"The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God endures forever."
~ Isaiah 40:8 ~
9:00 AM Sunday Worship
S‌unday, O‌ctober 1
Pastor Scott will be attending the Greater New Jersey Ignite Youth Event. Guy Raymond will deliver the message.
NOTE: Communion will happen on O‌ctober 8.

Continuation of the
"Everybody Tell Somebody"
Sermon Series

S‌unday, O‌ctober 8
"The World Needs the Good News"
John 3‌:11-20
God loves each of us just the way we are. Through Christ, we are forgiven and offered life and salvation. What a gift that we get to share this Good News with others!

S‌unday, O‌ctober 15
"Tell Somebody with A Life of Love"
Luke 6:32-38
So often we feel that sharing the Gospel can only be done through our words.  However, every day we can live out what we believe to encourage others to experience the loving grace found in the Gospel.
Upcoming Events

S‌aturday, S‌eptember 30
Church Flea Market
(See information in this newsletter)

S‌unday, O‌ctober 1
Chime Rehearsal - 8:‌30-8:‌45 A‌M
Worship Service - 9‌:00 A‌M

T‌uesday, O‌ctober 3
Band Practice - 7‌:00 P‌M

O‌ctober 7
Covered Dish Music Event
2 P‌M --- In Fellowship Hall
Food & music featuring
The Libby Prison Minstrels.

S‌unday, O‌ctober 8
Chime Rehearsal - 8:‌30-8:‌45 A‌M
Worship Service - 9‌:00 A‌M
Fellowship Time After Service

O‌ctober 9
Food Pantry Open - 6 P‌M
--- By Appointment Only ---
Call 848-373-8844

T‌uesday, O‌ctober 10
Annual Church Conference
--- via Zoom at 6‌:00 P‌M

Band Practice - 7‌:00 P‌M

We‌dnesday, O‌ctober 11
Next newsletter published

S‌aturday, O‌ctober 14
Sewing Fellowship Group
Fellowship Hall - 10‌:00 A‌M

O‌ctober 15
Chime Rehearsal - 8:‌30-8:‌45 A‌M
Worship Service - 9‌:00 A‌M

NOTE: Please check the church website and calendar frequently for the most up-to-date scheduling and activity information.

A Blessed Event
Praise the Lord! ~ On S‌unday, S‌eptember 17, Pastor Scott baptized Declan Michael Bergonzoni. A large contingent of family & friends came to celebrate the baptism.
Fellowship Time
On the second Su‌nday of each month, we have Fellowship Time immediately after the 9 A‌M Worship Service. It will be in Fellowship Hall and is a time of light refreshments and conversation; a time to catch up with each other and welcome visitors. The next Fellowship Time will be on S‌unday, O‌ctober 8. Please join us!


Fellowship Time is volunteer driven. There is a sign-up sheet outside of Fellowship Hall. Please use this sheet to indicate which Fellowship time you would like to host. Instructions are found on the sign-up sheet. "Thank You" to those who have already volunteered. The next date that needs a volunteer host is J‌anuary 14.
Worship Through Giving

We are thankful for your faithful support. Your generous giving has been vital in maintaining our ability to cover expenses and continue our church ministries. You may continue giving in-person at the indoor worship service, by sending your offering check directly to the church, or by using the church online giving feature found in the footer of the church website. It is easy, secure, and appreciated. --- Thank You

If so inspired, you may give online now, by clicking HERE.

Prayer Ministry
Please keep the following people in your prayers ...
  • Walt (Rose Mary’s neighbor) – had stent put in heart.
  • Betty Pizzulo (Vicki Kushnir’s mother) – for courage & strength in her faith.
  • John Delaney (Friend of the Raymond’s) – that doctors can successfully diagnose & treat medical issues.
  • Karolinka – (Irena’s daughter) – recovering from illness.
  • Guy Raymond - addressing aliments causing physical pain.
  • Continued prayer for home-bound church members: Rudy & Jean Iannacone; Dottie Weeks, Jill Palmer
~ NOTE ~
Please let Pastor Scott know of any additions, removals, or status updates to this prayer list. Please place a completed prayer request card in the offering if you wish for the prayer request to appear in this list. Prayer requests will roll off the list after 4 weeks unless updated or renewed.

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is a year-round mission activity. Shawls are made by members & friends of our congregation. They are given to people in need of comfort and as a reminder that they are in our thoughts and prayers. The person receiving a shawl does not have to be a member of our church. We share our shawls just as we share our prayers.

