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Obscure Emotion

"When you realize life is expansive enough to feel multiple conflicting, and often paradoxical feelings at the same time."

This week's prompt:

What opposite emotions have you felt this year?

As 2020 comes to an end, I feel two conflicting sentiments:

• I need to process everything.
• I just want to zone out.

Maybe you are feeling similar. It’s not surprising if conflicting emotions come up during this time. It’s been a year of loss, grief and disruption. But in many ways it’s also been a year of appreciation, slowing down, identifying our real priorities and unearthing important questions.

It’s been a year of duality.

I’ve been physically apart from people for most of this year.
I’ve also been so closely connected to my family and to so many online.
I’ve been felt so much uncertainty about my future.
I’ve also experienced a crystal clear clarity in some areas of my life that I’ve never had before.


I also realize that 2020 may not conclude have the closure we would like to have. We may not be able to put a nice bow tie at the end of the year and package it up nicely. We live in a society that is obsessed with finding clarity and seeking immediate answers to uncomfortable questions.


And this year has unearthed an abundance of uncomfortable but necessary questions. Questions on racism, death, illness, politics, protecting the earth, our literal existence, and how we can continue caring for each in a world that has forced us to be physically apart.


The questions that have come to the surface in 2020 may be challenging, but they also prove that we are coming towards transformation. Because it is the quality of our inquiry that leads to the quality of our discovery.


“Questions are powerful things. Questions elicit answers in their likeness. It’s hard to respond to a simplistic question with anything but a simplistic answer; it’s hard to rise above a combative question. But its hard to resist a generous question. We can ask questions that inspire dignity and honest, and revelation.” -Krista Tippett 


I hope these words offer some solace to you as the calendar year of 2020 comes to an end. I hope you can give yourself permission to take time to arrive into 2021. To not have to demand too much but also have space to stubbornly hold on to hope.

May the questions of this year that have once challenged you, begin to feel like old friends that are beckoning you to a higher truth. May you live into these deeper questions and may they eventually lead you to a generous answer.


Happy new year, friends.

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I started writing and sending out these weekly e-mails in August and I'm so grateful to each one of you who take the time to engage with this newsletter.

I'll be taking a break for a couple weeks and return in mid-January with season 2 of my weekly notes ;).

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This Week's Quote:
Join me for this FREE end-of-year workshop!
Give yourself the gift of time and reflection on December 30th. So much has happened this year and its powerful to reflect on 2020 and process it through art.

Begin the new year with this 2021 Calendar:
Only $10 with free USA shipping

Calendars on sale for $10
Rainer Maria Rilke is one of my own inspirations and guides, especially when it comes to the wisdom of living through uncertain times and learning to love the questions of life.
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Happy Sunday and thank you for subscribing to my small newsletter for big feelings.
Each of these weekly notes I send you are inspired by my project and book, 100 Obscure Emotions.

Copyright © 2020 Dear Ruksi, All rights reserved.

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