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In this special issue, we focus on the new COVID-19 pandemic: how it is affecting education, work, disability services, and daily life. 

STAAR is Cancelled and Schools Remain Closed

Coronavirus is everywhere and is changing our lives forever. This is a unique moment in human history that is affecting the way we interact with each other, the way we think, move, work, learn, and even the way we worship.

In Texas, as everywhere else in the country, the number of cases increases every day. Along with it, the federal, state and local governments keep adding mandates, policies, and guidelines. Among them are provisions that will keep Texas schools and colleges closed until at least May 4, cancellation of the STAAR tests for this year, and online learning to all students, including those with disabilities. Despite the shift to remote learning, schools are required to provide special education and related services.

To read about some of these decisions and to learn more:

Where is the Coronavirus in Texas?

Video: What Do You Know? 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has a collection of videos and other multimedia materials to explain and provide new scientific information about the novel virus. Check out the Coronavirus Myth Busters and others. 

 World Health Organization  (WHO) Explains It Better

Pandemic Glossary: Self-Quarantine, Self-Isolation, Social Distancing, Flattening The Curb

COVID19 Texas FAQs

The first Coronavirus cases were identified at the end of last year in China, but the novel virus advanced quickly through Asia, Africa, Europe, America and other parts of the world. The information is overflowing daily and in many cases causing fear and confusion. Click the links below to learn what is said in Texas about the Coronavirus.

Can I Still Travel? CDC Domestic Travel Advisory

Coronavirus is Making You Bored?

Let's face it, Coronavirus is such a party-pooper, killjoy and Debbie-downer! Sports events are canceled nationwide along with concerts, gatherings of more than 2-10 people, schools are closed, and we are reminded every single day to remain physically distant from each other (aka. social distancing).

But we are not going to allow this virus, no matter how novel its nature, to beat our positive power and creativity. Since the beginning of our stay-at-home or shelter-in-place conditions (for some), many institutions and organizations in the country and the world started offering ways to keep ourselves occupied and distracted by accessing famous and state galleries, museums, and even zoos, among other enrichment activities and challenges.  

Check out our list:

 How to Avoid Coronavirus Stigma?


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The contents of this email were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H328M150022, #H328M150023, #H328M150024. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
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