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October brings a time of celebration as we enter into another year of existence as a Global Ecovillage Network! 

Not only is October the month that the Global Ecovillage Network came into existence, but it is also the birthday of our late co-founder Hildur Jackson celebrated by the announcement of our annual ecovillage excellence prize - the Hildur Jackson Award. The Jackson family has made an unforgettable impact on this network and the regenerative movement as a whole. The celebration continues in Findhorn Ecovillage and online to commemorate the work of Ross Jackson.
Ross Jackson, together with Hildur Jackson, co-founded Gaia Trust, The Global Ecovillage Network, and Gaia Education. He has dedicated his life to supporting the uprising of a post-growth culture with the notion that the foundation of this culture must necessarily be sustainable human settlements. Thus the Global Ecovillage Network was created to provide such models. ⁠

After 30 years of inspirational support for the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education, Ross is stepping down as Chair of the Board of Gaia Education. The Global Ecovillage Network is invited, together with members of Gaia Education, GEESE, Findhorn, and the global regenerative community to lovingly commemorate and celebrate Ross Jackson. 🎉⁠ For those of you who's lives were impacted by this wonderful man, please join us on the 21st of October, live at Findhorn Ecovillage or online.
The Hildur Jackson Award is an adaptation of the previously named GAIA Excellence Award, which was given to a single European community that demonstrated admirable efforts to create a better world. The award has since grown to include regional and national networks and upon its global expansion was renamed to honor our late co-founder Hlidur Jackson. ⁠

We announce the winner of this £3,000 award every year on Hildur's birthday, October 7th! Learn more about the finalists and be sure to follow GEN on social media to find out who the winner is. 
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Are you attending COP28? We want to hear from you!
Please reach out to Rob Wheeler to join our COP28 working group. 
This month the Ecovillage Resilience community of practice is starting to develop a new tool for all kinds of local communities to understand, track, and nurture their resilience.

Join our journey to resilience with tools from the Ecovillage Resilience 2.5° project by clicking here
We welcome you to join us in celebrating the Kincentric Leadership project as 20 new people enter the programme through the third Kincentric Leadership retreat, in Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland.

Learn more about the third Kincentric Leadership retreat, instructors, and participants here
Youth in Action – Sprouts for the Future Local Projects have launched! After months of framing, planning, and engaging their local communities, the physical results of the hands-on ecological projects are now shaping up!

Read the full story here! 
Join GEN for the fourth Colloquium of the ReGEN4ALL project on October 26th at 19 CEST as we address the topic Ecovillages and the Commons.

Learn more & Register! 

Join GENOA's upcoming community call, "Creating Financial Abundance while Restoring Mother Earth" which will take place Friday, October 27th from 14:00 - 16:00 UTC+7 (check local time). 

Register Now! 

The Healer's Ecovillage is a spiritual community of practice for higher consciousness, growing healing skills, and actualizing our full potential.  

October 14, 2023 9-11 am UTC+7
Learn more & Register
🎬 GEN-Japan is celebrating the completion of their EDE held from April to September with an innovative format spreading out the original one-month EDE into a series of three days and two nights or four days and three nights. 

Get a glimpse of the family created during the process with this video recap! 

How do ecovillages buy land? What’s the best legal model for a co-housing project? What about governance and decision-making?

Join us and ecovillage experts from across Europe for four webinars between September 26th and October 23rd.

Learn more & Register

Mark your calendars for August 20th (arrival) - August 25th (departure) and get ready to explore the beautiful surroundings of our host for 2024, Ängsbacka, Sweden.

Tickets will be on sale in the new year - sign up for the GEN Europe newsletter to make sure you don't miss out. 
Vamos!  🐚 Join Casa Colombia for El Llamado de la Montaña 2024 (the call of the Kunagua Mountain) reconnecting the family to celebrate #Sumapaz From January 9 to 14, 2024 in Silvania-Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Follow Casa on Instagram (redcasalatina) or facebook (RED CASA Latina) for more information! 
After 30 years of inspirational support for the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education, is stepping down as Chair of the Board of Gaia Education.

On the 21st of October, members from GEN, Gaia Education, GEESE, Findhorn and the global community far and wide are invited to join us to lovingly commemorate and celebrate Ross Jackson. You are invited to acknowledge and celebrate everything we have created and accomplished together within the Global Ecovillage Movement through lively conversation, song, dance, and ritual - online or in person

Learn more & Register!           |         Explore all of Gaia Education's offerings

Are you a community catalyst, facilitator, coach or trainer working on community climate action or empowering people in local places to build resilience through community-led initiatives?

We would like to invite you to an online session introducing the tools, resources and training opportunities from the recently completed Community Climate Coach project. This was an ERASMUS + project led by a consortium of ECOLISE members who are pioneers in European Permaculture, Ecovillage, Transition Towns, National village movements and Regenerative Design networks.

Register now!

We ask that you leave a small donation in support of the continuation of our work to link and support ecovillages, educate the world about them, and grow the regenerative movement. 

Help us create the news you want to receive! Click here and vote for the content you would like to see more of or email us at Thank you for helping to build this global network. 

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Global Ecovillage Network, 2023.
Registered charity: SC043796. Consultative status in the UN – ECOSOC.201

All content on this newsletter is licensed under under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

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