aSpire: News from the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
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May 10, 2019
Sun rays shine through trees in a forest near Biere, Switzerland, Sept. 22. (CNS / Denis Balibouse, Reuters)

I will follow you

Dear Lord,

Sometimes the morning fog seems the perfect metaphor for my inability to see where you are calling me. How, through the mist and shadow, do I overcome my confusion and feel the peace that comes with a sense that my discernment is leading me to the right decision?

I believe I desire to follow your will in my life, Lord, but often I'm afraid.

Am I really willing to follow where you lead? What if your desire takes me out of my comfort zone, my safe place, my security? What lies there, behind the fog that masks the road ahead?

I pray first of all for trust, trust in you, which Scripture offers over and over in many ways and by so many descriptions. Help me to see that you are holding me in the palm of your hand, that your plans for me are for good, that you are constantly by my side, that you are my rock and my fortress.

I pray that I might have the desire to follow your will and the courage to look honestly at myself and my fears. I pray that you might help me find the quiet, the silence, the solitary space, where I will listen to you and hear your voice.

I ask that you shield me from the temptation to procrastinate, that you help me overcome the pitfall of avoidance. Guard me from laziness and from taking the easy path of self-indulgence rather than the harder task of self-reflection.

Guide me to seek out the right person, or community, who might listen prayerfully to my inner fears, my desires, my lists of pros and cons, and help me as I stumble through the uncertain path ahead. Help me to do this with honesty. Help me to open my heart in prayer to the saints and angels who stand ready to help me.
Help me to understand the paradox of the brevity of life and the need to make decisions, while also understanding that God works slowly in God's own time. Help me to find God's rhythm in this search, to feel comfort in the knowledge that God is not running ahead but walking beside me.

Guide me not to make a decision in the midst of a period of desolation. Help me to be decisive in those moments when God's consolation is clear in my heart.
Let me take time to reflect, Lord, on your life and the path you followed as I discern my own life's goals.

Help me to follow you as you lived a humble life, as you walked among the poor, as you welcomed strangers, lepers and outcasts. Help me to walk with you as you chose to remain faithful to your mission even as it led you to death.

I pray that my own life might mirror yours in integrity, humility, faithfulness, and that all my decisions may be rooted in my desire to live as you lived, Jesus, a life for others.

  -- Effie Caldarola, Catholic News Service

Two new priests coming

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor announced the new priest assignments that will take effect June 12. Our two new priests will be heading to west and northwest Arkansas; two other priests will be retiring.  Another four missionary or religious order priests will be moving out of the state.


"Each of you is called, like Mother Teresa, to work with your hands, to take life seriously and make something beautiful of it." 

— Pope Francis, May 7


Just one minute

“Stephen said to the people, the elders and the scribes: 'You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always oppose the Holy Spirit ...'" (Acts 7:51) Stephen, as a servant of Christ, proclaims the truth to power. He calls them stiff-necked; today we may use the words hard-headed or hard-hearted. There are truths that we need to hear and need to speak.

Reflection: Spend some time today in conversation with Jesus about the truth you need to hear or speak. Notice the condition of your heart. What needs to be softened? 

— Deacon Danny Hartnedy

May Datebook

11: Subiaco Academy graduation

11: Priesthood ordination of Deacon Martin Amaro, Rome

12: World Day of Prayer for Vocations

12: Mother’s Day

13-17: Campus ministry mission trip

17: Diaconate ordination of Daniel Velasco, Searcy

18: Pre-Cana Day, Little Rock

18-19: Catholic Communications Campaign collection in all parishes

19: St. Joseph High School graduation, Conway

19: Sacred Heart High School graduation, Morrilton

20: Mount St. Mary Academy graduation, Little Rock

22: Diaconate ordination of Joseph Friend, Little Rock

24: Catholic High School graduation, Little Rock

25: Priesthood ordination of Deacon Jon Miskin, Little Rock

27: Memorial Day, diocesan offices and schools closed

See more events

Our Lady
of Fatima

May 13

Mary appeared to three peasant children near Fatima, Portugal, six times between May 13 and Oct. 13, 1917, and asked for prayers for world peace and an end to World War I, for sinners, and for the conversion of Russia. She entrusted the children with three secrets, regarding devotion to her Immaculate Heart, a vision of hell and a “bishop in white” shot by soldiers firing bullets and arrows. Many connect the third secret to the attempted assassination of St. John Paul II on May 13, 1981.

Read more about Mary's message to the world.
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