The Caregiver's Voice Newsletter
Slow Down... Time Moves Fast Enough
The Caregiver's Voice

Volume 12: Issue 8

Slow Down... Time Moves Fast Enough

Time moves faster the older we get. Instead of racing around trying to get it all done, let us practice slowing down. There will always be one more thing. Time is one thing we cannot get more of.

Let us savor the moment we have, now. 

Let us include our loved one with dementia.

When possible, instead of caregiving, let us serve as a care partner. Anne Basting, founder of TimeSlips, creates potential for care-partner relationships when she writes, "By engaging people with memory loss in creative activities, their focus shifts to invention and spontaneity instead of memory and their limitations."  UWM Alumni Special Edition - Spring, p. 3

When we're younger, we move faster. There's much to look forward to with a heaping buffet of opportunity on our plates.

While our world has changed a lot this year and last, let us take time to look around, to digest what's around us. Let us consider the opportunities. After all, we can't turn back the clock. We'll never be as young as we are, today.

I plan to take time for to do a few FUN summer activities for my birthday month. Anyone up for a hike?

Brenda Avadian presenting caregiving speech
Brenda Avadian, MA
Alzheimer's/Dementia & Caregiving Professional Speaker
Editor, The Caregiver's Voice Newsletter

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Caregiver Tips

Elder Fraud, New Law re: Doctor-Caregiver Transparency, Aging Care Options, Medicare vs. Medicaid, and Taxes in Each of the 50 StatesMedicare Health Insurance Card from
Article excerpts include the FBI's Elder Fraud Report (thousands scammed of $100,000 or more), Care Options for Older People, Differences between Medicare and Medicaid, New Law Requiring A Free Copy of Medical Records, and Taxes in Each of the 50 United States.VerifyCare-Using-Home-Screen

Family Caregiving Challenges and How VerifyCare Can Help
The VerifyCare app helps caregivers coordinate and track caregiving tasks, medicines taken, and provides reminders of doctor's appointments.

Brenda Avadian emphasizing: Caregiver You MatterWe're getting together in 2021 and 2022!
Schedule an Animated Caregiver SPEAKER
for Your Event

Brenda says:
"Caregiver, YOU Matter!"

Caregiver TIPS | Inspiring Stories | Humor

Avadian's MusingsOmentum Image - Dr Harry S Goldsmith -
Whatever Happened to OMENTUM Surgery for Alzheimer’s?

About 20 years ago, five patients with Alzheimer's improved their memory following surgery by Dr. Harry Goldsmith. CBS aired a special about the people with Alzheimer's who chose Dr. Goldsmith's elective procedure to bring oxygen-rich blood to the brain. We need to revisit this.
Caregiving and Decluttering titles
from your favorite local bookstore or online.
AMAZON + Barnes and Noble
Write to us for discounts on CASE orders.

The Caregiver's Voice VIDEO

Lisa Marshall and husband Peter's wedding - Alzheimer's.Alzheimer's and A Touching Marriage Proposal... Again
When people with dementia forget their loved one's name, it's heartwarming to know, one remembers and still loves his girl (wife) enough to get married (again). Peter and Lisa Marshall.

The Caregiver's Voice BONUS

Books - Humans will create more info in the next 2 days than in all history through 2003-Курьерская Служба УкраиныDon’t Say It. Do It. ACT.
Our brains interpret our words about our goals as if we've actually achieved them. How many things have you said that remain undone? Instead of talking about goals, we must ACT.


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The Caregiver's Voice MISSION

  1. Support Caregivers for People with Dementia
  2. Illuminate the Multi-Dimensional Role of Caregiving 
  3. Bring Caregivers Hope and Strength with Knowledge, Support, and Humor
CONTACT Brenda Avadian for one-on-one caregiver support,
workshops, and speeches.

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