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Summertime in California

In the last 2 months, Subud CA members have been busy observing Ramadan, celebrating Eid al Fitr, travelling and enjoying time with family and friends. Read on!

Subud art: "Initiation"  Still Life with Carved Birds        by Sanderson Morgan

Finding Heaven on Earth

Robert Mertens tells the the story of how Skymount came to be, and the vision that it represented for young Subud members at that time.  Read More

Helping Vets with Limited Mobility 

Dainuri Rott of Subud California at Palo Alto recently received a grant from Susila Dharma to support his work in helping veterans.Find out what he's doing and why Susila Dharma are giving their support .  Read More
   Exploring open water with Good Life Mobility                  Scene from the SICA film Travesia Kejiwaan

Subud Youth Launching SICA LatinoAmerica

Watch a wonderful film called Travesia Kejiwaan made by young Subud members from Colombia, and learn about the emergence of SICA LatinoAmerica. Read more

The National Gathering is Here!

Come to Redwood City on September 3-7 for a program rich in kejiwaan and workshop opportunities, and to learn the latest on plans from SICA, Susila Dharma and SES. Engage with more than 250 Subud members!  Read more

Exploring the Solar System

Sylvia Kuiper des Tombe tells about being present at the mission headquarters during the “Pluto Flyby Encounter” and it's connection with her family history.  Read more

Connect with our Blog

The newsletter is compiled every two months from stories and announcements that go out on the Subud California blog  on an ongoing basis.  Read the stories as they are posted by viewing iit at

Subud Sonoma Fundraiser

Subud Sonoma needs to raise $5000 to install a French drain at their Subud Hall before winter rains arrive. To help, go to and click on the Donations tab. Donations can be made by Paypal or credit card. The Center has also applied for a grant from the Muhammad Subuh Foundation to raise a total of $25,000 for this project. Any amount is appreciated! Read more

What's Up?


Los Angeles 
Palo Alto 
San Joaquin Valley
San Diego 
Santa Cruz

We love to include stories about Subud member activities or center events. Please send here

What was that Story?

Do you remember reading a compelling story about the World Congress in Puebla and wishing you could read it again?  Are you looking for a Bapak quote that struck you as particularly relevant, or trying to remember the name of a new member?  You can find back issues of the Subud California Sun here, and also from a link on the Subud California website.  

Upcoming Events

Subud USA Nat'l Gathering
Sept 3-7, Sofitel,
 Redwood City, CA  
November 12-15, near Portland, OR

Subud Sites
Subud California website
Subud USA Website
Subud World News 
See the CalEvents Calendar

Food for the Spirit

"Always this power of God, this power of life, is there within us. If we train ourselves to be attentive to this, and to feel it for as much of our life as possible, then gradually the power that moves you within the latihan will also begin to envelop and to be present in all your actions throughout your business, throughout your life, in your everyday life".    Read more

Bapak's Talk, Bristol, England. 
June 29, 1977. Code No: 77 BRS 4

Member News

New Members:
-Tim Eastman (Los Angeles)
-Elaine Smith (Los Angeles)
-Noëlle Morris (Palo Alto)
Members Moving:
-Duny Casteñada (Palo Alto to Chico)
-Paul Garth (Santa Barbara to San Francisco)
-Stefen & Rashidah Solat (Arcata to DC)
-Ray Zombroski (Seattle to San Diego)

Committee/Helper Changes:
-Manual Oliver, regional treasurer
-Sylvia des Tombe, secretary (Palo Alto)
-Patti Garcia, secretary (San Diego)
-Orianna Herrman Milne, helper (Los Angeles)

-Lorenz & Roberta Pless (61 years, Santa Barbara)

-Camille Mai Olender, granddaughter of Irena and Irv Olender (see photo)
-Pak Haryono Sumohadiwidjojo (Jakarta)
- Fiona MacNeil, Chico 
The Subud California Sun 
September  2015, vol 2, no 4

Editors: Elizabeth Trudell and Halimah Collingwood

Share your news with the Subud California community!
Send your art, events, announcements, updates, stories, interview and article proposals to:

Copyright © 2015 SUBUD CALIFORNIA, All rights reserved.

Subud and the seven circles symbol are registered marks of the World Subud Association, Inc.
Featured Subud art: Initiation by Sanderson Morgan, all rights reserved 

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