
Resources for Providers & Healthcare Organizations
April 2022 Biodyne Mindset Newsletter

Strong leadership in healthcare is critical to organizational survival.

Healthcare organizations need leaders with the skills and expertise to lead people, create a culture of wellness, manage change, and find new opportunities. The healthcare environment is evolving rapidly. Leadership development is how healthcare organizations get the workforce they need to address the challenges ahead.

A scalable program for leadership in healthcare will enable your organization to:
  • Address health equity challenges
  • Create a trauma-informed culture of wellness that retains valuable employees and mitigates attrition during an era of Massive Resignation
  • Improve the bottom-line with actionable ROI
  • Attract, develop and retain talent and succession planning
  • Drive strategy execution
  • Increase success in navigating change with tools to empower employee growth
When your organization invests in its own employees, you are doing your due diligence in addressing the questions “Who will replace me when I retire?” and “How do we retain top talent in an era of massive resignation?” before it's too late.

Learn how to create a leadership development program and gain access to a list of resources offered by Cummings Graduate Institute to support the development of future healthcare leaders in our Healthcare Leadership Development guide.

Download the Guide

Schedule a call or request more information to learn more about Cummings Graduate Institute's healthcare leadership development solutions.

Download the Guide
Live Webinar on ASD & Integrated Care with CE Credits Open for Registration

Autistic individuals often present with co-occurring conditions that do not get addressed when receiving Behavioral Health Services. This population deserves quality care that is integrated. This webinar discusses why an integrated model of care is important in improving health outcomes and quality of life for autistic individuals.

In partnership with the Behavior Web, Cummings Graduate Institute is pleased announce that registration is open for the Providing an Integrated Model of Care for ASD - 3 Common Co-occurring Conditions webinar. 

Attendees will be able to: 
  1. Identify how integrated care addresses co-occurring conditions to ASD
  2. Define the benefits of integrated care
  3. List strategies to address three specific co-occurring conditions
When: Friday, April 22, 2022 at 7 p.m. EST / 4 p.m. PST
Presenter: Pauline Pablo, BCBA, DBH Candidate at Cummings Graduate Institute 
Continuing education credit: (1 - one hour BCBAs, QABA, ASWB, NBCC)
Cost: No cost to attend

Register for the Webinar

Eating Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment Continuing Education Webinars Now Available

Eating disorders are on the rise in the world. During the pandemic, people were left alone with food and oftentimes turned to food for comfort and a sense of connection. Cummings Graduate Institute for Behavioral Health Studies (CGI) in partnership with Dr. Tara Arnold, PhD, LCSW, CEDS-S, RYT-200 proudly announces the launch of a new continuing education webinar series for mental health clinicians on the topics of eating disorders diagnosis and treatment. Fight. Recover. Repeat., a collaborative webinar series is available starting April 18, 2022 and will feature three parts: 

  • Part 1: Diagnosing Eating Disorders with Compassion,
  • Part 2: Healing Eating Disorders with Compassion, and
  • Part 3: Healing Body Image with Compassion. 
All webinars in the Fight. Recover. Repeat. series are available on-demand and are eligible for NBCC CE credits. Each webinar can be purchased a la carte or as a bundle, which offers cost savings.

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Part 1: Diagnosing Eating Disorders with Compassion
 explores the definitions of eating disorders, including the newest feeding and eating disorders described in the DSM-5 and discusses their current clinical presentation in our culture. Participants will look at diagnostic criteria, as well as informal patterns of eating disorders and how they show up clinically. Lastly, the webinar will dive deeply into assessment of eating disorders to help ensure these deadly diseases are detected and treated with highly specialized care.

To register, visit:

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Part 2: 
Healing Eating Disorders with Compassion explores the appropriate treatment team to use with eating disorder clients, the use of inpatient level of care, and current effective eating disorder treatments. In this webinar, participants will learn to be able to identify the members of the treatment team for eating disorders, list the elements involved in the inpatient level of care for eating disorders, establish applicable metaphors to use when conceptualizing eating disorder recovery, and identify DBT techniques applicable to eating disorder treatment. 

To sign up, visit:

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Part 3: Healing Body Image with Compassion
 focuses on traditional methods of healing body image through CBT alongside the newer treatment implications for body positivity, HAES, and self- compassion in healing body image. In this webinar, participants will formulate recognition of body image and the factors that influence our image, utilize the unique application of CBT to the treatment of body image, and will explore mindful self- compassion, mindfulness and radical acceptance in the treatment of body image.

To enroll, visit:

About the Facilitator

The Fight. Recover. Repeat. webinar series was designed and facilitated by Dr. Tara Arnold, PhD, LCSW, CEDS-S, RYT-200. Dr. Arnold is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a Doctorate in Social Work. She is intensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and she is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist by the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals. Dr. Arnold has been in private practice since 2003 treating eating disorders and substance abuse, and she has been a national DBT & eating disorder educator since 2000.

Rachel Garrett with blonde hairDr. Arnold provides individual and group therapy, as well as clinical supervision and training for professionals. In her practice, she has an empathetic, kind, and warm presence with her clients. Her love of learning makes her curious, engaged, compassionate, and attuned. Through intellect, deep care, and compassion, a sacred space for healing is created where connection, trust, and growth are nurtured. Dr. Arnold conducts individual and group supervision for therapists enhancing their clinical skills, particularly DBT and certified eating disorder specialist credentials. Case consultation, practice development, ethics, and content-specific skills based training is provided. 

