November 8, 2024

John McVay Accepts Call to
Oregon Conference Presidential Role

We are pleased to announce that Dr. John McVay, Walla Walla University president emeritus, has accepted the call to become the president of the Oregon Conference, effective January 1, 2025. The offer was extended on Thursday, November 7th, after several months of diligent planning and prayer by the Oregon Conference search committee, which is comprised of all OC executive committee and nominating committee members. The offer was accepted immediately.

Dr. McVay recently retired as the president of Walla Walla University (WWU) at the end of the 2023-2024 academic year. His service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church spans 44 years, with 18 years dedicated to Walla Walla. As the longest-serving president in the university's history, McVay led significant initiatives, including the transition from Walla Walla College to Walla Walla University and the establishment of a wide range of academic centers and programs. He oversaw all operations of the university with an annual budget of $50 million as well as working with students, faculty, and staff. As president, McVay’s priorities included strategic planning and visioning, fundraising, working closely with WWU’s four vice presidents, and immersing himself in the community he served. Keep reading...

Big Lake Youth Camp Hosts Fall Outdoor School

Sixty-five students from seven Oregon Conference schools learned about God’s creation through firsthand connections with nature at Outdoor School at Big Lake Youth Camp. Read more...

Hundreds of Students Engage and Connect
at Bible Camp

For eight sunny days, nearly 900 students, pastors, teachers and parents leaned into engaging with God, each other and church — strategically starting the school year focused on Jesus and their personal relationship with Him at Bible Camp. Read on...

Celebration of Thanksgiving
Featuring Take 6

Adventist Health Portland presents its 15th annual Celebration of Thanksgiving event on Nov. 22 as an expression of gratitude for the community's faith and support.
Get your free tickets now...

Town Hall Meetings Announced for November 10-19

Oregon Conference administrators invite you to attend town hall meetings, November 10, 11, 12, and 19 to discuss the future vision for the Oregon conference.


  • An update on the current financial health of the Oregon Conference.
  • A strategic plan that will support local church ministry while providing a roadmap to financial well-being for the Adventist work in this region.
  • Questions & Answers with Interim President Don Livesay and the rest of the administrative team.

Farther Afield

Mentorship Cultivates Meaningful Connections

Mount Ellis Academy Church members value supporting, encouraging and empowering young women and young men. They found the right balance of adventure and connection through a mentorship program that continues to flourish. Learn more...

2024 NAD Year-End Meeting, Mission and Strategic Focuses
Still a Top Priority

The 2024 NAD Year-End Meeting began Nov. 1 at the NAD headquarters in Columbia, Md. One hundred and fifty executive committee members (of 302) gathered for business meetings, reports, business items, strategy, and fellowship. Read more...

Adventists in Cuba Aid Victims in the Aftermath of Hurricane Oscar

Adventists across Cuba have been mobilizing to support hundreds of church members affected by Hurricane Oscar, which struck the eastern part of the island near Baracoa, Guantánamo, on October 20. Read more...


Shine 104.9 Presents Glisten Christmas

Shine 104.9 FM in Spokane, Washington, has prepared a special station for Christmas this year. “We’ve created a Christmas music station called Glisten Christmas, which features the most variety of any station you’ll find,” said Darin Patzer, Shine 104.9 manager. “In addition to classics from Bing Crosby like 'White Christmas,' you’ll also find lesser-known renditions of traditional Christmas songs featuring Christian artists, as well as country singers and hits from decades past.” The music is completely commercial-free and is free for anyone to listen to. Download the Live365 app on iPhone or Android and search for “Glisten Christmas.” The station will play Christmas music from November to January.

Events & Announcements

Milo Academy Family Visitation Weekend / Harvest Party
We're excited to welcome our families – and any prospective families – onto campus for a weekend full of fun, fellowship, and fall festivities, November 22-24! It's a perfect opportunity to experience Milo firsthand and connect with our community. Know someone interested in Milo? Invite them to join us. Call 541-825-3200 or email us at for more details.

Celebration of Life for Larry McGinnis
Larry McGinnis’ Memorial will happen November 23 at 4:00 PM at Pleasant Valley Adventist Church. Gifts in memoriam of Larry McGinnis can be given to the Oromo Adventist Church of Portland for the construction of their new Church in Gresham, OR at or to Oromo Adventist Church of Portland PO Box 33364 Portland OR 97292-3364. Pleasant Valley Church is located at 11125 SE 172nd Ave, Happy Valley, OR 97086.

PAA Academy Day & Academy Night
Attention 8th grade parents! Portland Adventist Academy is excited to welcome your 8th grade student to our high school campus from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Wednesday, November 13th! We have a fun day planned - just for 8th graders - when students can get a glimpse of the high school experience at PAA, see classrooms, meet teachers, and hear about the clubs, activities, and programs offered. There will be drawings for tuition, fees and prizes, as well as several opportunities to win scholarships by participating in academic challenges. Lunch is provided. That evening, we will host Academy Night - an Open House for 8th grade parents from 6:30 pm until 7:30 pm, with drawings for tuition and fees and a short meeting at 7:30 pm. Call 971-351-8984 to register or email If you know other families with 8th graders who may want to join in, please pass the word along!

PACS is Hiring!
Come join our non-profit organization in the Portland area that serves the community with a Thrift Store, Food Pantry, and Dental Clinic. We are hiring a Director of Quality Management and a Home Thrift Store Part-time Pricer. If you are interested in these positions, please visit our website ( for job descriptions or email for more information.

Join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting
Each Month!

Join Oregon Conference Prayer Ministries for our monthly prayer meeting via Zoom every third Tuesday at 7:30 PM.
Learn more...

Giving Online

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Wondering how you can support your church community with tithe & offerings when you can't be in church every week?
Give using AdventistGiving...

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