The Institute's weekly e-news - 14 Mar.
Institute News

From the Chief Executive Officer

At the end of last month, Expressions of Interest closed for Australia’s exhibition at the 15th International Architecture Biennale in Venice. Following on from the incredible success of the 2016 exhibition, The Pool by Aileen Sage Architects (Isabelle Toland and Amelia Holliday) with Michelle Tabet, we received a record number of submissions for 2018.

The Venice Biennale Committee, chaired by Victorian Government Architect Jill Garner, have been busy deliberating over the high calibre of entries as they select their shortlist which will be announced in the coming weeks. We look forward to sharing the exciting shortlisted proposals with you all.

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SA Architecture Awards

Come along to a public talk by Chapter President, Mario Dreosti at ODASA  this Friday 17th March at 5:30 to open the SA Architecture Awards exhibition.  Jury Presentation Day  will be on Saturday 18th March from 8:30 am to 6 pm. Times for presentations are provided below (please note these are approximate and may be subject to change):

Room 1:
8:30-11:15 City of Adelaide Prize
11:30-4:15 Sustainability (to be released)
Room 2:
8:30-10:15 Commercial
10:30-3:15 Interior
3:45-4:15 Urban
4:15-5:15 Education
5:15 -6:00 Public
Room 3
9:00-9:15 Multiple Housing
9:15-11:45 Residential Houses - New
12:45-3:45 Residential Houses Alterations and Additions
Room 4
9:15-11:00 Heritage
11:15-12:45 Small Projects

Admission is free and public are welcome.

Women in Architecture: Susan Dugdale

This column aims to highlight the experiences, accomplishments and contributions of leading females within the architectural profession. This month, committee member Jessica Hardwick interviews Susan Dugdale, Director of Alice Springs practice, Susan Dugdale & Associates.
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PRAXIS: Conference program announcement, final speakers confirmed

The stimulating conference program, curated by National President Prof Ken Maher and Prof Helen Lochhead and featuring a full complement of international speakers, is now available on the PRAXIS website, along with CPD point allocation and special program highlights.

Don't miss out! Register today for early access to the fringe program, opening next week.  

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What's On

Co-opertition Drinks
Friday 24 March 4:30- 6:30 pm

Join us and our new Chapter President, Mario Dreosti - for the first of our Co-opertition Drinks Nights for the year to be held on Friday 24 March 2017 4.30pm to 6.30pm.
Designwell Landscape Architects have kindly offered to host the event on the rooftop terrace at WOTSO Workspace: 217/219 Flinders Street, Adelaide.
About WOTSO 
RSVP to by Tuesday 21 March 2017.

Lawn Bowls Evening
Thursday 30 March 6pm start

Come along to the first networking event of the year at the Adelaide Bowling Club, Dequetteville Tce. Ticket includes cost of lawn bowls, food and drinks at the bar. 

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Competitions & Opportunities


The Emerging Architect Prize recognises an individual emerging architect or emerging architectural collaboration’s contribution to architectural practice, education, design excellence and community involvement, which advances the profession’s role within the public arena. Entrants need to be nominated by a member of the Australian Institute of Architects.

The SA Chapter is now accepting nominations for the Emerging Architect Prize until Monday 10 April. 
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SONA: 2017 Membership Renewals

It’s time to renew your SONA membership for 2017 and pave the way for your future career!

Your SONA membership can empower you to connect, engage and influence with both local and national events, competitions, prizes, policies and industry news. Go to the website to read more about the benefits of joining or renewing your SONA membership in 2017.

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Sponsor News

Asia Pacific Architecture Forum 2017

Engage with architecture from across the Asia Pacific and explore Australia's role in shaping its future.

Through exhibitions, symposia, tours and workshops, the Asia Pacific Architecture Forum will examine the opportunities that the emerging Asian century presents for architects, designers and planners.

Add your voice to this timely conversation in Brisbane 18 - 31 Mar 2017.

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Metecno PIR iPad Air 2 competition

Metecno PIR (a member of the Metecno/Bondor group) celebrated the launch of MetecnoKasset®, a revolutionary curtain or window wall insulated system with an iPad Air 2 competition.

With more than 200 entrants, Metecno decided to give away an additional iPad, bringing the total to six winners. Winners will be contacted by email. Congratulations!

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Contact us

South Australian Chapter
100 Flinders Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

08 8402 5900

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