In this week's issue:
  • Coming Up - September Highlights
    • Dews Farm - Offsite Mountain Biking
    • Safety Saturday with Met Police
    • Family Fun Day + Club Champs
    • Summit 65 MTB Ride in the Chilterns
  • Calling all Parents - Volunteers Needed
  • Who's Who Corner - "Meet" Alex Araujo!
  • Chatter Box Corner: Report, Updates and General Chit Chat
    • Slipstreamers in Action - Taking on Grass Track for the First Time
    • Tour of Britain Update
    • HCC Thank you Note to Parents
  • Race Corner - Upcoming Races!
  • A Few Reminders - Please Read!
    • Membership Survey - Have you Submitted Yours?
    • Club Champs Dates
    • Prime Coaches for Parents
    • Assessment Certificates
    • Diary Dates
  • Winners Corner - Race Results
  • Did You Know? Cycling in Comics!

Dear Slipstreamers Riders and Parents,

Welcome to your weekly news roundup of information we hope you will find interesting. In this week's issue we focus on what's coming up in September with a few weekends you really don't want to miss; we list just a taster of the exciting events coming up on the race calendar in the new Race Corner; and share a note of thanks from the Users Group. We get to know MTB Coach Alex Araujo in the Who's Who Corner a bit better; read about two Slipstreamers trying out something new for the first time our Chatter Box Corner; and list some important information woth noting in the Reminders section - in particular that of the current Member Survey, the next kit sale, and of course the all important Diary Dates. We round up with the weekly race results in the Winners Corner, and bring you something comical in the (now) monthly  Did You Know section!

As usual, Parents, please ensure your children read their newsletter and are aware of what's going on! Feel free to email us their email address/es, and we'll send the weekly issue directly to their inbox to save you having to do so yourself. We hope you enjoy this week's issue!


Coming up in September - The Highlights

The Summer holidays are almost over and soon enough you'll all be back at school, parents return to work, and for those of you who haven't spent your Summer on two wheels, hopefully back on your bikes! The race season event calendar is picking up again in the various disciplines (see the Race Corner), and Saturdays in September will be very busy at the Club.

Whilst by no means an exhaustive list of what will be happening, we bring to your attention the following highlights worth noting:

Off-Site Mountain Biking at Dews Farm - 13th September

The final off-site mountain biking session for the year takes place on the 13th September at Dews Farm Quarry in Harefield. There is no mountain biking at the clubhouse on this date, and we would encourage anyone interested in getting a sense of what the mountain bikers get up to to talk to the MTB coaches about joining the off-site session. However, you do need to be aware that the quarry terrain is fairly technical, so you must already have a suitable level of mountain biking ability to attend, as well as an appropriate off road mountain bike with gears. If in doubt, do talk to the MTB coaches, or feel free to email us. If you are interested in attending this session for the first time, and have got the go-ahead from the MTB coaches, please kindly confirm this by emailing BEFORE the 13th.


Safety Saturday with the Met Police - 20th September

Every year we arrange a date with the Met Police and Hillingdon Council to come and visit the Club one Saturday, and remind all Slipstreamers about safety on the road in general. Aptly referred to as Safety Saturday, the session tends to get very busy with lots of safety themed activities going on, for example:
  • A large lorry will be parked for children to climb into and shown the view of the road of a lorry driver as seen through the lorry mirrors.
  • There will be bike marking available free of charge so if you have any spare or family bikes lying around at home, do bring them along to be be marked and registered on the national police database.
  • We will have some fun with a radar gun where the police will accurately speed test Slipstreamers in action - there will be prizes for the fastest recorded in each age group!!
  • And just in time for those of you thinking about cycling to school on your own, but haven't yet done Bikeability training, Hillingdon Council have arranged 2 Bikeability instructors, totally free of charge, to come along and take some of you onto the road to be trained to a basic level of road safety competence.
  • Finally, if don't want to hang out with the Police or Bikeability, your Coaches will also be getting involved by checking bikes and clothing for safety, and also putting on some safety training of their own! 

