La Jolla Country Day School
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Culture: Humanity's Blueprint
By Cindy Santos Bravo, director of visual and performing arts

Learning requires a sense of one’s freedom. A thriving community gives its people the time and space to self-reflect and experience joy in learning. As a community, we can influence someone else’s understanding, yet how do we come to understand the power we each possess?
 Exploring Identity
In response to COVID-19, LJCDS reimagined the Middle School electives and leveraged educators’ talents by piloting Exploring Identity. The new interdisciplinary program allows students to continue exploring interests outside of the traditional academic courses while also applying meaning to their work and examining larger concepts.
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Regional Student Diversity Summit
More than 300 attendees from 29 schools in three states dialed in to be part of the inaugural student-led Regional Student Diversity Summit with the theme (Un)Covering You: Privilege and Vulnerability. Students from The Bishop’s School, Francis Parker, Pacific Ridge and LJCDS hosted the virtual conference.
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Torrey Mock Trial

Students won their first San Diego County High School Mock Trial Competition, which qualified them to compete in their first California State Championship.

Faculty Spotlight: Lisa Bennet

Third-grade educator Lisa Bennet shares why she and her colleagues redesigned the social studies curriculum.

Faculty Spotlight: Marisol Irwig

Middle School world language educator Marisol Irwig uses her passion for music to inspire students in their language studies.

Senior Spotlight: Jeremiah Woods

Jeramiah Woods ’21 shares his experiences in design and innovation and co-founding the Black Student Union.

Senior Spotlight: Ruslana Fogler

Creator of the Torrey Scheduling App, Ruslana Fogler ’21, shares her love of STEM and tennis.

No More Letter Grades for Fifth Grade

Lucy Jaffee ’22, editor-in-chief of the student-run newspaper, The Palette, explains why LJCDS' fifth-grade teachers are collectively piloting a new grading system.

Providing Room for Growth (Sans Micromanaging)

How parents and guardians can help support their children’s development of executive functions.

Students Earn San Diego Decameron Prize

Two LJCDS students’ stories were selected for San Diego’s version of The Decameron

LJCDS Magazine Picks Up Three Awards

1926, La Jolla Country Day School’s alumni magazine, earned gold awards for the first time.

The Wall Street Journal Features LJCDS' Reopening Plan

The WSJ article highlights what steps several schools are taking to stay open during the pandemic. 
More campus news
Second-grade Torreys practice Spanish with Señorita Boo.
Students in accelerated physics with Mr. Padgett work together on a lab.
A student enjoys the "free choice" time to learn how to read and spell on his iPad.
Middle School mathematicians ask important questions about the new material being taught.
Torreys enjoy the outdoors while reading The End of the Line with a partner.
Middle Schoolers work on an assignment during the outdoor class period. 

9490 Genesee Ave
La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 453-3440

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