulu-Natal), Stanley Feldman (Stony Brook University), Helen Haste (Harvard University), Leonie Huddy (Stony Brook University), George Marcus (Williams College), Victor Ottati (Loyola University Chicago), Janusz Reykowski (University of Warsaw), Nick Valentino (University of Michigan), and Nick Wheeler (University of Birmingham).
The topics covered at this year’s academy will include: neuroscience, political communication, group conflict, trust and international relations, discourse analysis and prejudice, emotion and cognition, and narrative analysis. Fellows will attend a two-hour seminar on each topic, with additional minute breakout sessions for further conversation on the lectures with the instructors.
While the application period for this year’s Summer Academy has closed, individuals interested in these and other topics in political psychology are encouraged to be on the look-out for information on the 2017 Summer Academy to be held before the annual meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming meeting. Have a safe and enjoyable semester.
Chris Weber
Director of the ISPP Summer Academy
Passion and the Will to Know
By Maykel Verkuyten
ERCOMER Utrecht University
Being an academic researcher is demanding and often frustrating. You have to write grant applications with an often extremely low chance of getting funding; you have to conduct research that often does not produce the results that you expected and hoped for; and you have to write and submit papers to journals that accept only one in every 10 or 20 papers that they receive. So why exactly do you want to become a researcher and how can you prevent from becoming disappointed and giving up? How can you maintain motivated for the years to come?
It probably is not the salary – although I am the last one to complain about that – and also not the societal prestige that academics once had but that is greatly diminished because of cases of fraud, suspect research integrity, and the lack of replication of research findings. Probably, the most important reason is the intrinsic motivation to want to know. At least, this was the main reason why I started to work as an academic and what kept me enthusiastic and motivated to stay ‘in the business’ for more than 30 years now. Doing research is the most fulfilling and rewarding when it is driven by a genuine desire to want to find out how things are, how they work and why they work the way they do: the pleasure itself of finding out. And it becomes even more rewarding when your will to know is applied to questions and issues that really matter to you, about which you feel passionate. If you feel passionate about something then you are genuinely engaged. You think about it all the time and you are not afraid to work for it even when it takes a lot of effort. In my case this meant a research focus on questions of ethnic identity, racism and cultural diversity.
So it is a combination of wanting to know and passion, whereby the latter serves the interest of the former. Passion is important but in the end being a researcher is about finding things out. Feeling passionate about something provides an important drive for wanting to know. But it might also obscure and bias your vision and thereby makes the research more about you (it becomes subjective) than about the object that you study (object-oriented). This, of course, should always be avoided because it not only means that you are misleading others but also fooling yourself.
Doing something because you are intrinsically motivated is much more fulfilling and rewarding and leads to better work than doing it for external reasons. As Steve Jobs once said: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do”. The trick is to see and experience your research not as a job that you do for external reasons (e.g., tenured position) but rather as something that you do because you simply love to do it. This is of course not always possible and there can be academic and non-academic circumstances and conditions that make it difficult. But on balance it has to go in the direction of loving to do it rather than having to do it. The good news is that this is much more easy in academic research which typically requires creativity than in non-academic work that often is mostly routine. In addition, I have some suggestions that over years have helped me to keep the balance right. I give them in no particular order.
- Ask the right questions: those that matter, and that are not too simple or too complex.
- Step out of the ivory academic tower as much as possible. Follow the news, talk and listen to common people, to spokespersons, and to politicians. It is in the social world that the real action is and not in your experimental lab or survey data.
- Keep on thinking (concepts, theories) rather than only doing (methods and statistics). Make sure that the research is more than applying again and again the same ‘trick’ that you have learned.
- Be multidisciplinary, at the very least in what you read.
- Try novel things, learn and use new methods, develop new ideas.
- Read, listen to, and cooperate with inspiring people.
Ahmet Çoymak
Süleyman Demirel University
Dear prospective Ph.D. fellows,
The idea of finding a useful tool for bringing peace to the earth, understanding the true nature of the conflict between human groups and creating harmony amongst living species seems an almost magical and unrealistic aim for science. Yet, like many other scientific disciplines, the field of political psychology has been accumulating scientific observations and knowledge about individuals and human groups around this magical aim to achieve a better future for all. My name is Ahmet Çoymak (tʃəʊjmɒk, like Choymack), and this goal might be the one sentence summary of my entire Ph.D. story.
