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June 16th, 2011


Welcome to GreenSpec Insights, an independent resource for architects, green consultants, and building product specifiers. Each week, we aim to bring you not only unbiased new product reviews, but also insights into what's really important for environmental performance in specific product categories. We hope you find it useful -- send your suggestions and other comments to
Green product certifications report

Will "Superwindows" Save the Day? (and Can We Afford Them?)

- Tristan Roberts
Like Beyond Green Flooring: What's in Flooring Adhesives? on Facebook

Everybody loves a high-tech innovation, and our windows are very high-tech, but have we reached a point where we don't need to push further?

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Past GreenSpec Insights Issues

Unbinding The Secret World Of Flooring Adhesives

More Sloppy Cotton Batt Installations

Energy-Efficient Windows: Getting "Under the Hood"

Spray Foam: Good or Evil?

Formaldehyde, it's everywhere!

Beyond Green Flooring:
What's in Flooring Adhesives?

- Jennifer Atlee
Like Beyond Green Flooring: What's in Flooring Adhesives? on Facebook

Flooring Is your flooring still “green” if you install it with a less-than-green adhesive? Many flooring products, from linoleum to cork to bamboo to carpet tile, have long burnished their green credentials, while flooring adhesives remained an afterthought left to the contractor. When Healthy Building Network (HBN) began reviewing flooring adhesives for the Pharos Project, EBN and GreenSpec formed a tag-team, seeking out adhesives that could meet our high standards for environmental and human health. While so far we’ve just scratched the surface, we have several recommendations for finding greener options and will be working with HBN to review the best of the products they find.

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Buying an Appliance? Use Research and Reviews from GreenSpec

- Jennifer Atlee
Like Beyond Green Flooring: What's in Flooring Adhesives? on Facebook

Flooring I hate shopping. I'll do the grocery shopping, but when it comes to new appliances, home improvement, clothes--really anything else--I tell the shopper in the household what it is we need and he then spends the hours wading through specs, Consumer Reports, and price comparisons to make the final purchase. Thankfully, he likes that kind of thing.

I wanted to talk about our most recent purchase, because it gives a bit of insight into how you might use the GreenSpec product guide even if--particularly if--it doesn't list the specific product you're looking for. And here is where my passion comes into play--assembling research that helps folks evaluate an entire category of "green" products.

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