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This is the third newsletter from David Jakes Designs, LLC.  This newsletter features Crossroads, a new blog post on the future of schools and what next steps could look like for education.  I'm especially interested in a future that includes deeply understanding the new knowledge about teaching and learning that has developed as a result of having to shift the school experience in response to the pandemic.  To that end, I am announcing a new program called RESET/redesign that will help schools make sense of their experience as they look to the future.  Also in this edition is a feature on my work with the Racine (WI) Public Library and the manifesto I created for them, a technology feature on Mural, and announcements about the online show I am co-producing.  And finally, I have included links to ten exceptional online resources for you as well as an announcement about my new book on education and design. I hope you enjoy the third issue!
It's safe to say that the future of what the school experience will be remains an open question.  In this post, I share my thoughts on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the opportunity to discover the future of schools and education.
Introducing RESET/redesign
Like many independent freelancers, my practice has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  I consider myself fortunate that I have had a nice run of six years of interrupted client work that has helped many organizations improve their learning spaces.  My work continues - my direction is now focused on helping schools capture the institutional and community knowledge about teaching and learning that now exists as the result of the pandemic.  It is my belief that this knowledge is now the key to developing the future of school.  I have been preparing for this work by creating a virtual design studio that will enable design engagements that can occur online. Learn more about this opportunity on my website.
Racine Public Library Manifesto
I've recently completed an engagement with the Racine (WI) Public Library, working with them to develop a 5-year strategic plan.  One aspect of this work was to craft a new invitation into the library that was declarative, bold, and community-inclusive.  The outcome of this part of the work was the creation of a Racine Public Library Manifesto.  The Manifesto is an expression of the desires of the library community to become world-class and to lift up the lives of the people they serve.  The strategic plan includes a detailed description of the invitation of the Manifesto and I also developed a visual representation of it in the spirt of the HipHopEd Manifesto and the Expert Enough Manifesto.
Featured Technology:  Mural
I'm expecting to do a great deal of my design work remotely.  So, I've been spending time building out a David Jakes Designs Virtual Design Studio to host that work.  As you might now, I am a former Instructional Technology Coordinator so I enjoy designing technology systems.  Mural is a centerpiece of my virtual studio and serves as a collaborative engagement platform.  In the image to the left, I have 8 participants from an organization I am working with engaging in an ideation session.  The platform is feature-rich and has performed exceptionally well for my needs as well as for the needs of my clients.  Check it out at
#WhatsNextEdu:  The Future of Schools
I'm part of a new online show, developed in partnership with Glenn Robbins and David Culberhouse, two educators that I greatly respect.  The show is entitled #WhatsNextEdu:  The Future of Schools.  We decided to launch an opportunity to bring divergent voices into the mix of a conversation focused on visioning, discussing, and contemplating the future of schools.  It's certainly an appropriate time for that, and I hope that you will join us every three weeks of a thoughtful conversation.  You can learn more about shows and guests on our Facebook page.  Our next guest will be Karina Ruiz, Principal, from BRIC Architecture in Portland, Oregon.  We'll be discussing the intersection of design, equity, and education.  To learn more about Karina's perspectives, don't miss Designing for a more Equitable, Just and Humane World.
A Discussion with Lisa Kay Solomon
Our first guest on the #WhatsNextEdu show was Lisa Kay Solomon, who is currently a Designer in Residence at the Standord  The discussion was wide-ranging and focused on futures-based design and what that means for schools.  It's well worth your time to give this a listen if you are interested in how the future can be invented through design.  The video recording can be found on the show's Facebook page or if you are into podcasts, you can listen through your favorite podcast app such as Spotify, all available through our portal.
Getting Ready to Return
If you are looking for a comprehensive resource that can assist your efforts in restarting school and preparing and develop a plan for your spaces, here is a useful resource from my former colleagues at CannonDesign.  While it does not specifically target schools, the recommendations could certainly inform a school readiness program.  
Reimagining Schools:  My Top 10 Resources Edition #3
I'd like to share some resources that I have found that may help you negotiate the current conditions that schools face and must address. 

The Case for Futures Centered Design | Lisa Kay Solomon  
Responding, Recovering, Reinventing | Transcend Education
Designing What's Next - A Conversation with James Ludwig | Steelcase
Navigating What's Next: Post-COVID Learning Spaces | Steelcase
Envisioning the 7 Habits of Highly Resilient Schools | The Christensen Institute
THIS is Why Schools Exist | Gary Stager
7 Questions to Ask in Our Transition Plans |
What are you promising?  The Importance of your manifesto | Ewan McIntosh
Learning in 2050 | Inside Higher Education
The Purpose of Place:  Redefining the Future of Work | WorkDesign Magazine

My New Book
I've recently completed the first draft of my new book about education and design that makes a case for the rise of a new type of educator - the educator-designer.  The book examines the role that design can play in a pedagogical approach to teaching and learning, the creation of a school that addresses it's opportunities and challenges through the design process, and what a design-based education might mean for a school's community.  It is my hope that the book can help educators rethink the educational experience of school so that school serves to help students find the launch points for their lives.

It took me quite a while to write - a year - and through the process, I learned a great deal about writing a lengthy manuscript.  The draft is off to the publisher but I'm not sure how long it will take to have it ready.  In any case, here is list of chapters that make up the book.
  • The Shifting Landscape of Education
  • Understanding the Shift:  The Emergence of the Educator-Designer
  • Empowering the Shift:  Innovation and the Educator-Designer
  • Empowering the Shift:  The Design Process
  • Creating the Shift:  Redesigning the Student Learning Experience
  • Supporting the Shift:  Designing Learning Spaces to Support A New Experience
  • Supporting the Shift:  Designing with Technology
  • Leading the Shift:  Creating a New Culture of Leadership Through Design
I'll be attending the annual EdSpaces Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.  If you have never been, its an interesting mix of manufacturers, vendors, designers, architects and educators.  Check out the list of manufacturers/vendors that will be in attendance as well as the presentations schedule.  I hope to see you there.
Upcoming DJD Events:   I''ll be back on the road next month starting up client work again, and I'm looking forward to that.  I'm currently working remotely with several new clients through my virtual studio which has been interesting and successful.  At this point, it's an incredibly challenging time for schools and if you need support in getting school up and running or reinventing your future, I can help.
Do you need help designing or redesigning your school experience or need help in understanding what's next?  Contact me here.  For more information about DJD, my services, or examples of my project work, see
Copyright © 2020 David Jakes Designs LLC, All rights reserved.

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