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Apr 17, 2020 |

April 18, 2020: China uses Zoom to arrest Christians, Google suspends church's app, Al Mohler to support Trump

Saturday, April 18, 2020:

Here are the latest headlines, brought to you by The Christian Post.

— Google Play suspends evangelical church's app 

Google suspended a mobile app launched by Christ Church of Moscow, Idaho, claiming that the evangelical church’s “ChristKirk” app violated its “sensitive events” policy related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The church used its Google Play app as a resource to post weekly sermons and podcasts.

The church appealed Google’s decision but was rebuffed. It’s been speculated that the reason Google removed the church’s app is because of pastor Douglas Wilson’s recent sermon on abortion and gay marriage.

— China: Police arrest Christians participating in Zoom Easter worship service

Several members of China’s heavily persecuted Early Rain Covenant Church were arrested by communist authorities as they participated in an online Easter worship service on Zoom.

Persecution watchdog group International Christian Concern reports that the Christians were participating in a Zoom worship service from their homes when six leaders were arrested and detained by China’s Public Security Bureau. The regime is known for using Zoom to spy on its citizens.

The 5,000-member Sichuan house church, led by pastor Wang Yi, has not been able to gather in person since the communist regime shutdown the church in 2018 and arrested their pastor and other leaders. Since then members have only been able to gather online.

— SBC leader Albert Mohler says he'll be voting for Donald Trump in 2020

Calling him the most “consistent” president in American history, prominent Southern Baptist R. Albert Mohler Jr., indicated Wednesday that he will likely support President Donald Trump in 2020 despite not voting for him in 2

While he doesn’t have a different opinion of Trump’s moral character today, Mohler said he was impressed by the president’s commitment to his campaign promises and as a result he will not make the same decision he did in 2016, when he refused to support him and encouraged other Christian leaders to do the same.

— Kirk Cameron, Candace Cameron Bure host Hope Rising 

Actor Kirk Cameron and his sister Candace Cameron Bure will be hosting a benefit concert called Hope Rising to raise money for Samaritan’s Purse. The online livestream event will start at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday and 100 percent of the proceeds will go to Samaritan's Purse which set up field hospitals in both New York City and Cremona, Italy, to provide medical support to hospitals caring for patients during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Hope Rising was originally supposed to be broadcast on network television Easter Sunday but the unnamed network pulled out at the last minute and didn't explain why. Cameron believes it might have been because the network believed the benefit concert was “too Christian.”

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