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RÉCIT AGE welcomes you back !

September 2021
The RÉCIT team has gone through a few changes since last year. We each will be leading a dossier and focusing on it. Changes will be slight, but impactful. Look out for Giovanna to lead centre and teacher support. You can reach her at Emilie will be reimagining Project RISE. You can follow the progress on RÉCIT AGE. Avi will head the charge on assistive technology. In an article below, you will see that he is already working with the French sector and is ready to work with you. Marc, as always, will keep the lines of communication open and running smoothly.

Recent activities


Live chat on the RÉCIT AGE website

You can now reach the RÉCIT AGE team through a live chat function on our RÉCIT AGE website. It is not always convenient to take the time to write an email, so we have provided an alternative way to send us a message. On our Home Page, scroll down below our team pictures and you will see the Live Chat (or Leave a Message) button. You can sign in with your email or by clicking on the Google or Facebook icons. After that, type away and our chat jockey (Marc) will either chat back or get your message to the right person.

Visit us on the RÉCIT AGE website !

Project RISE Resources

Project RISE 2020-2021

Three new digital resources were produced during the 2020-2021 school year !

Jinju Lee (RSB) and Ann Fairhurst-Lozyk (EMSB) created an employment-themed choice board for students in the P105-4 "Stepping Out" course. Students can choose from twelve tasks targeting each of the four categories of action at varying levels of difficulty.

Denise Currie (LBPSB) developed a choice board for Social Integration students with three activities differentiated by no tech, some tech, or high tech use. This site was also created with accessibility in mind, accounting for color-blind users or those with low vision. Its adaptable minimalist design also works on a variety of devices.

Darlene Brown (SWLSB) and Vahan Bedros (EMSB) constructed the ELA Toolbox, a student-facing site with resources for DBE English courses from secondary 1 to 5. It features printable infographics as well as digital copies of public domain short stories and poems that can be used for interactive textual analysis.

Check out all three resources on the Project RISE page of our RÉCIT AGE website.

Accessibility Workshop

Microsoft Lens and Immersive Reader for all students

Avi Spector (RÉCIT AGE) and Jean-Simon Gardner (RÉCIT FGA) presented two workshops on using Microsoft Lens with Immersive Reader to digitize texts. These tools allow adult learners to use their phones to scan any printed text and make it more accessible.

With Lens and Immersive Reader, the font size, font type, or background color can be changed to increase legibility. If the learner prefers to listen to the text read aloud, there is a “text to speech” option. The tempo can be sped up or slowed. Learners can tap on individual words to hear the pronunciation or see an image of the word via a picture dictionary. The text can also be translated into the learner’s native language.

The message in both workshops was that these tools are universal and can benefit ALL adult learners, not just those with learning difficulties ! If you would like a session at your AGE centre, please contact Avi Spector ( (RÉCIT AGE) or Karine Jacques ( (SÉC) to arrange an online workshop.

Check it out !

PD à la carte

Self-directed PD with PD à la carte

Back in April 2020, three separate organisations (RÉCIT VT, DBE Consultants, and RÉCIT AGE) got together to offer help to the AGE network to get and to stay online. PD à la carte has served its purpose with many teachers flourishing through digital teaching and learning during the 2020-2021 academic year. Many have achieved an impressive level of competence and comfort with their respective LMS. New teachers and those seeking to better their ed tech skills are in luck: PD à la carte is being transformed into a self-directed PD hub for many of those tools and skills used to reach and teach students over the last year.

PD à la carte

Orange Shirt Day

Education for Reconciliation: Beginning the Journey

Our partners at LEARN are offering a workshop on Friday, September 17, 2021 from 3 to 4 PM on reconciliation. Lisa Howell from the WQSB will be discussing how teachers have a role in empowering students to learn about truth and reconciliation and in building relationships with local Indigenous communities. This event is open to everyone.

Orange Shirt Day PD and Registration

Educational Consulting in Québec

Being an EC in QC
by Marc Gariépy

The EC in QC section of our newsletter is for consultants.

When I first started consulting, I would tell teachers with whom I was working that I was “un prof pas de classe” (a teacher with no class). It was a way for me to break the ice and to show that I was not very far removed from the classroom. I am no longer satisfied with that definition, since it no longer faithfully represents what it is that I do.

The recent Framework for Competent Action in Educational Consulting, published by the University of Sherbrooke elaborates on three concepts that help to define professional action: Role, Practice, and Competence.

The Role of an Education Consultant is related to their social position within their organisation. One can recognize that role through a set of activities, behaviours, and tasks that can either be fixed or that evolve based on the values and expectations of the EC’s milieu. This is a good place to start, but somewhat incomplete.

Practice is associated with professional activity as well as the intention to act professionally. In essence, it is not only your response to a teacher's request, but also the preparation, resource gathering, and knowledge that comes with it. Practice is as much about getting ready to meet with someone professionally as the meeting itself. All of this within a context of growth and positive change.

Finally, there is the notion of Competence. To quote directly from the Framework: “Competence arises out of the mobilization and combination of internal and external resources from which an appropriate, situation-specific professional practice emerges.” In other words, knowing how to bring the resources that you have gathered along with your professional knowledge and know-how to a professional activity within a specific context.

According to the researchers, all three of the above components make up what they define as competent action in educational consulting. How we define ourselves professionally has an impact on how we are perceived by others and in turn how effective we are at our job. Knowing where we fit in our organisation can help us to become better leaders. As agents of change, we strive to grow the knowledge base and teaching practice for the betterment of our organisation’s stakeholders. Lastly, fostering relationships with teachers, administrators, and staff extends our influence and allow us greater professional reach.


Visit the RÉCIT VT website for updates and information. Vocational teachers, consultants, and administrators can also book an appointment with James for any PD needs or training requests.

James Burn on Twitter

Your RÉCIT-VT resource person

Social media and websites

How to reach us: Facebook and Twitter:
@SalvagioJoanne   @ebowles_RECIT   @a_spector   @MrGwrites

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Our Partners

Alexandrie FGAAprès-cours FGACampus RÉCIT  • Carrefour FGA
Moodle FGAPédago Mosaïque / PDMosaicRÉCIT
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RECIT AGE · 430 Boul Arthur-Sauve Suite 4012 · Saint-Eustache, QC J7R 6V6 · Canada

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