When I was asked writing a piece to this column by the Early Careers Committee, my first thought was that I should introduce my works and give some recommendations for prospective Ph.D. fellows as it was explicitly asked from me. However, then I realised what inspired me to do Ph.D. on multiple identity dynamics in an utterly different cultural context could be more important than what my Ph.D.’s introduction meant to be. I always find myself as idealistic and curious. I believe these are all necessary ingredients for a successful Ph.D. and perhaps what inspired me to complete my doctoral research at Queen’s University Belfast.
After proudly taking my social psychology MSc degree at Middle East Technical University in my ‘home’ country Turkey, I had moved to Belfast as a highly confident junior political psychologist who was the only one in psychology field getting a scholarship that Queen’s University offered to out of five prospective students. However, soon after arrival in Belfast, all my empty confidence had gone when I realised what I did myself with my PhD proposal. As an international student, possibly you couldn’t help yourself to ask many questions that have been raised several times in your mind about the new culture that you are going to go. In the first year of my Ph.D., I kept asking myself why school invested (more likely wasted) such amount money to my research which apparently go nowhere, and I wasn’t even capable of differentiating between communities and many paramilitary organisations when I was reading the bloody history of Northern Ireland. As a complete alien, how I could possibly dare to look at the complex nature of multiple social identities and intergroup trust aftermath of the conflict in Northern Ireland. I worked hard, but questions popped up in my mind in every challenge that I have faced. Why did I choose to Northern Ireland context as my Ph.D. topic? Couldn’t I understand multiple identity dynamics in my ‘own country’ where I knew all the politics, groups, language, and history? How there were possibly two majority groups in a divided a society? Should one of them be in a subordinate position while the other be a majority in the conflictual inter-group context? Believe it or not, even I had to challenge the idea when I saw the fist time in my life that people sometimes did not understand each other’s accent though they were all native in English.
However, years by years in my Ph.D. with the new society, the initial ideas of the thesis have changed throughout the process of Ph.D. and reached a more advanced level, though the core interest area remained the same. I even offered a new model in my research, called Identity Content Theory, which suggests not only the levels of identification with groups are related to individuals’ behaviours and mind in an intergroup context, but also the content of the identity has a significant role in these relations. I believe Identity Content Theory will lead much further research in international environments and shed light on many social issues, contrary to the insufficient representations in public debate and psychological fields.
I believe my research contributed and will help the idealistic goals of peace through interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives and systematic research, mainly focusing on the relationship between the dynamics of multiple identity processes, intergroup trust, and constructions of various forms of citizenship amongst adolescents in post-conflict societies. What I recommend the new Ph.D. students through my experiences is that you should believe in yourself, stay curious and idealistic, have fun with your Ph.D., build a friendship with colleagues; and most of all you never hesitate to fail because every failure would become a milestone in your further achievement. Then you will see how strong you have become to stand when you would be called on the dark side of academia, institutionalised publish and perish culture. And I am sure that you will make an ethical choice by looking about the possibility of corporations with your fellows all over the world instead of being agree with an offer by any organising committee which claims you should feel success and accept an achievement over a failure of your colleagues.
The Roma in Turkey: between Romani Identity and Turkish Identity
Canan Uğur
Queens University, Belfast
In recent days the news about PSV Eindhoven fans throwing coins to Madrid beggars has been perceived as scandalous and unacceptable (Quinn, 2016). The victims of the incident were Roma, who are associated with poverty and inhuman treatment wherever they live. This makes investigating the case of the Roma more important as the Roma in different countries share the same fate.
As a European minority, the Roma arouse attention of the EU especially with the membership of the Central Eastern countries that have significant Romani population. Yet, the Roma in Turkey have not engaged the interest of neither academia, nor international institutions. However, according to unofficial estimates of NGOs, with around 6 million[1] Turkey has the largest Romani population among European countries. So, where this European minority situated in a non-European country?