Club Family Fun Day (Incorporating Club Champs!) - 27th September

Our annual Family Fun Day is almost upon us! This event brings Slipstreamers families together in a more social context, where members get to spend the whole day together having fun, and everyone getting to know each other a bit better. The day promises to be an exciting one, where Slipstreamers will be able to take part in 2 of the 5 Club Champs categories, specifically the Skills and Time Trials; and enjoy a series of games that will include the likes of cycle football, relay races, water games, tug of war, and many others! Whilst we cannot guarantee sunshine and warm weather, we assure you there will be fantastic music; delicious refreshments, including a barbecue; and without a doubt a wonderful day to be had by all. Do bookmark this date in your diaries, and we hope to see you all there!


Summit 65 MTB Ride in the Chilterns - Sunday 14th September

Our fellow mountain bike club, Summit MTB Club, in partnership with Rough Ride Guide, have organised an off road cycle sportive in the Chilterns for the 14th September 2014. There are 3 different distances to choose from, catering for all ability levels, i.e. 65 miles (105km), 45 miles (72km) and 15 miles (24km). Summit’s British Cycling qualified Go Ride coaching team will be running an accompanied Summit Go Ride for younger riders aged 10-16 over the short route. By contrast the 65 mile long epic is a serious challenge for experienced off road cyclists covering over 7,500 feet of ascent! The carefully planned routes offer some of the best XC MTB riding in the South East including superb woodland singletrack, linked by classic Chiltern byways, bridleways, quiet country lanes and a few surprises!

Riding through the Chilterns on a mountain bike is a wonderful experience, and we would encourage as many Slipstreamers to sign up for this!! Click here to enter online & for further information.
As ever, if you have any questions, do simply email us at



Volunteers Needed - Will You Help Us Parents?

It's that time again when we reach out to Parents to help us with the running the various aspects of your children's club. Simply put, we need more volunteers to help us in the various aspects of running the club, more so now as we continue to grow. We currently have an incredible bunch of volunteers who dedicate their spare time to the club and the development of each and every Slipstreamer, and without whom the club cannot function - it is that simple. Some of us are teachers, writers, police officers, doctors, lawyers, directors, artists and so on etc, so we fully understand that time is precious, especially with family!!  But even just 30 minutes to an hour of will make a difference, and will help us take this amazing club even further for the children we give our time for willingly because we want each and every one of them to succeed!

If you are able to spare some time for the club, perhaps on a Saturday morning, at a race event, or during the week for an hour or two, we particularly need your help in the following areas:

Club Operations & Administration: We are always in need of people to help us run the various aspects of the back office. We need assistance with data entry into spreadsheets, editorial work for the newsletter, and curation/ collation of information - to name but a few. If you know how to use a computer at a basic level, or even have more intermediate/ advanced skills, please come forward - we could use you, and any bit of additional help would be welcomed! Even if you don't know how to use a computer - there are loads of other areas you can help out with, so do get in touch!

Volunteering at Races: Club Champs are coming up, as are many race events that will require helpers. We are always on the lookout for volunteers to help with marshalling, judging, first aid, flag waving, trophy organisers, bell ringing, lap board changing and gear checking - among others. If you would like to be part of the group of volunteers that can be called on to assist, please let us know.

So the big question to you is: are you interested in helping? If the answer is yes, please get in touch by reply to this email, letting us know where you want to help (operations or races or both), your general skills, and availability. Every contribution matters, so please do come forward and help us run your children's club!


Who's Who Corner - Meet Your Volunteers & Coaches

Each week we introduce you to one of the very many coaches and volunteers who help out at Slipstreamers (check out the archive for previous Who's Who Bio's), without whom the club would not function! You get to put a face to a name (if you don't know them already), plus you'll get to find out a little bit more about each one.

This week, we get to know a coach who hails from Canada, likes to get muddy, and is never seen without a smile on his face! There is a never a dull moment when he is around, he is reported by his regular riders as "FUN", and you will normally find him encouraging, inspiring and building on the skills of our mountain bikers!  Please meet none other than...

