PES Women and ASF (the women’s organisation of the SPD) are hosting our Annual Conference:
#MakeHerCount in times of crisis – progressive answers to gender blindness
13 October 2022 in Berlin, Willy Brandt House
Find our invitation here
You didn't reigster yet? Do so here to attend physically
All the information is available on our event app
If you can't join in person, you can follow the livestream on Facebook
Save the date: Championing Equal Pay. What are the ways forward?
ZIJkant & PES Women are joining forces once more, this time hosted by the City of Brussels, to shed light on unequal pay between women and men in the EU. The EU gender pay gap is still 13%.
To raise awareness about this persistent gender pay gap, we will premiere our 2022 EU Unequal Pay Day Campaign movie on the occasion of the Conference.
Join us and meet our champions, committed to achieve equal pay, from companies to legislators and activists, for a debate where we will explore the reasons behind the gender pay gap and bring forward practical proposals to close this gap once and for all.
“Championing equal pay. What are the ways forward?”
When? 4 November 2022, 9:30 – 15:00, followed by a reception
Where? Brussels Townhall, Grand Place 1, 1000 Brussels; Salle des Milices & Salle Ogivale, access through Grand Place central court
PES Women & Rainbow Rose: #ReclaimYourSpace in Belgrade EuroPride
15 September 2022
PES Women and Rainbow Rose attended EuroPride in Belgrade, Serbia, from 12-18 September, where they organised a series of workshops and panel debates in the framework of the joint Reclaim Your Space campaign. This included a women*-only workshop, a Western Balkans conference and a political rally of the PES family. During the Human Rights Conference, the PES family was represented by Helena Dalli, EU Commissioner for Equality, amongst many others.
Our political family also joined the EuroPride March on Saturday 17 September, with MEPs Evin Incir, Marc Angel and Cyrus Engerer, and many other colleagues from across Europe. Read our press release here.
In line with our Reclaim Your Space campaign, PES Women also supported the EL*C "Lesbian Resistance" conference on 29 September in Budapest with a video message from our President and published an open editorial co-signed by PES Women President Zita Gurmai, and Silvia Casalino, EL*C Executive Co-Director. You can read it here.
EL*C, the EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community EL*C is the biggest lesbian feminist network of activists in Europe and central Asia.
PES Women Executive meet and adopt paper on Parity Democracy
9 September 2022
PES Women Executive members met online for the last time for this mandate, ahead of our Annual Conference in Berlin. Members discussed upcoming campaigns and gender equality developments.
Executive members also adopted our paper on women in politics: Parity Democracy for Europe. A political system that works for Women. Find the paper here.
PES Women shows solidarity with Finnish PM Sanna Marin
26 August 2022
Following the publication and mass sharing of private footage of Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, PES Women showed its support for the premier, and raised what the real questions which should have been addressed, such as who was behind the leak or why women in politics still face double standards and misogynist attacks.
Find here our communications on Twitter and Instagram.
PES Women activities at CEE Network Korcula School
25 August 2022
The CEE Netowrk in Croatia held its annual Korcula School in Croatia, co-organised with PES Women. Our President Zita Gurmai gave an opening speech and moderated the first panel.
Under the slogan "Transforming Politics Through a Gender Lens", participants exchanged ideas on the current situation of gender equality, in particular in the CEE region, and other key topics such as EU accession.
PES Women at YES Summer Seminar in Vlora, Albania
25 July 2022
PES Women supported Young European Socialists' Summer Seminar 2022, "Wake up Europe! Future is now", and its Feminist Network, coordinated by YES' PES Women Executive member Evelyn Logghe. PES Women President spoke to all participants at the Opening Ceremony.
The debates supported include PES Women were Reclaim Your Space campaign, Zero tolerance for gender-based violence, Sexual and reproductive health and rights, amongst others.
PES Women marks international days
Click on the pictures to read our statements and communications
PES Women puts gender lense on PES thematic Networks
September 2022
PES Women has participated in several PES Networks and activities in September 2022: Vice-President Mija Javornik in the Migration and Integration Network (MIN) on 26/09; Vice-President Katrine Skov in the PES Social Europe Network (SEN) on 27/09.
PES Women President Zita Gurmai participated in several PES Statutes Committee meetings and PES Presidency meeting on 29/09 ahead of the PES Congress.
PES Women Vice-President Zefi Dimadama attended the 1st Solidar Just Transition Alliance leaders meeting on 28/09.
PES Women Members & Affiliates
Read more about what our members and affiliates have been up to
MEPs gathered to protest against the brutal regime in Iran, demanding the abolition of all discriminatory laws, including abolishing the “morality police”.
FEPS newsletter Progressive Page highlights pathways for sexual reproductive health and rights.
What's coming up?
PES Women Annual Conference, Berlin
13 October
PES Congress, PES Women elections & PES Women Statutory Meeting, Berlin
14-15 October
"Championing equal pay. What are the ways forward?" Conference, Brussels
4 November