Are your choices taking you toward, or away from, your heart's deepest desires?
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2016 is behind us, and a whole year of potential and possibility lies ahead for us to live into.
Sometimes this involves a complete overhaul, during which we clean out closets, update our wardrobe, get a new hairstyle, and make bold new decisions. We decide to quit our jobs, go back to school, take that dream vacation, be our authentic selves.
Letting go of the old makes room for the new – physically and energetically.
But what happens when the platform of your previous experiences keeps you stuck – choosing over and over again what seems possible - based on old experiences, conditions and perceived limitations?
I recently had a conversation with someone who felt stuck. She had made many geographic moves in years past, and each time reached the same conclusion. She didn’t fit in. Things didn’t work out for her. She moved to another state just a few months ago, full of hope that “this time things would work out.” So far she’s learning a lot about herself, but the external circumstances remain the same.
As I listened to her story, and shared my perspective, it dawned on me that the reason so many people’s dreams don’t transpire isn’t because they’re not good enough, smart enough, intelligent enough, deserving enough, not fill in the blank enough. It’s partly because they lack a clear vision of what it is they truly want, coupled with solid structure & support. But the biggest reason folks have difficulty living into their dreams is because of those darn pesky old belief systems that get in the way, sabotaging their best efforts.
In my last newsletter I asked you to articulate what you would love to do, be, have, experience, express and contribute in the year 2017. When you give yourself permission to really dream, you suddenly find yourself flooded with inspiration. All sorts of beautiful ideas flood in that only moments ago didn’t even register on the radar of your mind. And it all starts with choice.
“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” – William Jennings Bryan

Are your choices taking toward, or away from, your dreams? Are your choices powerful and life-giving? Do they support your soul's deepest desires? Or do they keep you subsisting in the shoulder-sagging-gray-bleak-forever-wasteland of "It's not too bad. It could be worse." of the land of Settle-dom? 

You can choose to do, be, and have anything your heart desires. But first you have to decide on a destination, because not choosing doesn’t take you anywhere. Choosing allows you to set your compass and begin taking steps to move in the direction of your choices.
And I would be honored to help you identify and live into your most authentic dreams! I love supporting my clients in achieving their dreams, goals & aspirations, both big and small, and I am extending my Holiday SALE to make it even easier for you.

Holiday SALE


Ignite Your Intuition workshop - holiday sale extended through January 7th - $125
And, because this class is more fun with friends, I am offering an additional ‘invite a friend discount’ where you AND your friend can register by January 7th and pay only $100 each.
Intuitive Energy Healing - regular investment is $100 / hour.
Purchase sessions in 1-hour increments. Can be used for yourself in 1-hour increments, combined for longer sessions, or given away to friends and family members. Only $90 / hour - sale extends through January 31, 2017 
*Sessions must be scheduled and used no later than June 30, 2017

Swan Coaching & Healing program
20% holiday discount on all coaching programs - sale extends through January 31, 2017 
*Discovery session must be scheduled and begin coaching program in January, and completed by June 30, 2017.

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”  - Aristotle

Let Your Intuition Do the Work.

Learn the art of intuitive thinking. Apply it to your life. Know the difference between intuition and imagination, and what to do with each.
What’s your intuition telling you?
What’s the difference between imagination and intuition? How do you know you’re being guided by an inner compass, vs. listening to insecurities or outside influence?
Through a series of practical exercises, you can allow your intuition to do the work. To make that career move, expand relationships and own your identity. Discover more here:
Ignite Your Intuition Workshop
- regularly $150 – holiday sale extended through January 7th - $125
And, because this class is more fun with friends, I am offering an additional ‘invite a friend discount’ where you AND your friend can register by January 7th and pay only $100 each.

My name is Jennifer Britt and I help women all over the world live in greater alignment with their soul's path and purpose. 

My work is a synergistic synthesis of life coaching, energy healing, somatic bodywork, and intuitive development that helps you get unstuck and move into a life that makes your heart & soul sing. 

Contact me for scheduling and availability.

Our mailing address is:
917 W. Colorado Avenue · Colorado Springs, CO 80905-1555 · USA 

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Willow Healing Arts · 826 Camino de Monte Rey · B2 · Santa Fe, NM 87505 · USA

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