La Jolla Country Day School
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One Team Focused on Informational Needs
By Rafael Eaton, head librarian

The past year has been one of change. The library program has evolved because the world continues to change rapidly. As an institution committed to growth, our role is to adapt and equip our students with the skills to inspire greatness. 

Alumna’s YA Novel Adapts into Film

LJCDS’ class of 1983 alumna Jandy Nelson’s young adult novel, The Sky is Everywhere, has been adapted into a feature film, which premiered on February 11, 2022, on Apple TV+ and in select theaters.
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Experiential Education, Camp Torreys Style

Determined not to let COVID-19 completely disrupt the annual Experiential Education week (yet again), the Upper School team reimagined (or dare we say, pivoted) the programming to give students a week to remember.
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A Lifer Leaves Behind A Lasting Legacy

Emily Bernstein ’22 creates a cross-divisional mentorship program to connect Lower and Middle School with Upper School students. 

What a Wonderful World

Sohan Chunduru ’22 uses his passions to make a difference in the world by increasing awareness of other cultures.

Discover Digital Literacy

The Middle School launched an online literary magazine. Read a vivid creative writing piece by seventh-grader Arman titled “Peppermint Candy.”

A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Upper School production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream imagines a modern twist on one of Shakespeare’s favorites.

Torreys in the News

We’re bursting with pride to celebrate LJCDS students who are making headlines for their accomplishments.

Preventative Mental Health Care

Ms. Hirschy’s article highlighting the wellness framework at LJCDS is published in Intrepid Ed News.

Alumni Story: Taught by Founder Louise Balmer

John Meanley ’67 shares memories of LJCDS when it was the Balmer School and the neighboring military shooting range.
More campus news
Scientists in fourth grade examine a pig heart in their first dissection of the year.
So much love at Middle School Grandparents and Grandfriends day! 
The Black Student Union welcomes Santé Prince to speak for Black History Month.
Ms. Jimenezs first graders celebrate the 100th day of school.
Upper schoolers connect with students in Germany to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Lower School celebrates Lunar New Year by practicing Chinese calligraphy.

9490 Genesee Ave
La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 453-3440

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