Webinars in the Fight. Recover. Repeat. series are available a la carte or as a bundle, which offers cost savings. To learn more and enroll in Fight. Recover. Repeat, visit:

Sign-up for the Webinar Bundle
Featured Podcast Episode
Mental Health Policy & Advocacy with Dr. Jennie Bever, PhD, IBCLC and Elizabeth Wood of 4th Trimester Arizona

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Featured Partner
Cummings Graduate Institute for Behavioral Health Studies Announces Partnership with Healing Consultants LLC

Cummings Graduate Institute for Behavioral Health Studies (CGI) proudly announces a new partnership with Healing Consultants LLC. Together, CGI and Healing Consultants will offer continuing education webinars for mental healthcare providers and healthcare professionals on the topics of provider burn-out and mental health.

Healing Consultants is a private practice founded by Sala I. Hilaire LCSW, MAC, CAMS. Sala has over 30 years of clinical and management experience. She offers counseling services to individuals across the life cycle, including young adults, couples, transitioning teens, and families. She is skilled in the arena of workshop development, program development, therapeutic group facilitation, and solution-focused therapeutic modalities. In addition, her clinical expertise includes working with families in crisis, survivors of emotional and physical abuse/trauma, and the LGBTQIA+ community members. She assists in addressing issues relating to addiction(s), grief/loss, self-esteem, life transitional issues, as well as stress and anxiety. The mission is to support individual healing by providing Counseling Services, Healing Workshops, and Financial Coaching. To learn more, visit:

In response to the newly formed partnership, Dr. Alicia Iñiguez, Director of Continuing Education and Partnerships at CGI, shared, “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are witnessing huge surges of mental health disparities and related professional burnout in the general population. This webinar series comes at an essential moment to address and mitigate professional burn-out for mental health practitioners who need assistance with their own mental health and potential burnout. Sala Hilaire, LCSW, MAC, in partnership with Vickie Ogunlade PhD, LCSW have created a great series to help mental health practitioners with self-care in order to serve others.”

To learn more about Cummings Graduate Institute for Behavioral Health Studies and future continuing education offerings in partnership with Healing Consultants LLC, subscribe to our continuing education newsletter.

DBH Student to Present at ICIC22

DBH student, Valeria Parejo will present "Geriatrics, Rights and Expression in Sexual Health: Next Steps for Empowering Older Adults and Support their Health and Emotional Needs" at the International Conference on Integrated Care taking place May 23-25, 2022 in Odense, Denmark.

Explore the conference program.
Thank you to everyone who invested in our Student Scholarship Fund and helped spread the word about our fundraising efforts on #AZGivesDay. 

Did you miss AZ Gives Day? It's not too late to participate. Scholarship fund contributions are accepted year round.

Click here to schedule your gift.
Ask a DBH: How to Cope with News Anxiety

Conversation Featuring: Dr. U. Grant Baldwin, DBH, Dr. Cara English, DBH & Dr. Fanike-Kiara Olugbala Young, DBH, LCSW

Fall 2022 Admissions Deadline Approaching

Apply by June 24, 2022 to join the Fall 2022 cohort of our academic programs.

Doctor of Behavioral Health

Master of Healthcare Leadership

Integrated Behavioral Health Certificate

Trauma Informed Care Certificate

Start your application

Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competency in Healthcare CE Webinars Now Available

Have you checked out our webinars on the topics of diversity, equity and cultural competency in healthcare with Dr. James Bell III, DSW of the Equity Matters Podcast?

Two webinars are available and offer continueing education credit (ASWB or NBCC). 
Authentic Community Relationships: From Outreach to Engagement

Participants in this webinar will gain an understanding of how to strengthen approaches to engage the community while holding yourself and your organization accountable.

Learn more & sign-up
Understanding and Mitigating Implicit Bias

Participants in this webinar will gain an understanding of the tools necessary to increase self-awareness and avoid personal biases when working with a diverse clientele.

Learn more & sign-up
Integrated Care Survey

The International Foundation for Integrated Care is conducting a survey to track how our understanding and practice of integrated care changes over time.

The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

Complete the survey today.
MHL Director Q&A Event

Interested in the Master of Healthcare Leadership program?

Join us for the next Q&A event with the Director of the MHL Program, Gabe Orthous. 

Gain access to valuable face time with the MHL Program Director in a small group setting while learning answers to commonly asked questions including research opportunities, faculty support, value of the degree, career opportunities, and much more.

May 11, 2022, 1 p.m. EST/10 a.m. PST

Sign-up to attend live or receive access to the event recording.
Clinical Best Practice Institute: Ethical Considerations and Best Practices Training

Live Webinar
April 22, 2022
9:00 a.m. -Noon PST (3 CEs)

This training is designed to provide attendees with increased competency regarding ethical decision making.  Common ethical dilemmas such as mandated reporting obligations, dual relationships, and clinical documentation will be addressed along with the emerging ethical considerations presented by increased utilization of telehealth services and social media.  Attendees will have the opportunity to review and apply relevant codes of ethics, rules, laws, and ethical decision-making models.

Register here.

 Clinical Best Practice Institute: Clinical Supervisor Training

In Person Training
May 20, 2022
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PST (6 CEs)

In Person Training
May 20 & 27, 2022
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PST (12 CEs)

This training is designed to assist participants in developing and strengthening supervisory skills. Participants will gain up to date knowledge of the rules, regulations, and best practices associated with providing clinical supervision, as well as an understanding of the models of clinical supervision. The 12 hour training is ideal for those who need to complete the initial training required for providing clinical supervision and the 6 hour training is ideal for those that wish to remain in compliance for providing clinical supervision to those licensed by the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners or for those that haven’t completed an Arizona specific clinical supervisor training.

Register here.

Revisiting the CGI Archives

Recommended Reading: 
Doctor, Heal Thyself: When a DBH Becomes a Cancer Patient

By Dr. Cara English, DBH & Dr. Bobbi Vogelsang, DBH

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