Alex Araujo: Level 2 MTB Coach

We asked Alex a few questions we thought you'd be interested to know the answers to:
{How long have you been volunteering at HSS?}
I’m not sure exactly! – probably a couple of years now.  It’s so much fun the time just flies by!
{What is the best/ worst part of your role at HSS?}
The best part is welcoming our Mudslingers cleanly laundered and sending them home muddy.  The worst part is when it’s sunny and dry!
{What do you do in your spare time, away from HSS?}
There isn’t much spare time between work and family, but I cherish my time on the bike.  My other hobby is tinkering with my vintage Volkswagen campervan.
{What is your “real” job?}
Surprisingly (even to me!), I work for a bank in front of a computer screen all day.  The antithesis of riding your bike – I don’t really recommend it!!
{What is your most interesting cycling/ sporting experience?}
There are so many!  I have stage raced in Ireland, ridden the back-country of Utah, and followed a world championship downhiller down a white-knuckle course. They all seem to involve being on two wheels!
{What is your favorite band/ artist/ musician of all time?}
I’m a bit old-school – my favourite songwriters are David Byrne, Freddie Mercury, and Paul Simon.  In the more modern category, bands as disparate as Bon Iver, The Antlers, The Foals, and Crystal Castles.
{If you could meet any historical figure, past or present, who would it be and why?}
Since reading about his Tour de France exploits in bike magazines (we had no TV coverage of the tour at the time), my cycling hero has always been Greg Lemond.  I got to meet him at the London stage finish this year!  Why? So I could thank him for inspiring me to take up the sport, which changed my life.
{If you could time travel to any era, historical or future, where would you go?}
I’d like to go to the precise point in time and exact location where the wheel was invented – the mysterious person or people responsible could then be properly honoured for the rest of time!
{If you could be any fictional character from a book, comic, movie etc., whom would you choose?}
I’m showing my age, but there was a video game back in the mid-1980s called Grog’s Revenge (yes kids, there were video games back then).  The main character was called Thor – a very cool caveman riding a stone unicycle searching for the meaning of life and collecting clams as he went.  What a great lifestyle!  Here’s a picture of him:

{If you could be any animal, bird or insect for a day, what would you choose?}
I’m Canadian, and was shocked to find that Canada is probably the only country in the world without a national bird.  In my own opinion, it should be the Gavia Arctica, also known as the ‘Loon’, with its haunting, magical call.  I’d be one for a day, visit Parliament, and make my case for National Birdship!

Thank you for taking the time to give us a bit of insight into who you are outside of Slipstreamers, Alex


Chatter Box Corner - Reports, Updates and General Chit Chat

Slipstreamers in Action...

Ben and Alex Take on the Grass Track for the First Time!

Last weekend, on the 23rd August, Alexander Uphill and Ben Bisson took part in their first cyclocross race at the Crawley Wheelers Summer Cross in the Park, Grass Criterium, and our 1st cyclo-cross race of the season for Slipstreamers. Both boys raced in the Under 12 race, so they were up against a few older boys and girls too; racing on their road bikes with slick tyres! Normally, one would ride with a cyclo-cross bike, but it is indeed possible to ride with a road bike or a mountain bike - although this would be a slight disadvantage to you. Fortunately for Ben and Alex, it was dry enough to not be too much of a disadvantage, and even though there were a few wheel spins, they battled hard and raced well with full-on commitment! Not bad going for a first time, especially as Alex took a well-earned second place on the podium, with Ben coming in a fantastic 5th. Well done boys!

Needless to say, they had a wonderful time and totally loved the experience - wanting to do more now! If you have never tried cyclocross before, give it a go - perhaps you'll be like Ben and Alex and love it; but you won't know until you try!

