From jumping out of the sky to devoting one’s life to the search for extraterrestrial life, these are the people who inspired Virginie throughout her science career. We hope you find SPACE in your day to read about these astrophysics, magicians, and parachuters.... Read more.
This science writer based at NASA’s Ames Research Center shares with us what it’s like to popularize the research of a prestigious government agency—and how popularized science brought her to this position in the first place... Do you think science popularization is universal or do you see differences between the US and Europe? What do you think is at stake in the popularization of science? How is it important for researchers versus for the general public? Discover more on the blog!
We live in an era in which scientists can send cars in space for fun, where technology can read your thoughts (literally), and when we know more about the possibility of extraterrestrial life than ever... Read more!
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Sarah Amrani
Communication & Marketing Officer @MyScienceWork