Happy New Year! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and dedication, and congratulate you on your accomplishments and achievements last year. May 2022 be filled with success and happiness! As always, if you have something you would like to see in this newsletter, please email amronehealth@ucalgary.ca.

Funding Opportunities

Startup TNT

Life Sciences Investment Summit

Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation has partnered with Startup TNT, an Alberta-based non-profit and start-up community to build the Startup TNT Life Sciences Investment Summit, a platform for life sciences entrepreneurs and innovators seeking seed stage funding. This summit will provide them with an opportunity to receive seed funding for their idea or business, and to network with investors and representatives from the start-up and the life sciences ecosystem. The summit also offers hands-on training for investors interested in Life Sciences through a team-based due diligence process. Click here for more details.

Application deadline: January 18, 2022
IDRC Research Awards 2022-2023

IDRC Research Awards 2022-2023

This year IDRC will offer research awards related to these development areas or themes: Climate-Resilient Food Systems, Democratic and Inclusive Governance, Education and Science, Ethics in Development Research, Global Health, Policy and Evaluation, and Sustainable Inclusive Economies. If your research proposal is selected, you will join IDRC as a Research award recipient for a period of 12 months from 1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023 with a salary between $42,033 to $48,659 CAD to undertake research on the topic you have submitted. You will receive hands-on experience in research and program management and support, grant administration, and the creation, dissemination, and use of knowledge from an international perspective. Click here for more details.

Application deadline: February 1, 2022
JPIAMR 14th call Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design

Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design

JPIAMR is launching an international call for projects under the umbrella of the JPIAMR and within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION. This call involves 27 funding organizations from 18 countries, with the total estimated call budget close to 19 million Euro. In line with the JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, this call will focus on tackling the rising threat of antimicrobial resistance. Declining effectiveness of existing antimicrobials together with the low and insufficient number of promising new antimicrobials in the pipeline stresses the urgency to develop new protocols and innovative approaches for effective delivery and use of the already existing antimicrobials. Click here for more details.

Pre-proposal deadline: March 8, 2022
Full proposal deadline: July 5, 2022

Our Researchers in the News

Carbon labels may be a more common sign in the supermarket next year
Ellen Goddard

You might start to see a new label cropping up on your groceries next year, alongside the calorie counts and ingredient lists, but Ellen Goddard says the concept isn't as simple as it seems. Click here to listen to the segment on Edmonton AM.
Government of Alberta announces over $22M in funding for UCalgary researchers

Drs. Kathy McCoy and Paul Kubes awarded funding for their Wild Microbiome and Immunity Centre

Kathy McCoy 

The Wild Microbiome and Immunity Centre is one of 11 projects in health science and engineering at UCalgary receiving a portion of $22M through the province’s Research Capacity Program, a program providing support for cutting-edge infrastructure and technology development. “Transformative research is the engine that will drive diversification forward and power Alberta’s economy for the future,” said Doug Schweitzer, minister of JEI. “This investment at UCalgary is key to fuelling the innovation Alberta is known for, and it will lead to the commercialization of new technology solutions that will grow our industries and create new jobs.” Read more here

Answering questions from ASK CBC with Dr. Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith

Dr. Stephanie Smith, an infectious diseases physician and a professor in the division of infectious diseases at the University of Alberta, joined CBC to answer viewers' questions about children returning to school in B.C. and Alberta. Click the image above to watch the interview.  

Omicron worries spur some Alberta parents to book early 2nd doses for their kids

Omicron worries spur some Alberta parents to book early 2nd doses for their kids

Daniel Gregson

As concerns about Omicron mount, and kids returning to school this week, some Alberta parents are opting to get their younger children a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine earlier than officially recommended. According to Dr. Daniel Gregson, an infectious disease physician and medical microbiologist at the UofC, the pediatric vaccine trials were conducted with a three-week interval between doses. "It's not unreasonable to go early given what's going on in the country. If we were back in November here in Alberta, I would say probably wait. But that's not where we are today.… Omicron has changed this recommendation," Gregson said. Read the full article here

Health expert urges caution after blood-testing firm claims 'pandemic is over' in Alberta hamlet