Do you have a race/ cycling experience to share? Riders, please keep sending us any race notes of your experiences - even if it's a line or two, updates you want to share, race musings and general comments - this is your newsletter, and this is your section to share your thoughts with your fellow Slipstreamers. Parents, please take photos of your children at the various races they represent Slipstreamers at so we can showcase them in this newsletter. Do email your contributions to us at


Tour of Britain Final Stage Race - Update

Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in being part of the Slipstreamers team to ride at the Go-Race event in London at the final leg of the Tour of Britain on Sunday 14th September. The response has been overwhelming, and we have more names than we expected - it is fantastic to see such enthusiasm from our members! The list has now been handed over to British Cycling, and we will have to wait until we hear back from them in terms of final numbers and how many riders will be accepted for this event. Thank you in advance for your patience, and we hope to get back to you next week with further updates via the newsletter. In the interim, talk to your coaches this weekend if you have any further questions, or feel free to email us.

Thank You To the Parents & Volunteers Who Cleared the Track Edges...

Further to our thank you note in last week's issue to those parents who helped out previously by brandishing shovels and spending the session digging, sweeping and generally tidying up the edges of the circuit; please note the following email sent in by Ian Why from the HCC Users Group:
Dear Slipstreamer Helpers/Parents,
I would like to take this opportunity too thank every one involved in clearing the track edges of grass. I know how hard it is having once cleared the home straight from the corner to the apron. Once was enough! When I saw someone had started to clear the section on the corner of the home straight I mistakenly thought it had been started by the council's contractors as they had cut the undergrowth back opposite the clubhouse. I had discussed doing this with the LBH representative at a site meeting I had with her about a month ago and thought that was quick. I should have known better!! I will endeavour to get the contractors to spay weedkiller on the track edges to, hopefully, stop any regrowth.
Once again thank you very much. Keep up the good work!
Ian Why, Site Manager, Hillingdon Cycle Circuit Users Group

A MASSIVE THANK YOU once again from all of us!

Race Corner - Upcoming Races

Welcome to the new section of your newsletter where we will aim to list some of the fantastic races coming up in the week ahead we think are too important to not mention. We do not guarantee to list all the upcoming races - there are simply too many!!, but we will highlight the ones we think are worth noting in the respective disciplines of road, track, cyclo-cross and mountain biking. Parents are very welcome to send in contributions for inclusion in the Race Corner, which we will be happy to review and list accordingly, if feasible. Remember, you need a BC licence to race in most cases - if in doubt, just ask.

For this week, we ease you back into the race calendar quite gently, and suggest the following for this weekend:

BC West Thames League

Click here for more details. The next race is on Saturday 30th August. Contact race organisers (number listed on website) directly to find out about Youth Riders in Categories C, D and E as these are not indicated.

Banjo Mountain Bike Races - Round 1

Click here for more details. The first race of the series is on Sunday 31st August. It would be great to see more Slipstreamers at mountain bike races - these always tend to be great fun; and there are BC points for riders in the Under14’s and above.

Cyclo Cross - Bicester and Wigmore Series Races

Click here for more details if you are interested in trying out some cyclo-cross - there are 2 races coming up this weekend on Saturday the 30th August, in Bicester and in Kent.

Of course, there are many more races to join in, so do watch this space, and we will list a few more each week.

Alternatively, do go to the BC website and check the race calendar for each discipline, filtering by date and region accordingly, i.e.

A Few Reminders - Don't Forget...

2014 Membership Survey - Have you Submitted your Feedback?

If you have not yet seen the survey email asking for your feedback to improve your club, please click here.
Thank you to everyone who has submitted their feedback - this is incredibly helpful. Unfortunately, we have only received comments and input from a handful of our members and parents - we really need ALL our  U16 Members to please take a few minutes to click the survey link , and let us know about your Slipstreamers experience to date, good or bad, and how YOU want the club to improve. Every single comment will be logged and reviewed, and we promise to consider every single suggestion and take on board all your input to ensure we run the club based on what our members what. YOUR VOICE MATTERS! So please Members, make sure you fill in your survey as soon as possible and let us know what you would like to see at your club.