It must be stated that the Roma in Turkey have sub-identities, named as “Çalgar, Mangosür, Gevende, Karaçi, and Mıtrıp” (Marsh, 2008: 21) However, the supra-identity of the Roma is Turk, rather than Roma. Similarly, the Roma have religious diversity, but the majority of them are Sunni, while there are Alevi Roma, as well. In my fieldwork in Turkey a Romani NGOs representative stated that
‘We are attached to the State and the flag of Turkey. Our young ones join Turkish army, we are Muslims. If you go to the poorest Romani neighbourhoods, you will see that people live in tents but they have Turkish flag over their tents’
Indeed this was the case in Romani neighbourhoods. The Roma, despite all the poverty they experience, they have strongly committed themselves to the State and the Turkish identity.
Romani meetings and awareness of Romani identity
In 2010, the previous Prime Minister Erdoğan met with Romani NGOs representative and apologized to Romani citizens of Turkey, because they could not benefit from citizenship rights properly. This meeting was part of a series of Romani meetings and it aimed to provide equal conditions for the Roma so as to benefit basic citizenship rights. The policy areas that need action were listed as education, housing, health, employment, discrimination and prejudice. Although many meetings were organized since then, the practical change is very limited. While some policies have ended up with disappointment, such as housing, others are still waiting in the ‘to do list’ of the government.
In spite of this the Romani meeting were a breaking point for the Roma about the perception of their own identity. Kara Arus (2014) stated that identity awareness of the Roma has occurred after Romani meeting. Similarly, the Romani activist Hacer Foggo states that the Romani meeting created awareness for the Roma (Bozan, 2014). While the Roma vocalized that they are Turkish, after the meeting they started to declare their own language and culture.
Kara Arus (2014) describes the Romani meeting in 2010 as
“the Roma came with Turkey straps and shouting “we are Turks, we are Muslims” slogans. I wish you could see the face of the Roma, while they heard that the Minister stated that the Roma migrated from India in 9th century”. The awareness of Romani culture for the Roma has started after this Romani meeting”.
The importance of the formation of Romani identity is better understood by looking at the history of Romani movement. The first Romani association established in 1996, named Romani Cooperation and Solidarity Association, was closed because it used the term ‘Roma’. From the point of being unable to use the name of the Roma, to the point to the apology of the Prime Minister, the identity awareness of the Roma has increased. From 1996 to 2016 the number of Romani NGOs have increased to around 300, even if some of these associations are not efficient.
Although Romani identity in Turkey is still squezeed between Romani identity and Turkish identity, because of the nationalist reaction of Turkey, the Roma still emphasise commonalities with Turks more than the Roma in other countries so as to protect themselves. Due to the of the fear to be seen as a threat to the country, they always define themselves firstly Turks then the Roma. In accordance with that definition, their demand covers benefiting from equal citizenship rights. Therefore, there is a need for further research to understand the extent to which they are able to access equal citizenship rights.
Bozan, I. (2014). Roman Aciliminin Neresindeyiz? (Where did we come from Romani meeting?), Al Jazeera Retrieved January 20, 2016, from http://www.aljazeera.com.tr/blog/roman-aciliminin-neresindeyiz
Kara Arus, E. (2014). Çingenelerde kimlik bilinci Roman açılımıyla oluştu (The Romani awareness of identity has formed by Romani meetings). Sıfır Ayrımcılık Derneği (Zero Discrimination Association). Retrieved fromhttp://www.sifirayrimcilik.org/2014/02/cingenelerde-kimlik-bilinci-roman-acilimiyla-olustu/#more-292
Marsh, A. 2008. Etnisite ve Kimlik: Cingenelerin Kokeni ( Etnicity and Identity: The Roots of Gypsies). Istanbul: Mart Matbaacilik. http://www.errc.org/cms/upload/media/03/98/m00000398.pdf (June 21, 2015).
Quinn, B. (2016, March 16). PSV Eindhoven vow to find fans who treated Madrid beggars ’like animals. The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/mar/16/psv-eindhoven-vow-to-find-fans-who-treated-madrid-beggars-like-animals
[1] It is forbidden to have an ethnic based census in Turkey, therefore the official number of the Roma is not known.
We are looking forward to your contributions as short articles for our Newsletter's Fall 2016 Issue Theme: Using Social Media Data in Political Psychology Research
Finding roommates for Warsaw
Accommodation during conferences is often expensive. Many early career scholars are therefore sharing rooms and the costs. ISPP has secured a block of rooms at the Sheraton Warsaw Hotel at a discounted rate. They now also have rooms available with two twin beds. For ISPP’s special rate, please follow this link.
