Today, we celebrate Giving Tuesday, the Global Day of Giving!
Your donations help Krasman Centre offer Peer Support-based programs including a 24/7 Warm Line and Online Chat, Drop-in Centres, virtual groups, mobile outreach and hospital-based Peer Navigators.
Giving to Krasman Centre means supporting our mission to support and empower people affected by mental health and/or addiction challenges by providing inclusive peer-support programs.
--- Can you help to support the Krasman Centre this Giving Tuesday?
York Regional Police Donate to the Inaadiziwin Centre
Thank you York Regional Police for your support!
A HUGE thank you to the York Regional Police for donating an incredible amount of food to the Inaadiziwin Centre on Georgina Island First Nation. Your support will help put food on the tables of so many folks this winter season. Thank you for organizing the food drives, collecting food and gift card donations, and delivering them to the Inaadiziwin Centre.
Join our Team!
We are hiring for the positions of York Region Outreach Peer Supporter and Harm Reduction Outreach Peer Supporter. View our job opportunities>
SPECIAL HOLIDAY EVENT: We're hosting a virtual party! Join us on Monday, December 26 from 1-3 pm. There will be music, dancing, and games. Let’s end 2022 with a blast. The Meeting Spot is a virtual drop-in support group that fosters connectivity, social interactions and community engagement. RSVP to our special holiday event
Need assistance paying for Transit? TAP can help! The Transit Assistance Program (TAP) helps make transit more affordable for eligible residents who are not currently receiving a transit subsidy. York Region is accepting participants for 2023. Learn more about TAP
24/7 Warm Line & Peer Crisis Support Service | 1-888-777-0979