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Hello friends,

A quick note to let y'all know what I've been up to. Happy new year - here's hoping we thrive (and survive . . . this presidency.)
Love - Windy 

Recent Work

In early January, I made my largest rope sculpture to date: a 20-foot rope tree in Tyson's Corner, Virginia. My beautiful niece and install assistant correctly pointed out how cool it is to be simultaneously dwarfed by something you made, while knowing that you are actually inherently bigger than it is . . . because you made it.

5 Laws Of Installations

  1. Never start on the section everyone is going to see first. You make all the mistakes there. Start at the back.
  2. If you think the install will take 4 days, it will take 5.
  3. Order 50% more rope than your best estimate. Your estimate is never enough.
  4. Your best friends are needle nose pliers, duct tape, and your bad-ass whip-smart assistant.
  5. By day 3, you'll have broken through the macho wall and find yourself taking smoke breaks with the construction dudes.

The Year Of Knots: Complete

When I set out to make one knot every day in 2016, the goal was to expand my knot repertoire. Most traditional macrame consists of the same two or three knots made over and over in different combinations. I found that boring. It's like guitar: If you only know three chords, you can only play the Ramones. So if you wanna be Neil Young, you've got to learn more chords.

366 knots later (yes, 2016 was a leap year), I've become a bit of a knot engineer. The way knots work - the direction of pull, the tension, their topology and taxonomy - is endlessly fascinating and inspiring. The knots are a history lesson, my entry to the state of flow, my art school, and a new language. 

I'm thrilled to announce the Year Of Knots will have its first public exhibition in August at Themes+Projects gallery at the Minnesota Street Project in San Francisco. I'll remind you when that comes around.

Meanwhile, several publications wrote about the piece as it concluded, including Wired, Martha Stewart, Design Sponge, and more.

Join Me in Conversation

I'll be speaking at the next Women Catalysts event this Thursday evening under the Twisted Planes sculpture I made for AngelList in downtown San Francisco. Come say hello! Details here.

Next Carving Class

Next class is March 24 at the Handcraft Studio School in El Cerrito, California. A real woodworking 101 class designed to give you the skills to make your own hand carved wood pieces. Come prepared to work hard and get dusty!

Making Knots with @Wired 

Today, in my studio, I taught knots on Facebook Live with the fine folks of Wired magazine. Check out the video.

Just for Fun: My Home in Sunset 

I'm a longtime Sunset magazine subscriber, so it was a #dreamcometrue when they featured my attic renovation.
The newest member of the family: Shelley Duvall, greyhound.
"What I do is the most relevant thing I can do, namely, encounter and explore my own perceptions. Given that I do this as a human being, it ought to be of general relevance. I work as concretely and directly as possible; I am far removed from any ivory tower."
- Artist Fred Sandback

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