If you are still looking for a roommate, let us know! We can place advertisements on our Facebook page or can get you in touch with other early career scholars through email. Please contact us at ecc@ispp.org.
Call for Papers
Special Issue for Social Justice Research
Guest Editors:
H. Hannah Nam (New York University/Stony Brook University), John T. Jost (New York University), and Stanley Feldman (Stony Brook University)
Submission deadline for one-page abstracts: April 30, 2016
(please email to h.hannah@nyu.edu)
Submission deadline for papers (based on accepted abstracts): September 30, 2016
We expect that the special issue will appear in 2017.
The study of fairness and social justice using neuroscience and other biological methods is becoming increasingly widespread. Examining the neurobiological basis of justice-related behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes has tremendous potential to unify theoretical and empirical insights across seemingly disparate levels of analysis. The main aim of this special issue is to bring together diverse research programs incorporating methods and theories of neuroscience and biology (such as fMRI, EEG, TMS, and genetics, among others) to the understanding of fairness and social justice. For this special issue of SJR, which is projected to be published in mid-2017 and guest edited by H. Hannah Nam (New York University/Stony Brook University), John T. Jost (New York University), and Stanley Feldman (Stony Brook University), we welcome submissions of theoretical and empirical papers incorporating neurobiological techniques and approaches in the study of justice-related topics, including (but not limited to) empathy, fairness, morality, ideology, gender, (in)equality, intergroup dynamics, collective action, and social change.
Social Justice Research is an international multidisciplinary forum for the publication of original papers that have implications of sufficient scope to be important to all social scientists investigating the origins, structures, and consequences of justice in human affairs. The journal encompasses the justice-related work (using traditional and novel approaches) of all social scientists—psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, economists, policy scientists, political scientists, legal researchers, management scientists, and others. By its multidisciplinary approach, Social Justice Research hopes to further the integration of the various social science perspectives.
All submissions, including those that are invited based on one-page abstracts (which should be emailed to h.hannah@nyu.edu), will go through the usual SJR peer-review process. They should be submitted using the online system, specifying that the submission is for the special issue on the “Neurobiology of Fairness and Social Justice.” Instructions for authors are available at www.springer.com/11211
For any questions about the special issue, please feel free to contact us at h.hannah@nyu.edu, john.jost@nyu.edu, or stanley.feldman@stonybrook.edu.
Events Outside ISPP
EASP Medium Size Meeting on the Psychology of Political Ideology: Insights from Intergroup Approaches
Thursday, 23.06.2016 til Sunday, 26.06.2016
Organisers: Jutta Proch & Thomas Kessler
Contact: Jutta Proch at Jutta.Proch@uni-jena.de
The aim of the EASP medium sized meeting is to bring together researchers who are interested in the tricky relation between political ideology and psychological processes. One main question is whether psychological dispositions filter and constrain political attitudes.
Important insights into this question have been made by focusing on the relation between individual differences in the psychological disposition of people (e.g., rigidity, risk aversion) and their susceptibility to particular ideological content. We attempt to complement such a hitherto emphasis on individual dispositions, by focusing on political ideology through the lenses of intergroup approaches. Are ideologies also shaped by group processes, such as group identities, ingroup cohesion and transmission biases?
Moreover, in recent years, research on individual differences between conservatives and liberals has been criticized as “politicized psychology” and wishful thinking. Here, we may discuss the potential of group processes on biased perceptions and perspective divergences as well as their effect on social and political psychological research itself. We also would like to discuss meta-theoretical questions, such as how to take researcher’s potential biases into account, and whether unbiased political psychological theory is possible.
The format of this medium-size meeting is single-session, with a strong focus on intensive discussion of unresolved underlying issues reflected in the schedule.
