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December 2016                                                                                                            Volume 2 │ Issue 4


We hope you all are settling into 2017!
In this issue, please find our highlights from the last quarter of 2016. 

Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Publishes Sustain+Ability Issue

The quarterly issue focuses on how Tech alumni, faculty, and students are working to create a better world, built to last. The article, “A Sustainable Legacy,” features a spotlight on Ray C. Anderson and how our Center strives to educate the Ray Andersons of tomorrow (pg 104-105).

Also, find Faculty Director Beril Toktay
s perspective on “Just What is Sustainability?” (pg 46) 

Browse the flipbook digital edition here.

Center Collaborates with
Net Impact Club in Third Annual “Your Career and Sustainability” Panel

This years event, facilitated by Net Impact Chapter President Elizabeth Schultz and Center Managing Director Michael Oxman, featured panelists:
  • Nikishka Iyengar, Sustainability Strategist, Rubicon Global
  • Charles Marshall, Director of Asset Management, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport
  • Patrick Newcomb, Sustainability Program Manager, The Coca-Cola Company
  • Rebecca Posey, Programs Director, Footprint Talent
  • Scott Sadler, Founder & President, Boardwalk Capital Management
This annual event brings together a diverse range of industry representatives and students to discuss options for integrating sustainability into business careers.

Center Participates in
Environmental Justice Series


Michael Oxman, Center Managing Director, partnered with Dr. Chris Anderson (Principal, Yirri Global; Research Associate at the Colorado School of Mines; and Adjunct Professor in the Sustainable Minerals Institute at the University of Queensland) to lead a discussion for Georgia Tech’s Serve-Learn-Sustain’s Environmental Justice Series. The pair explored business-community relations with a focus on issues and lessons learned from the energy and mining sectors, including ingredients for mutually beneficial community engagement processes and outcomes. 

Read a reflection on the event from Scheller BA student Rachel Fratt in our new Sustainable Business Blog!

Scheller College and The Aspen Institute Host CEO Panel on Innovation Leadership


In todays market, no discussion about innovation is complete without touching on sustainability. In this panel, executives from The Aspen Institute, The Coca-Cola Company, The Home Depot, and BuzzFeed discussed the role of innovation (and the contribution of a sustainability lens) in staying ahead of the curve in global commerce. The wide range of topics included: reducing carbon footprints, water-smart seeds, sustainable forestry, water replenishing, and biodegradable bottles made from plants.

Read more about the panel here.

Center-Affiliated Faculty Profile: Dr. Frank T. Rothaermel


In the old model of accounting, neither consumers nor companies paid the long-term costs of what a company was doing to the environment; that was added to a tab picked up later by society.
Rothaermel, a professor of strategy and innovation, also focuses his research on entrepreneurship. His work has passed Google Scholar’s 10,000 citations mark and Thomson Reuters has named him as one of the “world’s most influential scientific minds in economics and business.”
View a Scheller Faculty Profile highlight.

Sustainability @Tech

Now in its second year, the Greenovation Proposal Showcase engages students in an ideas competition focused on ways to make Georgia Tech a more sustainable campus. Money from corporate and campus sponsorships, including the Center, funds the award-winning project’s implementation on campus.

View the Greenovation Facebook page to learn more about this year's winning ideas!
Upcoming Events

Monday, January 23rd | 5:00p - 6:00p
The Net Impact and Operations student clubs present
There is Nothing Circular about the Circular Economy!
-Paul Murray, VP-Sustainability & Environmental Affairs,
Shaw Industries Group, Inc.

Scheller College Room 201, 800 W. Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308

Thursday, January 26th | 11:00a - 12:00p
Business, Society, and Environment Seminar Series
Speaker Jason Kuang presents

A Dollar for a Tree or a Tree for a Dollar? The Behavioral Effects of Measurement Basis on CSR Investment Decision
Scheller College Room 221, 800 W. Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308

Monday, January 30th | 5:00p - 6:00p
Carbon-Conscious Business: Science, Policy, and Technology Series
Speaker Kim Cobb presents

Climate Risk and Opportunity in the Southeastern US
Scheller College Room 314, 800 W. Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308

Wednesday, February 8th | 6:00p - 9:00p
Serve-Learn-Sustain Environmental Justice Series
Speaker Dr. Joe Kalt presents 

Native Nations and Environmental Justice: The Dakota Access Pipeline Challenge
Clary Theathre, Student Success Center, 225 North Ave. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332

Thursday, February 23rd | 11:00a - 12:00p
Business, Society, and Environment Seminar Series
Speaker Dionne A. Nickerson presents

Sustainable Fashion: How Sustainability Claims Affect Consumer Attitudes towards Fashion Brands
Scheller College Room 221, 800 W. Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308

Monday, March 6th | 5:00p - 6:00p
Center Carbon-Conscious Business: Science, Policy, and Technology Series
Speaker Daniel Rochberg presents

Climate Policy from Paris to Peachtree and Beyond

Scheller College Room TBD, 800 W. Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308

More information on the
Carbon-Conscious Business: Science, Policy, and Technology Series
Coming Soon!
The Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business launched in 2013 thanks to the generosity of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and the Kendeda Fund. The Center was created as a catalyst, connector, and enabler, bringing together students, research faculty, companies, entrepreneurs, and other organizations in environments where business-driven solutions can take shape and thrive.
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