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The line has been crossed. Europe must become a zero-tolerance zone for gender-based violence.
On 25 November, PEW Women will mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women with a call to make Europe a zero-tolerance zone for gender-based violence. The campaign is visualised by a specially designed barrier tape to use at demonstrations and photo ops, reminiscent of police incident tape. The tape and slogan promote prevention, drawing attention to the fact that once the police are on the scene of a gender-based crime, it is often too late. Follow our campaign online.

Ahead of the international day, PES Women has also published our new manifesto with policy demands to end gender-based violence based on three pillars: a strong legal framework, adequate funding and changing mindsets.

PES Women marked European Unequal Pay Day 2021

10 November 2021
For this year's European Unequal Pay Day, PES Women in cooperation with its Belgian member organisation ZIJkant created a video and photo campaign to highlight the importance of sharing tasks equally at home for equal opportunities at work. Read more.

The campaign was launched already on 5 November, with an online panel on the topic "The Gender Pay Gap: What Can YOU Do? What Can the EU Do?".

PES Women Statutory: "Support rural women through better gender mainstreaming"

15 October 2021
PES Women Statutory members met online and took the opportunity to mark the International Day of Rural Women, with a special focus on the experiences and needs of women in rural Europe. Read more.


PES Women sent feminist toolkit to inspire allies

October 2021
PES Women has sent boxes of inspirational material and goodies to PES parties, progressive MEPs and other allies to encourage our progressive family to continue the fight for gender equality in Europe. Read more.

PES Women added gender equality perspective to PES meetings and events

October-November 2021
PES Women President Zita Gurmai participated in progressive thematic caucuses for the Conference on the Future of Europe (18/11 & 22/10)

PES Women Vice-Presidents and Executive members also participated in several PES networks, including on democracy (17/11), finance & economy (16/11), environment & climate (28/10) and Social Europe (14/10).

Vice-President Zefi Dimadama also sent a message calling for gender sensitive climate policies in the context of COP26. See her video message here.

PES Women Members & Affiliates

To read more about what our members and affiliates have been up to, click on the pictures.
SOLIDAR contributes guest article to PES Women's feminist economy brochure
19 November 2021
Global Progressive Forum hosted "Women Are the Change" panel & PES Women President Zita Gurmai spoke at preview event
19 November 2021
S&D group published position paper on women's rights
9 November

PES Women President Zita Gurmai sends video message to the 16th Union Conference of the Social Democratic Women in Finland
6-7 November 2021

PES Women President Zita Gurmai spoke at the Congress of the Women Alliance of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro
6 November 2021

PES Women President Zita Gurmai spoke at the 30th anniversary conference for Lithuanian SD Women Union
23 October 2021
PES CoR: Fighting domestic violence | Best practice by Maxi Ines Carl, member of Hannover city council
20 October 2021
S&D Group spoke to Afghan women activists/creators about the situation for women and girls
13 & 14 October 2021
PES Women President Zita Gurmai spoke at the 3rd Annual FEPS Autumn Academy
13 October 2021
PES Women President Zita Gurmai sent video message to the 15th YES Congress
1-5 October 2021

What's coming up?

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
25 November

PES Women Executive Meeting
10 December

PES Women Statutory Meeting
15 December

Copyright © *2020* *PES Women*, All rights reserved.

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