The Institute's weekly e-news - 17 Aug.
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Institute News

From the Chapter President


There has been a lot going on since my last e-News in late June, just prior to the awards (including me taking a couple of weeks off followed by National Council, which in part explains my absence from these pages of late).

First of all, thanks to all of you who responded to my call for better membership participation at the awards. We’ve had over a dozen responses to date, and it would be great to see more. For those of you who’ve shown interest in helping out with some of our activities, we’ll be in touch soon. If you are still thinking about it, please give the Chapter Office a call.

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Informing Practice through Research  |  OUTCOMES

Last Wednesday the SA Chapter held the Informing Practice through Research Forum.  The forum was the most recent activity undertaken by the Academic/Practice Work Group, which aims to increase the collaboration between research and practice.

So why is research relevant in practice?  Every architecture project is a prototype.  In order to design architects must develop an understanding of the client’s requirements, the site, the regulatory parameters and the technical factors relevant to the project and resolve this information into a design response.  All of this is research, albeit very project specific and focused research.  Definition of problems and resolution of problems are integral to the practice of architecture as well as are inherent aspects of research.

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What's On

APSDA 2016 Conference
24-26 Sep - Adelaide

The APSDA Conference is fast approaching. With a vibrant cross-disciplinary program including keynote speakers Humberto Campana of Estudio Campana and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto of Atelier Bow-Wow the conference promises to provide insights into what is meant by HOME – at a personal, urban and regional level.

Please click the link to learn more about this international event and the special registration deals now available.

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Archi Spiel event with SONA tomorrow!

Mark the dates in your calendar, there are several events lined up for Archi Spiel with SONA in collaboration with The University of Adelaide and University of South Australia.

Thu 18 Aug - Sarah Sutter: Nature Play SA
Thu 1 Sep - Shane Kane: Poster and Presentation design

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2016 'Autumn Leaves' Japan Architecture, Art & Culture Tour | 12-26 Nov

This 14-day Japan Architecture, Art, & Culture Tour will visit remarkable contemporary architecture, famous museums and galleries, ancient temples, exquisite Japanese gardens and invigorating hot springs, conducted and guided by Architect, former Tokyo resident and Japan expert, Robert Day

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Competitions & Opportunities

Student Prize for the Advancement of Architecture - Last Chance!
The Student Prize for the Advancement of Architecture recognises outstanding contributions by individual student/SONA members towards the advancement of architecture. Nominations for the 2017 prize close tomorrow Tuesday 16 August.

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Notice board


Position Available: Architect or Architectural Draftsperson

A flexible part time position is available for an experienced architect or architectural draftsperson at Planbuild Architects and Town Planners. Planbuild is a small practice established over 40 years ago which is directed towards providing a wide range of services in architecture, town planning and building from offices located in Hutt Street, Adelaide.

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South Australian Chapter
100 Flinders Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

08 8402 5900
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