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Welcome back to our monthly E-Newsletter!

The past few weeks has proved to be a truly historic time for our diocese. As we joined the nation in the mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth II, parishes and schools across the diocese paid their own personal respects to the late queen, whilst our cathedral paid tribute with a book of condolence and special Requiem Masses. 

September also saw the arrival of the relics of St Bernadette to our diocese as part of a once-in-a-lifetime tour, whilst October saw the first steps of our cathedral restoration project starting to unfold, in addition to welcoming the fifth and final stage of our Hope in the Future programme. 

Throughout the busyness of the past few weeks, Bishop John has repeatedly urged us to take a moment, to reflect on our lives and responsibilities as Christians, and our relationship with the Church, each other, and the world around us. 

Speaking at the launch of the Stage 5 of Hope in the Future, he said: “We are ambassadors for Christ – wherever we are, whatever we’re doing, that is the privilege and the challenge of our lives. I believe that Hope in the Future in our diocese has caused us to think very carefully about what it is to be Church today; to think about the gifts and talents that we have, the way we feed those through our liturgy and our organisation in our parishes, so that we may be missionary disciples.”

Continue reading for more of our latest news and upcoming events!
Thousands flock to cathedral for historic visit of saint's relics

Thousands of people queued outside Salford Cathedral this September to pray before the remains of a much-loved saint.

People of all ages from across the diocese turned out to see the gleaming golden reliquary that houses the relics of St Bernadette during the historic visit.

Described as a once-in-a-lifetime visit, the relics rested in our cathedral for two days, as they made their way across England, Wales, and Scotland for the first ever time.

During the visit, thousands of people attended the cathedral during a series of open visits, services, and Masses, leaving standing room only as pilgrims flocked to share in this rare experience.

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Hope in the Future: Stage 5 Launch

This October saw the launch of the fifth and final stage of our Hope in the Future Programme. 

Over the past five years parishes, schools, and families across the diocese have been working hard to breathe new life into their communities, by engaging in prayer, celebration, and discernment across a range of events, sacramental programmes, and community outreach work.

As we journey together in the final stage of this inspiring programme entitled ‘Sharing the Hope’, we’re turning our attention to putting our faith into action through caring for those most in need in our local area, and caring for our common home.

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Bishops call for action in new environment document

As another Season of Creation draws to a close, the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has reissued a fundamental document highlighting our Christian call to care for creation.

The document, Call for Creation, was originally published in 2002, but it has been updated to better reflect the urgent and dire needs of today’s world.

Bishop John Arnold, Bishop of Salford and environmental lead for the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, co-wrote the introduction for this latest document, alongside Bishop Richard Moth, Chair of the Department for Social Justice at the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

Find out more about the document by clicking the button below, or click here to hear more from Bishop John.

Read more about the "Call of Creation"
Women Saints and Spirituality 

Join us for a new series of talks exploring the life and spirituality of women in the Church throughout history.

The monthly talks help us discover more about these inspirational women, their relevance for us today, and builds in time for prayer and discussion.

Sessions will take place at Wardley Hall, Worsley, on the third Friday of each month between 10am and 12.30pm

Our next talk takes place on Friday 21 October and will have a special focus on Saint Teresa of Avila.

Find out more
Cathedral Restoration
Our Cathedral Restoration Project has begun! The contractors have put up the first scaffolding, ready to start work on the exterior. We can't wait to share more exciting updates with you throughout the restoration!
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Upcoming events

Over the coming weeks, we have a number of different events lined up for you to enjoy - from opportunities for prayer, spiritual retreats, Masses and more!

Young Adults Mass
St Augustine's Church, Grosvenor Street, All Saints, Manchester, M15 6BW
Sunday 9th October, 5.30pm 

Our next Young Adults Mass will take place on Sunday 9th October at St Augustine’s church in Manchester.

This month, we are delighted to welcome Fr Kevin Murphy as our main celebrant and homilist, and Deacon Davie Nalikata as our speaker after Mass.

Mass will begin at 5.30pm and will be followed by a social. As always, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available between 4.45 and 5.15pm before Mass.

Can't make it? Don't worry! Our Young Adults Mass returns on Sunday 13th November! 

Mass for LGBTQ+ Catholics
Saturday 29th October, 3pm

St Augustine's Church, Grosvenor Street, All Saints, Manchester, M15 6BW

Join us for the next in our series of regular Masses for LGBTQ+ Catholics, and their friends and families.

This is an inclusive and diverse space, with the opportunity to meet and chat after Mass.

Our next Mass will take place at 3pm on Saturday 29th October at St Augustine’s RC Church, Grosvenor Street, Manchester. All are welcome to attend.

Young Adults Retreat
St Joseph’s Prayer Centre, Blundell Avenue, Formby, Liverpool L37 1PH
5-6 November

Join other young adults from across our diocese with a weekend of prayer and reflection.

It will begin with Mass on Saturday 5th November at 11am and will conclude with Mass on Sunday 6th November at 12pm.

The retreat will include: Talks, Opportunity for Reconciliation, Personal Reflection and Group discussions.

The cost is £40 per person and includes; accommodation, lunch, evening meal and breakfast.

Email for more information or to register your interest!

Retreat Programme: Advent Mystery
Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gerard Majella, Brownedge Rd, Lostock Hall
Thursday 8th December 11.30am

Our formation department is delighted to announce a new programme of regular retreats to help nurture our spiritual lives.

The next retreat will take place on Thursday 8th December and will explore more about Mary's journey to becoming the mother of Christ. 

This fascinating retreat will be led by Donna Worthington and will be hosted at the new centre at Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gerard Majella, Brownedge Road, Lostock Hall.

It will run from 11.30am to 3pm, including a 30-minute lunch, and will cost £20.

To register an initial interest for the retreat (or any others in our seriesplease call the parish office on 01772 335387 or email Please include your name, contact details, and the retreat(s) you are interested in attending.

Please note – a minimum of 15 people are required for a retreat to be offered.

Do you have some good news to share?

We are always looking to hear news from our parishes.
How have you been making Hope in the Future a reality in your parish?

Prayer groups?
Charity work?
Events like Alpha or Nightfever?
Holding deanery gatherings?
Shared leadership teams?

Let us know what you've been doing by emailing: 
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