If you are aware of anyone who would appreciate a shawl, please give the information to Anita Chichester or Pastor Scott. Click HERE for more information & instructions for making prayer shawls.
Food Pantry Ministry
Next distribution is O‌ctober 9

The DeBows Food Pantry is open on the 2nd & 4th Mon‌day each month, 6‌-8pm. DeBows uses an "Appointment Only" system to distribute the food. To make an appointment, call 848-373-8844.

Please note: participants need to call for an appointment by 5‌:00p‌m on the S‌aturday prior to the scheduled food pantry day. This gives the Food Pantry volunteers time to prepare the food for distribution. "Thank You" for your cooperation.

Please contact Pastor Scott if you need further information or would like to volunteer to help with the Food Pantry ministry.
Music Ministry

DeBows UMC is blessed with talented people who love to praise God. We pray for each other and give back to the Lord the blessings we’ve received. We welcome newcomers to join our music ministry and share and grow their talent for God’s glory. Please contact Grayce by email at for any questions or to discuss opportunities to participate in our music ministry.

Chime Choir — Rehearses Su‌nday morning 8:‌30 to 8:‌45 A‌M and rings the introit to worship on Su‌nday morning (except on Revival Su‌nday). New members are always welcome. Ability to sight read music and prior experience not necessary. Ability to be present and have fun very important!

Praise Band — Rehearses Tuesday nights at 7:‌00 P‌M and plays a five-song set once a month for Revival Sunday, usually the last Sunday of the month. Check email and church calendar for exceptions. All instruments welcome.

* More information about the DeBows music ministry can be viewed HERE. Modification or cancellation of specific dates will be communicated by Grayce via email. Please check email for any cancellations before coming out.

DeBows in Mission

Throughout the year DeBows engages in many different forms of outreach to share God’s love with our neighbors and community. While our flagship mission, the Food Pantry, happens every month, other outreach activities happen at various times during the year. Below is a proposed list of mission activities for the rest of 2‌023.

NOTE: Future newsletters will contain more detailed information about each activity as we get closer to their respective dates.


We will be collecting specific items to support our Food Pantry Ministry. These are needed items that are not normally provided via the Fulfil Food Bank program.

Needed items include: peanut butter, pasta, tuna fish, beans (not green beans), and breakfast cereal (not corn flakes or cheerios). Please beware of the expiration dates for donated items.

NOTE: While we highlighted this activity during S‌eptember, you are welcome to donate any of the the above items anytime during the year. The need is ongoing and your support of the Food Pantry Ministry is greatly appreciated.

O‌ctober & N‌ovember
Going into the holiday season, we will organize support for 3 ministries. Watch for more details in the next newsletter.
  1. Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes – due mid-N‌ovember
  2. Special Food Pantry Distribution of Thanksgiving meals
  3. Collecting gifts for Trenton Children's Home Society – due the1st week of D‌ecember

Deliver collected gifts to the Children's Home Society
Focus on the Season of Advent, culminating with our Christ Child Gift offering at Christmas

As always, we appreciate your support of church ministries.
Mark Your Calendar
*** Church Flea Market
S‌aturday, S‌eptember 30

DeBows will host a Flea Market on S‌eptember 30 from 8 A‌M to 2 P‌M. Table space (no table) for vendors is $15. Please contact Sue Hayward to reserve a space or for more information.

Volunteers will be needed for setup (beginning at 7a‌m) and breakdown at 2p‌m. Volunteers will also be needed to man the church tables during the flea market. Please contact Sue if you are available to help.

*** Covered Dish Music Event
S‌aturday, O‌ctober 7 - 2‌:00 P‌M

Food & music featuring The Libby Prison Minstrels. This is a free community event and will take place in Fellowship Hall. Please join us for some good food and great music.

*** Annual Church Conference
T‌uesday, O‌ctober 10 - 6‌:00 P‌M
This will take place via Zoom. The Zoom link will be posted when available.
Connect & Stay Informed
For the most up-to-date information concerning church activities, event schedules, general church information, or to view recent newsletters, you may visit the church website anytime at

Along with the normal newsletter, special emails will be sent out once in a while for prayer requests, event cancellations, or time-sensitive news. If Sunday worship is cancelled due to weather, an alert will also be posted on the church website.

All church communication emails will be based on the newsletter subscription list, so if you have not already subscribed to the church newsletter, we invite you to subscribe now. Just visit the church website and use the subscription form in the bottom right-hand corner of the homepage.
Feedback Welcome
As always, your feed back to our newsletter is welcome and appreciated. You may reply to the newsletter email or use the "Contact Us" page on the church website to provide your input. 
The next newsletter will be published on
W‌ednesday, O‌ctober 11
Rev. Scott Clifton, Pastor
or 732-928-4475

If you need to speak to Pastor Scott,
please contact him directly using the above information.
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