The Institute's weekly e-news - 7 Nov.
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Institute News

From the National President

As we continue the intensive process of renewal within the Australian Institute of Architects with increased momentum, our new CEO Jennifer Cunich is providing strong leadership in a process of building morale within the management team, rebuilding our IT systems and stabilising our economy. We are in good hands.
The new Board of Management is now in place with the appointment of three highly experienced and skilled independent directors: Genevieve Overell, Sarah Richardson, and Giselle Collins.
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2017 National Architecture Conference – Save the Date

The 2017 Conference will take place at Sydney’s brand new International Convention Centre, 4-6 May 2017.

PRAXIS: process.propositions.production will be an exploration of architecture featuring significant architects presenting their work and delving behind how the creative thinking and modes of practice inform these projects. Stay tuned for more details soon...

STEM Forums

The  SA Chapter recently held two forums to discuss STEM projects with DECD and DPTI. These projects are being considered for over 139 primary and tertiary school sites across South Australia and aim to provide increased opportunities for delivery of innovative and engaging STEM education to students. 

Attendees have been provided with a summary of outcomes and next steps. To register your interest in follow up events please email the SA Chapter.  

The SA Chapter curated a series of  successful events for the Future Cities program of  Open State including 2 well attended Future Forums on Future Transport and Modulation coordinated by Dino Vrynios.  

Among many highlights was architect, regeneration consultant and educator, Indy Johar's presentation. For those who missed it, please follow the link; Harnessing Architecture for Future Cities 

What's On

Contract Seminar
100 Flinders St
21 November 12:30 (for 1 -2 pm)

Providing services without a clear written contract in place increases the risk of misunderstandings and disputes between architects and their clients. It also jeopardises architects’ ability to pursue unpaid fees. This seminar covers the elements of formation of a contract and the status of unsigned contracts, then touches on some common standard form contracts such as AS 4122-2010, which is an especially  relevant discussion in SA at present.

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Thriving through Change Seminar

Architects operate in a complex, changing environment - technological disruption, client expectations, work practices and evolving professional standards. This NSS session, in collaboration with Parlour, will provide you with the insights, tools and techniques needed to maintain high levels of agility, effectiveness, productivity and employee morale.

Melbourne & Livestream: 15 Nov, 5.30pm
Sydney: 16 Nov, 5.30pm
Brisbane: 17 Nov, 5.30pm
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Competitions & Opportunities

Funding Grants for Women's Leadership Development

From 21 Sept 2016, WLA will provide part- scholarship grants for leadership development to women working in the construction sector. Grant applications are open for three levels of development. Applications close 15 Dec 2016.
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Applications Open for My Floating Home

Windfall Films, an award-winning TV production company based in London, are looking for Australian projects for the second series of ‘My Floating Home’. If your firm has been commissioned to build a home that floats on water, please contact Harri Davies.

Sponsor News

Congratulations The Condensery

The Condensery: Somerset Regional Art Gallery by PHAB Architects showcases beautiful continuity and balance, specifying Dulux Interior and Exterior paint throughout. The project has been applauded for its exceptionally clever application of red in an array of shades, including Dulux Deep Garnet, Dulux Indian Red and Dulux Red Leather. Photo: Manson Images

The look-out from Devil’s Corner will floor you

McKay Timber’s Tasmanian Oak provided the external timber cladding for Cumulus Studio’s modern interpretation of a traditional farmhouse at Devil’s Corner, complementing the agricultural qualities of the site. McKay Timber congratulates Cumulus on receiving a National Commendation for Commercial Architecture for this project.
Photo:Tanja Milbourne

Sound projects improving learning facilities

Knauf Plasterboard would like to congratulate WMK Architecture on a National Award for Sustainable Architecture for their Northern Beaches Christian School and Architectus on a National Award for Educational Architecture for the Mandeville Centre, Loreto Toorak. Both projects incorporated Knauf’s Stratopanel acoustic perforated plasterboard ensuring better acoustics and built-in CLEANEO air purifying technology.
Photo:Ian Davidson

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Contact us

South Australian Chapter
100 Flinders Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

08 8402 5900
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