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May Sacred Organizing Reflection and Resources

We use the language of hearts in sacred organizing. Biofield physiology is an emerging science, but we already know - sense - its truth. When we sit with one another, our hearts are literally in magnetic conversation, and we are able to find new ways of being beyond where we’ve imagined we could exist before. 

Relationships across space and time and story, resonating together about what hurts, what’s hidden, what holds hope. And then, aligned, we act. We're in action season right now, and we got to this point because our hearts are moving together, after a year (or more!) of encounter, unveiling, and pause.

We use a lot of language in this work that can feel odd - accompaniment (isn’t that just mentoring?), one to ones (aren’t they just coffee meetings?), organizing (isn’t that just activism?). But it calls us into new ways of living out our drive to be in community.

  • Accompaniment is intentional, loving walking- and learning-with.
  • One to ones are deep story and life-sharing moments where we see ourselves in the life of the one across from us in a new way.
  • Organizing is building collective movement and long-range power that moves mountains rather than molehills. 

As we end this fifth Coalition season next month, I encourage you to reach out to others with the real intention of building heart resonance with them for the upcoming year. Invite them into a space where your powerful heart - a heart that can reach across the coffeeshop table, or the sofa, or the pew - shares and shifts the energy in the room. Where you invite their heart to do the same. 

You may simply ask, ‘What’s keeping you awake at night right now?’ or ‘What’s pressing in on your loved ones?’ You may ask, ‘What’s keeping you hopeful today?’ or ‘If you had the power, what would you change in your neighborhood?’ You might simply wonder how this year has been for them. 

Whatever you ask, make it curious, make it powerful, and make it something that you will hold tenderly and with love. Because ultimately, that’s what accompaniment is. That’s what organizing is. And it’s how we can really discover what must be done in this world, today, for and with our communities. The spiral is ongoing, even though our cohort season is nearing an end.

If you're curious to learn more about listening, invitation, and turnout for upcoming actions that matter to your own heart, you may want to visit the excerpt of the Coalition teaching and slides, or watch the entire gathering from May 4. Here's a Turnout Worksheet resource we built to support your own organizing in your community, as well. 

May you find deep accompaniment as we continue to walk and act together, 

Your Leaven Community Land & Housing Coalition staff,
Jules, Jake, Sarah, Anna, & Alyssa
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