EASP Medium Size Meeting on Experience-based versus information-based attitude processes: On the psychology of attitudes
Thursday, 21.07.2016 til Sunday, 24.07.2016
Organizers: Christian Unkelbach, Anne Gast, Sascha Topolinski, Pablo Briñol, Geoff Haddock, Rob Holland, Greg Maio, Rich Petty, Duane Wegener
Contact: Christian Unkelbach, christian.unkelbach@uni-koeln.de
Our evaluations towards objects in the world can be based on two completely different types of sources. On the one hand, attitudes can be based on one’s own experience (e.g., mere exposure; conditioning). On the other hand, attitudes can be based on information that is shared by third parties (e.g., persuasion; social media). Although the distinction between experience versus information has been around for a longtime, recent years have seen a rise in relevant theorizing and empirical research, for example in work on attitude strength, evaluative conditioning, embodied cognition, dual and single process models, automaticity, risk seeking, and the effects of social media. While these topics all relate to the distinction of experience based and information based attitudes, approaches and terminology vary largely. We hope that the meeting on experience-based versus information-based attitude processes will contribute to developing a common understanding and mutual exchange, and encourages new collaborations for future research.
SPSSI/EASP Joint Meeting on Understanding Hate Crimes: Multi-Disciplinary Analyses
Monday, 11.07.2016 til Wednesday, 13.07.2016
University of Connecticut, Storrs
Organisers: Rupert Brown and Mark Walters (Sussex University),
Blair T. Johnson and Megan Iacocca (University of Connecticut)
The problem of hate crime (bias crime) in many societies is regrettably growing rather than diminishing. In Europe and the US increases over the past two years have been observed, many of these incidents following international ‘trigger events’ including major geo-political conflicts and/or high profile terrorist attacks. Hate crime is a significant concern to policy-makers and social scientists alike, not least because of the deleterious effects it has on those directly victimised, but also because it is commonly assumed that incidents have harmful indirect impacts on other members of the victim’s identity group and on societal cohesion more generally.
Given the globalised nature of hate crime, with all its social psychological, political, criminological and legal ramifications, we believe it is imperative that an international and multidisciplinary approach be adopted. Thus, we invite behavioural scientists, legal scholars, criminologists, political scientists, social workers, human rights scholars, and policy-makers to take part. As well as established researchers, we hope also to attract doctoral and postdoctoral scholars so that they may benefit from exchanging ideas and study results with their more senior colleagues.
A variety of presentation formats are envisaged. The majority will comprise 30 minute presentations followed by a period of questions and discussion. There may also be some panel discussions in which panel members will have a few minutes to outline a new research agenda or theoretical perspective, followed by a wider discussion amongst participants. We intend to exploit both the small size of the meeting and the extensive time available to us to facilitate as much productive discussion as possible. Attendees will hear about new hate crime research and will be able to network with leading experts outside of psychology, swap ideas across jurisdictions and between disciplines, and form new research collaborations.
Thanks to SPSSI/EASP support, we are able to cover the accommodation and subsistence costs of all participants, leaving them only to find travel costs from their own resources. Graduate students, faculty members, and policy makers are all invited to apply for attendance.
ECC Online
The ISPP Early Career Committee wants to connect with you! Join in the conversation on Twitter (@ISPP_ECC), blog (http://www.ispp.org/jsc/blog), and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ISPPJuniorScholars?ref=bookmarks) to stay up-to-date on conferences, publications, open positions, and discussions of interest to scholars in political psychology. Also check us out our Wikipedia page ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Society_of_Political_Psychology) and get in touch via email (ecc@ispp.org).
The Early Career Committee is soliciting articles to be featured on the ISPP ECC Blog by early career political psychologists. These articles can range from communicating your research to a more general audience to writing about current social issues in the world through an interdisciplinary, political, sociological, psychological lens. Articles are solicited on a rolling basis.
We also feature the Kudos Column once every alternate month where we feature early career political psychologists in a public domain. This is a great way to see the work of up and coming political psychologists from a range of different institutions, regions, and disciplines!
As we move forward, we would welcome contributions and ideas for, and feedback on, the Kudos column and blog space. We want to hear from YOU! Feel free to share your articles and comments with Kulani P. Dias ksdias@princeton.edu and Kanica Rakhra kanica.r@gmail.com, the ISPP ECC Web Coordinators for 2015-16.
Apart from posting calls for job applications, conference opportunities, and summer programs, our latest blog entries include:
Kanica Rakhra
Kulani Dias
ECC Blog and Web Resources
Did you move?
Please make sure that the ISPP has your up to date contact details so you won't miss out on any newsletters or other information of the ISPP and the Political Psychology journal. To review and update your contact details please login on the ISPP website.
We'd love to hear from you!