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LCG Pence Construction crew working on framing

Building hope

Each donation made to Ameena Project is special because every dollar goes directly to buy food, teaching and classroom supplies, and to the paychecks of our Kenyan teachers and staff. We’re always heartened to learn what compels individuals, families and even companies to give. So when we found out that the philanthropy committee of LCG Pence Construction, a prominent Pacific Northwest construction company, selected Ameena Project to receive a $1,500 donation, we had to ask “why?” and give our thanks in return.

“When one of our employees brought Ameena Project to the philanthropy committee and they got a chance to see the direct impact of the dollars to the kids, it was an easy decision,” said LCG Pence Principal Dave Hays. “We empower that team of employees to give generously to the causes they find compelling. Our goal is to earn profits through hard work and we feel the flip side of that is an obligation to give.”

The contribution comes at an important moment in the life of the charity as recent factors on the ground in Kenya – election turmoil and regional famine – have increased economic and societal instability. This generous donation will help offset additional costs for food and basic supplies needed to run the school.

“We’re so thankful for this gift from LCG Pence Construction,” said Ameena Project Co-Founder Ian May. “The financial lifeblood of Ameena Project is typically smaller donations, so a corporate donation like this one from a local company known to those of us who live and work in the Portland area, is something special.”

The heartbeat of Kiang'ombe.

School updates

Ameena Project staff bid farewell to Esther Malika as she leaves Ameena Centre to pursue her dream to start a medical project in another part of Kenya. Esther has been on staff since the school’s inception in November 2011. We thank Esther for the thousands of meals that she lovingly prepared and served to children and staff daily. Additionally, Esther was key in involving parents regularly as volunteers in the kitchen. You will be missed, Esther, and our hopes for a bright career and future go with you!

Students in all grades finish their last term of the school year at the end of November. Your financial support has made it possible for us to be bringing our sixth school year to a successful close. We thank you!

COMING SOON – new website

We are close to launching a new, fresh, mobile-responsive Ameena Project website and we can hardly wait. Be on the lookout for updates via Facebook and MailChimp very soon!

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