Progressives call for strong European democracies with feminist values at heart
In the context of the high-level conference With Courage. For Europe. organised by the Party of European Socialist on 25-26 June, the PES Presidency adopted a declaration underlining the importance of gender equality for European democracy. During the conference, PES Women and the German social democratic women's organisation ASF hosted an event entitled #MakeHerCount for Democracy. Read more.
Ahead of the PES conference, the PES Women Statutory underlined that equal representation of women in decision-making is crucial for strong European democracies. Read more & re-watch the whole event here.
Generation Equality Forum World Café:
"(Y)our body, (y)our choice, (y)our voice - towards and inclusive and feminist global leadership for SRHR!"
29 June 2021
Seizing the opportunity provided by the Paris Generation Equality Forum (GEF), PES Women, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, the Fondation Jean Jaurès, PS France and the Global Progressive Forum joined forces in a global multistakeholder event intended to gather feminist grassroot voices from all over the world to bolster progressive and feminist leadership in advancing women’s sexual health and reproductive rights. Read more & check out the illustrations of the event.
PES ministers: gender equality must be high on EU agenda during second half of 2021
28 June 2021
As parts of Europe ease COVID-19 restrictions and the Conference on the Future of Europe gets under way, gender equality must be high on the EU agenda for the second half of 2021, PES ministers and state secretaries for gender equality agreed in a meeting that summarised the Portuguese Council presidency and locked ahead to the coming Slovenian leadership of the Council of the EU. Read more.
PES Women Feminist Economy Brochure contribution by MEP Lina Gálvez Muños
1 June 2021
MEP Lina Gálvez Muños (S&D, Spain) kept our article series about feminist economics going with her contribution about "The Triplet Transition Towards a New Social Organization of Care. A Feminist Economics Proposal for the Future of Europe". Read more.
PES Women & YES launch campaign for Menstrual Hygiene Day
28 May 2021
PES Women and Young European Socialists joined together for a social media campaign with the slogan "My period is not a luxury", aimed at combating stigma around menstruation and putting a stop to period poverty. Read more.
PES Women Nordic/Baltic cluster exchanges on EU gender equality priorities
21 June 2021
PES Women members from the Nordic/Baltic region met with Swedish S&D MEP Heléne Fritzon to discuss progressive priorities for gender equality at the EU-level and joint Nordic/Baltic efforts to promote women's rights. Read more.
PES Women brings gender equality perspective to PES meetings
June-July 2021
PES Women Vice-Presidents Zita Dimadama, Marja Bijl and Katrine Skov brought a gender equality perspective to the PES Environment, Climate Change & Energy Network (30 June), Migration & Integration Network (23 June) and Social Europe Network (16 June).
PES Women Members & Affiliates
To read more about what our members and affiliates have been up to, click on the pictures.
#LoveWhereILive - PES, Rainbow Rose & PES CoR back LGBTIQ freedom cities and regions with declaration and event
29 June 2021
S&D MEP Fred Matić’s report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights adopted in the European Parliament
25 June 2021
PES Women Zita Gurmai speaks at IUSY World Congress on youth and digitalisation
18 June 2021
Swiss social democratic women hold annual "women's strike" 14 June 2021
S&D Chair Iratxe García: “Wherever a beneficiary of the EU cohesion funds adopts a discriminatory policy, the EU funding should be interrupted”
8 June 2021
PES Women President Zita Gurmai speaks at Danish SD party & social democratic women's Helga Network gender equality conference 28 May 2021
FEPS Call to Europe Feminist Culture Café w. Zita Gurmai & open mic session w. PES Women Vice President Mija Javornik