The Institute's weekly e-news - 20 Feb.
Institute News

From the Chapter Executive Director


The start of the year is often a time of change and renewal.  For the SA Chapter of the Institute this means a number of things. 

Firstly, we have a new Chapter Council and President.  Joining the Council in 2017 are Sarah Paddick and Simon Best.  They already contribute in a number of ways and we look forward to having them involved in the Council.  Incoming President Mario Dreosti has also been an active member over many years and his extensive practice experience and engagement with professional bodies, government and stakeholders will enable him to be a highly effective advocate for the profession, particularly as we head into the election next year.

We extend our sincere thanks to outgoing Councillors Sally Bolton, Sean Humphries, David Brown, Leah Salamon, Eddie Lukac and Steve Grieve and thank them for the contributions they have made to the Institute and the profession.  Their departure leaves three vacant positions on the Council and we are working to fill these places soon so that we can operate at full capacity.

We also acknowledge the incredible energy, passion and intelligence that David Homburg has brought to the role of Chapter President over the last two years.  He has been instrumental in fostering productive relationships with government bodies and the community at a time of ongoing change.  This has greatly assisted the profession in being viewed as a valued contributor to a number of issues including planning reform, local content and government procurement.  David has also championed the role of architects in strategic decision making, highlighted the role of design as the connector between people and technology and advocated for early engagement to maximise the benefit that architects’ unique set of skills can deliver.

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2017 National Conference, 4-6 May

Tickets on sale now!

The National Architecture Conference is one of the biggest events of the Australian architecture calendar and 2017 will be no exception as the conference returns to Sydney for the first time in seven years.

Eva Castro, Sheila O’Donnell and John Tuomey, Winy Maas and Rahul Mehrotra are among the first speakers to be revealed. Register now to receive priority access to the fringe program which launches in the coming weeks. Limited sponsorship opportunities are also still available.

Discover more

Home: Recipes from the Co-opertition Cookbook
100 Flinders St, 23 February
12:30 - 2:30 pm

Join Adam Brown (KHAB), David Brown (BB Architects) and Sarah Paddick (Totalspace Design) as they share their recipes for how to make a home.

A light lunch will be served thanks to the generous support of Architectural Window Systems (AWS)
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Pizza and Product Presentation
100 Flinders St,1 March
6-8 pm

Featuring Boral Masonry and ScreenAway blind and screen systems.

Register now to come along to this informal event providing the perfect atmosphere to experience new products and network with other architects.


Flipped Forum - Can Practice Influence Research?
100 Flinders St, 6 March 6-8 pm

Join the SA Chapter for a practice-led 'flipped' discussion on the potential for practice to lead academic research. To discuss their perspective will be:
  • Kåre Krokene (Snøhetta) – Working in overseas practice discussing how research is used to inform practice overseas
  • John Held (Russell & Yelland) – Use of research in practice
  • Jenna Holder (GHD Woodhead) – Recent Graduate – experience since leaving academia and now working in practice
  • Anthony Coupe (Mulloway Studio) -Experience as a practitioner and now returning to study.
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2017 Architecture Awards: Online entries closing soon

Entries for the Chapter Awards are closing soon in the following chapters:
  • NSW: Wed 22 Feb (11:59pm)
  • SA: Fri 24 Feb (5:00pm)
  • Tas: Wed 1 Mar (5:00pm)
  • ACT: Fri 3 Mar (11:59pm)
  • International and NT: Fri 10 Mar (5:00pm)
Projects must be entered in the chapter where they are located so don't forget to check all the closing dates so you don't miss out.

Click here for more information and to submit your project today!


Elections: Voting closes this Wed!

A ballot to decide our elected officials is required for the following vacancies:
  • 5 Chapter Councillors (International, QLD, Tas and Vic Chapters)
  • 2 Nationally-elected Councillors (National)
  • WA Chapter President (WA Chapter)
Eligible members (Level 1, Fellow, Life Fellow, Level 1 Affiliate and Graduate) are invited to cast their vote for your Chapter or National Council member. 

To vote, please click here and log in with your membership number.


What's On


NSS: The Anatomy of a Leak

Water leaks remain the most frequently occurring and most expensive defect in modern buildings. Waterproofing specialist Ross Taylor will explain how leaks originate, provide insights into preventing defects and the documentation necessary to manage your practice's risk.

Sydney: 7 Mar, 9am
Melbourne & Livestream: 9 Mar, 12pm
Brisbane: 22 Mar, 9.30am
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Competitions & Opportunities


Venice Biennale: Call for Creative Director

Expressions of Interest for the role of Creative Director for the Australian exhibition at the 16th International Architecture Biennale in Venice in 2018, close 26 Feb 2017.

For submission requirements, please visit

Notice board

Annual Member Survey

As a member of the Institute, your views will form a crucial part in determining our future strategy.

This survey gives you the opportunity to provide comment on your membership experience with the Institute; to identify the features of your membership that you value most and the features that you feel the Institute could further enhance.

Log into the member portal to access the survey link.

New contract available

Announcing the launch of the Institute’s latest contract, the Architect-Specialist Consultant Agreement 2017 (ASCA2017). ASCA2017 is intended for use where the architect directly engages and pays a specialist consultant on a specific project.It can be used to complement the Institute’s current Client Architect Agreement. The contract document is published and sold alongside a User Guide, Reference Copy, editable schedules and template guide letters. Members and subscribers with Acumen access will also be able to download the supporting documents from Acumen.

ASCA2017 and supporting documents are available now through our contracts website.


Sponsor News

Improve the accuracy of your BIM models

Looking to improve your BIM model accuracy or collaboration processes?

Solibri Model Checker courses may help. Central Innovation's fully accredited Solibri trainers are experienced architects and are conducting training sessions in February and March.
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Dulux® Colour Awards® 2017: Entries Open

Rules were made to be broken, so in its 31st year, the Dulux Colour Awards is celebrating bravery in design. Architects, designers, specifiers and students are invited to demonstrate their inventive, unique and forward-thinking colour applications in built environments. Entries close 17 March 2017.

Enter now at

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Contact us

South Australian Chapter
100 Flinders Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

08 8402 5900

The Institute acknowledges the generous support of our corporate partners

Corporate Sponsors
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