We are excited to announce
Virtual Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® Classes
with guest teacher Kathleen Aharoni

The Feldenkrais Method®

Through the Feldenkrais Method®, you can develop and know your most dynamic self through curiosity, movement, sensation and cognition. Easefully and quickly your world will open as you gain self-awareness, freedom of movement and thought, clarity of physical, emotional and cognitive patterns and much opportunity to catalyze your psycho-neurology and open to a new, creative and potent way of being in the world. 

Through seemingly effortless movement explorations called Awareness through Movement® (ATM) lessons, you will:

  • Become a more differentiated being and experientially learn how the greater the differentiation the more dynamic the whole. 
  • Learn to catalyze and understand vitality.
  • Learn the importance of how vs why for forward movement
  • Develop and/or sharpen your ability to recognize relational patterns and how to introduce curiosity and creativity to instigate new patterns for optimal functioning.
  • Understand through sensation how the importance of being “right” creates stagnation and limitation and stymies creativity. 
  • Release physical pain.
  • Gain new found freedom of thought and movement. 
  • Recognize and release fears and habits.
  • Develop greater trust, knowing and intelligence. 

Of course, we are all strongest and most effective when we show up wholly. Through Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement Lessons®, the brain is given variation through movement, cued through our bones, organs and imagination. These movement invitations/puzzles catalyze greater recognition and differentiation of the vast components of our self and allow us to function at a higher level and in a more ease-filled and present way. Feldenkrais lessons are a fun and fascinating pathway to self-mastery.

The Feldenkrais Method® is based on the evolutionary development of the human nervous system and the innate plasticity of the brain.

Please complete this brief survey to help us determine the best time and frequency for hosting these virtual classes!

Classes will be $30.00 and run up to 75 min.
Complete Survey
Click here to learn more about Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons!
Kathleen Aharoni, instructor, has been teaching the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais since 2003, including as faculty at Northwestern University, Columbia College, Chicago, and Hubbard Street Dance Company. Kathleen specializes in working with dancers, athletes, those experiencing chronic pain and those seeking self-mastery. In addition, Kathleen is a life coach, whose clients have included White House staff, a U.S. Ambassador, Fortune 500 employees, parents, high school and college students and artists. She is author of the award-winning children’s book, I Breathe My Own Breath!, health mastery columnist for Chicago Health Magazine, and owner of Water Over Stone, Inc. Kathleen teaches Pilates, and has taught the GYROTONIC® Method since 1998, when she founded the community in Chicago. She is also a CranioSacral practitioner and a certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide. For more information, go to

Feldenkrais Method®, Feldenkrais® and Awareness through Movement® are all registered trademarks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America and are used with their permission.
GYROTONIC® Master Trainer Angela Crowley of GYROTONIC® Coral Gables
"When I embarked upon a four year education to become a Feldenkrais Practitioner, I began yearning for an exercise system that would match the organic organization of systemic movement in the Feldenkrais system. I wanted access to greater freedom of the trunk and spine. That is when I discovered the GYROTONIC® system. Gyrotonic movements begin from the inside out, starting with breath and spinal movement which expand into full body movement. Different from any other system I know, the diverse and multiple pieces of equipment can support and challenge the needs of anyone from rehabilitation to training of high level athletes. Similar to Feldenkrais the movement is fluid, efficient and diversifies around all planes of motion and relationships with gravity. To this day my private practice focuses on the use of manual therapy, movement reeducation using the Feldenkrais Method and the GYROTONIC® Method."
GYROTONIC®, GYROTONIC® & Logo, GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®, GYROKINESIS®, GYROTONER®, and The Art of Exercising and Beyond are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.
Copyright © 2020 GYROTONIC® Seacoast, All rights reserved.

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