Of course, we would also appreciate the input of Parents, Coaches, Young Officials and Volunteers, so please do also fill in a fresh survey, making sure you select the correct option in Question 1, and skip questions not relevant to you. All feedback is anonymous so feel free to be honest!

The survey will run for a few more weeks, so don't worry if you are on holiday and cannot access the link - we will remind you weekly while it's running, and will let you know in advance when we will be closing the survey. Please don't hesitate to contact if you have any questions.


2014 Club Championships Categories and Dates

If you have not yet noted these dates, please do:
  •     Skills, Time Trials (Part I): 27th September [see notes in previous newsletter]
  •     Time Trials (Part II): 11th October [see notes in previous newsletter]
  •     Road Races: 18th October
  •     Mountain Biking: 8th November
  •     Track: 22nd November [see notes in previous newsletter]
Refer to last week's newsletter [click here] for the rules and notes around the Club Champs.


Prime Coaching, Skills for Parents - Sunday 7th September

A reminder that Prime Coaching are holding a skills session morning for grown-ups on Sunday September 7th, which will be led by some of the coaches you already know from Slipstreamers. This is great for parents of Slipstreamers who would like to learn similar bike handling skills to those which their children have. Road bikes are not required, and any bike style can be used as long as it has 2 brakes and is safe and road worthy. Helmets must be worn. If we get enough takers, we might lay on the Bronze assessment course!! For more details if you are interested, please click here.

Assessment Pass Certificates

If you recently passed your assessment in August, and are owed a certificate, these wil be handed out on Saturday after the main session, during the announcements. Please don't ask us for these in the morning, as we will be busy printing them out - they will only be ready after 12! If you are owed a certificate from assessments pre August, then feel free to see us anytime as it is likely we have these in our uncollected pile.

If You'd Like To Buy Club Kit

We are hoping to have new kit in stock and ready for sale during early October. For further details, please email directly.  Chris will be able to advise you via email what is available for purchase currently, and what will be due in a a few weeks.


Fancy a Free BC Licence?

If you are not yet a British Cycling member and wish to join, please email and Asti will explain how you can get your first year of BC membership free, which includes a free youth racing license.

Diary Dates - Upcoming

  • 30th August :
    • Early practice session, sign on at 8.15am, ready to go for 8:30 sharp!
    • Normal circuit session, sign on between 9am and 9:30am - don't be late!
  • 6th September:
    • Early practice session, sign on at 8.15am, ready to go for 8:30 sharp!
    • Normal circuit session, sign on between 9am and 9:30am - don't be late!
  • 7th September:
    • Calshot track - you MUST book your place in advance by emailing Steve May direcly on
  • 13th September:
    • Early practice session, sign on at 8.15am, ready to go for 8:30 sharp!
    • Normal circuit session, sign on between 9am and 9:30am - don't be late!
    • Mountain Biking Off-Site Session - Dews Farm: sign on from 9.30am for 10am start.
  • 20th September:
    • Early practice session, sign on at 8.15am, ready to go for 8:30 sharp!
    • Safety Saturday + Normal circuit session, sign on between 9am and 9:30am - don't be late!
  • 27th September:
    • Family Fun Day!!! Keep full day free!
    • Club Champs: Skills AND Time Trials (Part I)
    • Early practice session, sign on at 8.15am, ready to go for 8:30 sharp!
  • 11th October:
    • Early practice session - FINAL TT practice of the year. Club Champs Time Trial Part II
    • Normal circuit session, sign on between 9am and 9:30am - don't be late!
Normal sessions run every Saturday as normal throughout October, November and December, but please note the following specific dates for reference:
  • 18th October:
    • Club Champs: Road Races
  • 26th October:
  • 8th November:
    • Club Champs: Mountain Biking
  • 22nd November:
    • Club Champs: Calshot track - you MUST book your place in advance by emailing Steve May direcly on


Winners Corner!


Saturday Club Session Races - 23rd August...