Health expert urges caution after blood-testing firm claims 'pandemic is over' in Alberta hamlet

Lynora Saxinger

A private blood-testing company's claim that the COVID-19 "pandemic is over" in a northern Alberta community could lull residents into a false sense of security, says an infectious diseases expert. More than 1,200 people in the hamlet of La Crete paid $100 each to have their blood tested for antibodies by Ichor Blood Services. The tests found antibodies in most of the 991 unvaccinated individuals who were tested. Experts say, however, it isn't clear that immunity acquired from previous COVID-19 infection protects people against re-infection, especially with the new Omicron variant. Read more here


One Health Circle

One Health Circle
One Health Within: Establishing healthy microbiomes in infants

Online webinar
Jan 19, 2022 at 7pm MT

Scientists have observed that environmental changes over the past 50 years have altered our microbiomes and are studying the influence of the change on our health. Such altered microbiomes are passed down to the next generation, further compounding health outcomes. How does the microbiota of mothers shape the microbe and immune system of their infants? What does impact does this have on their health trajectory? Join Drs. Kathy McCoy and Laura Sycuro as they discuss the microbiome, and how the microbial makeup of infants is influenced by their mothers during and after birth. Click here to register. 

JPIAMR 14th call
Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design

Online webinar
Jan 25, 2022

JPIAMR is pleased to invite researchers to a live webinar presenting the call "Disrupting drug resistance using innovative design" and the partner search tool. The call aims to improve the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections in humans, animals or plants through the improvement of the efficacy, specificity, delivery, combinations and/or repurposing of drugs and plant protection agents. Topics will include: How can I find and create research collaborations? How do I apply and how does the funding work? What is JPIAMR and how do I know if I can apply for funding in this call? Click here for more information. 

HUB_VPH Human - Animal One Health Conference

HUB_VPH Human - Animal One Health Conference

Online conference
Jan 27 - 28, 2022

The Veterinary Public Health Hub of Lyon (HUB_VPH) is organizing its first international conference entitled “The One Health concept at the Confluence of human & veterinary public health”. The conference aims to bring together researchers, industrial stakeholders and policy-makers to provide updates in research and innovation, discussing current unmet needs, proposing concrete ways to harness this knowledge and utilizing new tools to address these challenges. Registration open until Jan 24. Click here for more information. 

Towards a One Health AMR Partnership

Towards a European One Health AMR Partnership

Online conference

Feb 3, 2022

Would you like to contribute shaping the future One Health AMR Partnership? This conference aims to engage research funders and to bring together One Health AMR stakeholders – policymakers, civil society organizations, professionals, academics and the private sector – to invigorate action and engagement to tackle antimicrobial resistance. It will offer the opportunity to the stakeholder community to provide suggestions, express their expectations, and to declare their interest to participate in the OH AMR Partnership supporting scientific advancement to provide innovative solutions to curb the silent pandemic of AMR. Click here for more information.

6th AMR Conference

6th AMR Conference

Basel, Switzerland

Apr 7 - 8, 2022

The AMR conference is a platform for SMEs, start-ups, big pharma, academia, investors and public institutions to discuss strategies and the specific challenges faced by SMEs in bringing new antimicrobial treatments and diagnostics to the market. Click here for more information.

Start-up competition
Early stage ventures fighting drug resistant bacterial infections in the therapeutics or diagnostics area are invited to apply to pitch at the AMR Conference 2022. You will receive the opportunity to make a 5-minute-pitch of your venture in front of potential funders and investors. Click here to learn more. 
Application deadline: Jan 31, 2022

International Conference on One Health 2022

International Conference on One Health 2022

London, United Kingdom, May 26 - 27, 2022

Paris, France, July 19 - 20, 2022

One Health Conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of One Health Conference. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of One Health Conference.

Call for Contributions

Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of One Health are cordially invited for presentation at the conference. 

London - click here for more info
Paris - click here for more info


The following documents provide updates on the conduct of research and clinical trails for researchers and research teams. Please visit the following pages to keep up-to-date with institutional specific directives. 
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