2017 SA Awards Program
Opens Today - 5 December
The Institute is very pleased to announce the appointment of Adam Brown from KHAB as Awards Director and Pippa Buckberry of Anaglypta Architecture as Deputy Director with Gillian Redman-Lloyd as SA Awards Coordinator.
Thank you to Sean Humphries for his mentoring while the new team settle in.
Jury applications are open until 23 December and past EOI’s are currently being considered. The 2017 juries will be confirmed after entries close by February 28.
Entries close on February 24 and must be submitted in two parts by this date:
- Through the online entry system http://architecture.com.au/events/national/awards/enter-the-awards
- Material submission of an A1 foam core exhibition board with a PDF jury presentation delivered fully labelled to The Australian Institute of Architects at 100 Flinders Street.
Please note that both are due on the same day by 5pm.
# Projects must have reached practical completion by December 31 this year.
# Book your photographer now.
It is important that you read several key documents before you begin your entry.
- 2017 Awards, Prizes and Honours Policy
- 2017 Awards Entry Handbook
To download these documents please visit
Key dates to remember are as follows:
- 24 Feb – Entries close online and for material submission.
- 18 March - Presentation to jury day at ODASA
- 21 March – 7 April – Site Visits
- 10 June – Awards Presentation Night (Queens Birthday Long weekend)
If you need assistance to enter your project into the new Award Force site please contact the SA Chapter staff on 8402 5900.
2017 City of Adelaide Prize
Online entries open at the same time on December 5 and close on February 24
The City of Adelaide Prize is a state category prize within the SA Architecture Awards Program.
The Adelaide City Council and the SA Chapter are working together to support the enhancement of the public experience of South Australia’s Capital City. The Prize recognises and awards innovative built projects, including public art, urban experiments and temporary contributions that activate and enliven the City’s public spaces and engage with the community.
Entry and judging of the Prize will take place in accordance with the SA Architecture Award Program structure.
The Jack Cheesman Award for Enduring Architecture
Members are encouraged to put forward recommendations to the SA Chapter Honours Committee for the Enduring Architecture category by Friday 24 February.
Members are not able to enter this category directly. Projects considered in this category will be determined by the Honours Committee. Members, non-members and non-architects are encouraged to put forward recommendations by email to
sa@architecture.com.au before February 24.
Although not essential, any additional information supplied upon recommendation will greatly assist the jury, such as the project name, practice name, address, relevant contacts, drawings and photographs.