And the weekly session winners recorded in our Winner's Corner are:

Mountain Bike Racers:

1st place for the boys is William Jones, and Priya Sunda for the girls

Circuit Racers:

U8  : James Brown for the boys, Shehrezade Graham and Bobbie O'Brien for the girls
U10: Tom Stringer for the boys, Millie Coleman for the girls
U12: Nathan George for the boys, Ella Coleman for the girls
U14: Matt Harrop for the boys, and Zoe Brooks for the girls
U16: Ben Moriarty for the boys, no girls

Fantastic results all of you!!


From Further Afield, Wearing the Slipstreamers Colours...

BC West Thames 20, 23rd August

U12 Boys:  1st Nathan George,     2nd Oisin Murphy
U12 Girls:  1st Isabella Escalera,   2nd  Abby Old
U10 Boys:  1st  Joseph O'Brien,     2nd  Jed Smithson,      3rd  Alex Uphill
U8 Boys:    1st Finlay Hawker,      2nd  Finn O'Brien
U8 Girls:    1st  Millie Coleman,    2nd  Bobbie O'Brien,     3rd  Kim Bowler


Summer Cross in the Park Grass Criterium, 23rd August

Our 1st cyclo-cross race of season for Slipstreamers
U12/10 Boys overall :  2nd  Alex Uphill,   5th Ben Bisson


Well done to every single one of you, and if you didn't win or don't see your name above, don't worry - there are plenty more opportunities to race at each Saturday session and at all the various races out there, so keep at at, and please don't give up!!


Did You Know...?

Cycling has Featured in Comic Strips for Years...

When was the last time you picked up a comic book and saw your cartoon favourites or even superheroes riding a bicycle? More often than not, they are either flying (Superman!), driving an awesome batmobile (Batman), or riding motorcycles (Ghost Rider!) - to name but a few.  In fact, whilst not as mainstream as the likes of DC and Marvel, there are quite a few comic book characters out there who prefer bicycles to other forms of transport, and of course, a few who are simply quite petrified (Calvin and Hobbes!).  Here is a short list of what we think are some of the coolest characters who cycles, or talk about bicycles, in comics, and worth exploring further:

Sprocket Man:

He is true cyclist superhero who doesn't leap tall buildings in a single bound or scale the sides of skyscrapers. His most prominent characteristic, in fact, is that he scrupulously follows the rules. He is a bicycle-riding, helmet-wearing comic book hero who made his debut in 1975, and is featured in his very own series of comic books, which illustrated basic cycling safety, etiquette and theft prevention. The comic book was drawn by a pre-med student at Stanford named Louis Saekow. It turned out to be a bit of a game-changer for Saekow, as he had so much fun drawing the comic book (his first) that he changed his major from medicine to graphic design! The first comic is freely available on the wonderful Interweb so do click here if you want to read it kids!

Yehuda Moon and The Kickstand Cyclery:

The storyline revolves around the Kickstand Cyclery. Partners Yehuda Moon and Joe have opposing tastes in cycling. Joe is a club-racer, always training, always searching for the newest equipment advantage, but wary of riding in the rain. Yehuda begins on an upright Dutch bicycle. Even after he switches to a randonneur bike, he continues to care little about his speed. He carries all kinds of supplies, and rides year-round.

And of course, while there are countless of other comic strips featuring characters on bicycles, the funniest certainly has to be Calvin and Hobbes, where Calvin has an epic FEAR of his bicycle!


And finally, do remember the following important things:

1. Keep safe - read our safety tips [click this link], on how to dress, prepare for a session, sustenance, and much more!
2. Parents: park safely when you arrive please, i.e. stay off the grass verge at the gates, and park in the spaces provided!
3. Arrive on time for sign on - we start at 9am, we close at 9.30am!
4. Let us know ASAP if your phone numbers, address or emails change!

Stay safe and we'll see you on Saturday!

The Slipstreamers Team


Copyright © 2014 Hillingdon Slipstreamers, All rights reserved.