
WIFMCO October Member Newsletter

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” 
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
     Thank you to all the members that came out to our September Drinks & Dailies Event. Thank you to all the female filmmakers who presented your material. We are looking forward to seeing your finished projects!

     We also want to say thank you to our members that attended the CFVA State of the State. We will be writing about our thoughts and posting a blog on our website soon.

     Kathryn Gould our WIFMCO President spoke about all the WIFMCO events we've held or sponsored up to this point, and gave a sneak peak of events we have coming for 2017 and 2018 to include; Launch of our Finishing Funds Grant, 2018 Screenplay Contest, and the launch of our actor/writer Creative Collaborative workshops which will end with a fully produced pilot for a web series!  Information Launch Party in November! Be sure to check your inboxes or our social media pages for details and an invite!  

The next WIFMCO Board meeting is Wednesday October 11th at 6:30 p.m. If you wish to attend and observe or present to the board, please rsvp at by Monday Oct 9th at 5p.m

We will have some MAJOR announcements in Nov so stay tuned and keep making films!

Member Spotlight

Marteene Diaz

Q: What is your field of focus?

A: My field of focus in the film and television industry is as a filmmaker. This is very broad, I know. While my passion is directing, I can often be found behind a camera, handling logistics as producer or associate producer, casting and so on. I find it hard to pigeonhole myself to solely one position. Many people say "if you are good at everything you are great at nothing." I wholeheartedly disagree and strive to prove that wrong. My interests are broad and therefore, so is my skillset. 

Q: Tell us about your journey thus far in your career? Did you study? If so, where or are you still in school? (tell us about your journey from PA to Director)

A: What a journey it has been indeed! I've been in this industry for a very short 2 years. I started this journey fall of 2015, when I began my Master's degree at the University of Denver. I studied video production there for the following two years and graduated June 2017. Attending DU was the absolute best thing I ever did. Project DU F.I.L.M is the only reason I have a career of any kind at this point. In 2015, Project DU F.I.L.M created Happy F-ing Valentine's Day which was the first film set I ever set foot on. I went into shooting as a PA not knowing a single thing and I came out the other side of shooting completely addicted to the magic of filmmaking.From, this set I met a plethora of WONDERFUL people. Who I've since worked with more times than I can count. People who have referred me and handed work over to me and vice-versa. Since then, I've worked on feature length films and other shorts in positions from PA to AD to Director. I've also started a small production company with my two cohort members called SUM Media House. While each of us were doing freelance work, we started getting quite a bit of work as a team. “SUMsorta” just happened to us and we gave a name to it. 

Scary Lucy is the most recent project I'm working on. This was the second project created by Project DU F.I.L.M. I was lucky enough to be chosen by Sheila Schroeder to direct. This was really the first time I've truly been able to direct, by that I mean directing being my one and only job on set. Generally, I work with such small teams that I really end up wearing several hats. It was better than I ever could have dreamed of or asked for.
Q: What was your inspiration to get into this industry? Do you have any mentors you want to mention?
A: This is tough one to answer. There are MANY reasons why I got into this industry. Prior to this, I worked in the healthcare industry, which I enjoyed, but I was lacking a creative outlet. Quite frankly, it drove me crazy. When I think back to why I chose film it was because I wanted to effect positive change in people and, in my opinion, there is nothing more powerful than doing that through film and television. People consume the medium like water. If by chance I can create something that can help someone, shed light on a topic, or change peoples prejudices/biases then I've done what I set out to do. Also, it's freaking fun! 

A: Sheila Schroeder has been the foundation of my career. She's a brilliant professor and mentor and the most go-getting producer I could ever work with. She has gracefully guided me through this crazy industry in an Oz-behind the curtain-esque way. She's pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to ask and answer all the hard questions. I'm not sure how I'll ever repay her for all the opportunity she has provided me but she is at the top of my list. 
Q: Tell us about your favorite project you've worked on? Any take-a-ways?

A: Scary Lucy is by far my favorite. It was literally a dream come true. When I came out to Denver I came with this dream that "I want to direct films." Two years to the day, I was on set of Scary Lucy doing just that. My list of take-a-ways from that set is just too long to list here but the main thing I learned is that directing is exactly what I want to be doing and that I have a long way to go SO much to learn. 
Q: Any projects coming up? 

A: Yes and no, since we are in post with Scary Lucy my focus will be getting the film done in the next few months so we can get it going into the festival circuit. In addition to that, I'm doing a lot of writing. If all goes according to plan, that will be my next project.

Q: What are your hopes for the film, television and media scene in Colorado?

A: I have HIGH hopes for film and television in Colorado. While it's not at its peak at the moment, I'm pretty sure there is change in the air. Denver is at the top of people minds and it’s becoming much more than just a place where people visit. It's fun, young, and flourishing and the world eats that sh*t up (excuse my French) 
Q: Any advice/wisdom to fellow actors, filmmakers, writers etc etc?
A: Whatever it is you want to do, do it. But more importantly, believe in yourself because if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. Also, don't be a butthead. There's enough of that in this industry and no one wants to work with a butthead. (hahaha) 

Literary Classics

Screenwriting Workshops

You’ve written a film – now what? Get your script ready for submission!

Bring it to us! Each week the class reads the completed feature of one of our writers.
Then we spend the class time analyzing it–in detail!
Small craft lessons are included, but the focus is…YOUR WORK!

Only 3 slots left!
Thursdays, Oct. 12 – Nov. 16, 6:30 – 9:30
Class Cost:  $250

ROCK YOUR 1st 10 PAGES! As we heard the Meet the Pros guests say, a producer or writer’s rep only gives a screenplay 10 pages to impress them before they put it down.  They can tell from the very first pages if the writer is a strong one, and whether the story is hooking them. As a writer you must maximize those 10 pages! In this workshop, we’ll look at some successful screenplay first acts, discuss the essential storytelling components, and talk about what Hollywood needs to see to keep them reading. Better still—these principles will supercharge the rest of your script as well!

Saturday Oct. 14, 10AM – 1 PM
Fee:  $35

For an additional $15, you can submit your first 10 pages to Trai for a line-by-line evaluation. (Or just send in your pages for Notes!)

View Classes >>  Register at
Children's Book Collection


WIFMCO Holiday Party and Fundraiser 
Saturday December 9th
6:30 p.m
1101 W Mineral Ave.
Silent Auction
Libations and more! (open to adults 18+) 
Please join WIFMCO in supporting The Athena Project.
For our October Event, we are encouraging our members to attend Cocktails + Comedy

Athena Project Presents our 5th annual Cocktails + Comedy, a gala fundraiser to tickle your taste buds AND give you the giggles! 

All tickets include samples of our official Athena Project libation created by Breckenridge Distillery, appetizers provided by Rialto Cafe, a mixed drink with a Breckenridge Distillery spirit, FREE laughs, and a chance to bid on silent auction items. 

The evening features Debbie Scheer as our venerable MC who will be joined by comediennes Timmi Lasley, Terri Barton Gregg and Jill Tasei. 

$40 in advance and $45 at the door. $25 tickets at the door for artists - with proof of a business card, website, or headshot/resume at the door.

This event will benefit the 2018 Athena Project Arts Festival!

More details HERE

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