Hello Master <<First Name>>,
It’s already December…

So many dates and days on this month
have a special meaning for me,
including my birthday – but even without this,
it seems like everything in my last ten years
happened in December.
The really nice thing is, that no matters what -
Hanukkah would always come
and illuminate the heart with its warmth,
and then the other merry Light Holidays,
and snow…

I love to live in Canada at this time of the year.
Actually, at any time <3

How are we feeling with mirrors, so far?
Last time, we’ve explored the three main types, remember?
- Direct, Opposite and a Reminder.

And you probably already remember,
that everything around you is a reflection of you
and of your inner world;
There is nothing outside.

(If you want to start from the beginning, this is part 1)

Have you had the chance to realize any of those mirrors around you?

We also mentioned how free, focused, calm and confident

you can keep,
when you practice and get used to this way of thinking.
The more you do that, the easier and more fruitful it becomes.

And obvious in real time, in the triggering moment;
You start to function as the participant and the witness at the same time,
and life become not only healing and ascending,
but also a fascinating adventure of depth and evolution.

How do you like that?
Are you ready to practice?

Here is my suggestion for a good, productive way:

1. The moment you realize you’re triggered
in real time, or a while after:
  • Stop, take a deep breath.
  • If you’re willing to explore and find out what really is going on, then move into an attentive, observant space.
2. We always want to start with Rebirth -
To turn on the light, acknowledge, balance the emotions,
release toxicity and gain more calmness and clarity:
  1. Reaction: How am I feeling about that situation? What is my immediate reaction?
  2. Vulnerability: What makes me feel like that? what is the problem? What did I expect or hoped for and didn’t happen?
  3. Fear: And with this vulnerability, what is my fear? What can happen when things are like this?
  4. Pain: And if my fear comes true, then what does it mean for me? What is my pain?
And there, you want to sit, with your hurt inner child,
and acknowledge, embrace, and let the pain spread and dissipate.
When things are calmer,
go back to the triggering situation to:

3. Reveal the mirror
Uncover the liberating learning:   
  1. Describe the situation: Simple, objective, no opinions:  I’m being judged. I’m being ignored.
  2. Then, try out and see which aspect, or aspects, are being reflected:
Direct: Where am I judging myself? Where am I ignoring myself?
Opposite: Am I feeling guilty and deserve judgment? Did I really want to be realized - or deep inside I preferred not to be seen?
Reminder: When judgment and ignorance are around me but don't touch me:
What or whom is it reminding me? Whose voice is this?
Why is it bothering me, which button is it pressing?

4. Let’s take a totally different scenario:

Good morning, the coffee machine is suddenly broken.

1. First, Rebirth… Frustration, control, no energy, scatter and sleepiness… Find yours –
Reaction, Vulnerability, Fear, Pain.
And relax, accept, let dissipate.
2. Then, mirrors:
  • You can go with the obvious ‘What in me is broken’.
  • You can also add layers, by finding what the coffee machine represents to you: Joy, focus, dependency, addiction… What are yours?
  • And then, what the event is trying to tell you? -
- Is it time to find more ways to be clear and present?
- Or maybe you’ve actually been postponing buying a new machine for a long time,
and maybe even taking care and investing in yourself,
and this is a reminder of self attention?
- Or something totally different?
Now, at this point

some people get tired
and try to get out with - you know,
sometimes a broken coffee machine is only a broken coffee machine!
Don't they break all the time??

Yes, they do.
But many times, they don't -
you just replace them when you feel like,
and give them in a great condition to the fresh college student your nephew,
or donate them. Right?

So, why now? Why here? Why to you?

This is actually the real game of life -


Zoom In - participate – experience – Zoom Out – reflect – analyze – get clarity and insights – shed and release – grow freedom and lightness – Zoom In – participate...

To heal, grow and enhance meaning and enjoyment
at every moment.
Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

Leader of My Life - It's not too late to make 2020 Your Pivotal Year

A focused 10 weeks deep guided self work
to find your authentic way and start fulfilling your dreams
  • Reveal patterns, dissolve blockages
  • Gain deep self understanding, alignment, certainty and confidence
  • Unlock your inner wisdom, treasures and superpowers 
  • Shift into your best version path
Check it here Leader of My Life

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and how can I better serve you through this time?
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Transformation Point · 30 Gloucester Street · Toronto, On M4Y 1L6 · Canada