Perspectives from the Stair Newsletter shows you how to drive profit by resolving the risks in your business. Our 2015 theme: Flourish, celebrates Q4: Resolving Complexity. Exceptional Customer Service is the best Risk Management tool ever devised. Get Better—Because Better Matters.
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Image: Brisbane's Story Bridge

Perspectives from the Stair: Volume III, Issue 16
1: Matt Whom Do We Serve?
2: BonnieRobin What does it take to build resilient corporate cultures?
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1: Whom Do We Serve?

Matt Weilert   » Share & Subscribe

Image: Rock Eel Digital

We can rewrite the story of our lives.

We can trans­form a Greek tra­gedy into an epic ad­ven­ture­…or the spare el­e­gance of a haiku.

The choice is ours.

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For companies seeking a culture & communications readiness audit for pre-merger due diligence, our Semantic Compression Practice Group provides an impartial, arms-length third-party assessment.
In two brief weeks, we co-develop with you, tailored solutions to rapidly innovate and acclimate in mergers & acquisitions. A Semantic Com­pression engagement expands your capacity to address the hard truth that 80%+ of all M&A activity fails to deliver bot­tom-line value (widely cited, see Peopleware and others). We deployed this "way out of the swamp, (especially relevant for transitioning veterans!) – as a STETA Group best practice in resolving the residual risk that four out of five senior executives continue to buy the emperor's new clothes. We weave the fabric that suits humanity, by engineering the human side of enterprise. Contact BonnieRobin Watau to begin your pre-qual. If you've been accepted for a Semantic Compression engagement, you may pay online.

Interested in more detail?

Reach out to us [1, 2] to schedule an intro call. Our dialog-driven risk discovery model makes real work fun to accomplish.

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2: What does it take to build resilient corporate cultures?

BonnieRobin Mariela Watau
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Image: University of South Florida
The STEM industries are inherenently transactional. Our initiative in creating | crafting STEM & STEAM opportunities equalizes the differences in relationship-centered and transaction-centered speech, starting early, during this decade of marvelous transformation, ages 14-24 years.

Over these ten transformative years, children who will become successful mature into young adults. For others, age arrives alone, says leadership legend John Maxwell.

As my co-author Matt Weilert has repeatedly said,

"Many people are socialized to use relationship-centered speech – it's all they know. Yet transactional speech is inherently required in STEM industries, because they deal with the objective truth of chemical properties, physical limits of metals, material shaping constraints, etc.

"Anyone who says that their 'opinion has evolved' on the melting point of tungsten, marks themselves as a buffoon disqualified from having decision input on logistics, purchasing, material selection and a host of other disciplines central to a STEM-industries career."

When & where is a hive-mind a good thing?

In high-performance scenarios and in process industries, having a controlled vocabulary and a team that responds with practiced efficiency can mean the difference between life and death (such as carrier operations at sea), or the difference between profit and loss. As Dirty Jobs educator Mike Rowe says so pointedly: "in­no­va­tion without im­i­ta­tion is a waste of time."

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"in­no­va­tion without im­i­ta­tion is a waste of time."

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Systemkey Risk Solutions deliver business intimacy. Business Intimacy fosters, reinforces and sustains trust. Trust will consistently deliver exponentially improved risk results, when compared on a total lifecycle costs basis.

A central theme of the Sophrosyne Ambassador's project is "Speaking the Language of YOUR Customer."

We're not talking about the linguistic differences of Maltese vs. Farsi vs. the patois of Southern Louisiana. That is part of the richness of a diverse workforce. Nor are we talking about those for whom English is a second language, who charmingly put the accent on a different syllable than we native speakers do.

What we are talking about is the discipline and humility to build the trust that is the precursor to innovation! If you want to be part of an expanding groundswell of activities to empower young women (& men!) to succeed in science, technology, finance, manufacturing (what others have I missed?) STEM careers, apply to become a Sophrosyne Ambassador by contacting me. We anticipate the program launching in parallel with our 2016 spring internships.

Imagine the nightmare for air travelers, if cockpit layouts for the same brand of aircraft manufacturer differed between airlines. There are hundreds of split second decisions that depend on having an identical environment – for the safety of the passengers & crew, but just as importantly, for the economic viability of the airline in minimizing turn-around time and building workforce resiliency (as Southwest does).

In many cases, according to researcher John Shook, we're finding businesses are 'reshoring' in fact, bringing production back to the US, because the cultural differences and the radical difference in what we value, over the lifecycle of a product, overwhelm the short-term cost advantage of an in-vogue solution that hasn't been fully thought through.

Solution Roadmap for Youth

The Harry Potter stories have proven kids LOVE to READ if the story is good enough. The Blue Two saga is part of the pathway to develop & deliver STEM & STEAM excellence. Reach out for more details if this rings a bell.

Solution Roadmap for Adults in Supply Networks

Resilience, or the capacity to deliver creative solutions when things go off plan, arises from Granularity, or how closely we observe the world around us – and the human experience lived day-to-day, moment-by-moment.

In the language of business, such level of detail is aggressively opposed and often fiercely resisted, yet in the language of music or dance, it is natively, intuitively understood. At the elite level, a musician's or dancer's every nuance conveys meaning, no motion or expression is wasted.

A year ago, I wrote one of my favorite articles to date: Gain insights into Global Supply Chain Resilience in 3½ minutes, in Perspectives Vol II, Issue 15, article 4: P(II)15,4.

Free Intro to Dialog Driven Risk Discovery

Schedule your complementary introduction to dialog-driven risk discovery:

Unicorns & Narwhals:
Are you living in financial fantasyland, planning quarter-by-quarter
or do you want to strategically, reliably traverse the oceans of big data by charting your course over the horizon via the sea lanes of objective reality?

If so (and who wouldn't want to both make more money and have more fun?), then schedule your intro with the embedded email above.

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