The Caregiver's Voice Newsletter
What's New?
The Caregiver's Voice

Volume 12: Issue 9

What's New? Taking Time for You

We have a choice—to feel victimized or to take action.

We can provide good reasons why we've been putting things off. Getting stuff done helps us to clear our thinking and to demolish mental clutter. Once we're on track accomplishing our tasks, we feel lighter—one less thing that occupies our thoughts.

The world keeps moving regardless of whether we act or not.

Time to take care of YOU.

Time to do something that you want to do. For example, I try to do a day-long hike somewhere in the mountains at least once a year. This year, I've stayed clear of the Sierra Mountains due to poor air quality from California's record-breaking fires. I considered flying to another country. Again, I chose not to. I don't want to put up with the uncertainty of COVID and the ever-changing travel guidelines.

Yet, I have to do something. I want to do something. I began exploring locally. Los Angeles County has a lot to offer—beaches, mountains, and more. I've lived here for over 30 years and estimate that I've likely experienced the equivalent of one finger of my body. So, for now, I am opting to take staycations, instead.

Caregiving is challenging enough, let alone the anxiety of COVID-related uncertainty. Slow down and focus on what you need, right now. 

Friends and I visited the Korean Friendship Bell in San Pedro and then drove down to Cabrillo Beach, close by. We walked on the pier and climbed on the rocks. Then we took a scenic drive up to Beverly Hills where we enjoyed an exquisitely prepared seafood dinner at Il Fornaio.

If you put off taking care of you, there will be little left of you to share. How long can you drive your car on empty? Take time to do something to refuel yourself. It doesn't have to be a big deal. Even a small diversion can make a big difference. If you don't, you could be "eligible" for a "State Mandated Vacation." How? In three minutes, you may smile as you discover the answer in The Five-Minute Respite for Caregivers on You Tube.

Brenda Avadian presenting caregiving speech
Brenda Avadian, MA
Alzheimer's/Dementia & Caregiving Professional Speaker
Editor, The Caregiver's Voice Newsletter

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Caregiver Tips

Difficulty hearing speech in noisy room?Article Excerpts—Good news for Older Folks and A Little Bit of Bad News
Excerpts of articles include: anxiety may be in our body not in our mind; SuperAgers, who have memories of twenty-year-olds; multi-tasking is one of six habits that may damage our brains; we seem to be happier as we grow older; money-apps are convenient until we're been scammed; and difficulty hearing in noisy rooms may be an indicator of dementia.

Brenda Avadian emphasizing: Caregiver You MatterWe're getting together in 2021 and 2022!
Schedule an Animated Caregiver SPEAKER
for Your Event

Brenda says:
"Caregiver, YOU Matter!"

Caregiver TIPS | Inspiring Stories | Humor

The Caregiver's Voice REVIEWWyoming-based, John Roedel close-up Poet Husband Father

A Decade Ago, My Brain and Heart Divorced – John Roedel
Drawing on human anatomy, John Roedel weaves our body's organs into a meaningfully memorable poem to help us overcome our immediate life struggles, even panic. "[M]y brain and heart divorced a decade ago over who was to blame about how big of a mess I have become... lately, I've been spending a lot of time with my gut who serves as my unofficial therapist".

The Caregiver's Voice INSPIRATIONMartin Avadian with Alzheimer's - only months before he died

Alzheimer’s Numbers Dropping – A Look Back to the Future
While there is not yet a cure for Alzheimer's and our population continues to grow older, the number of people living with Alzheimer's is lower than the estimated figures from two decades earlier.

Caregiving and Decluttering titles
from your favorite local bookstore or online.
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The Caregiver's Voice HUMOR

Keeping an eye on my father at WalmartKeeping an Eye on My Father with Alzheimer's at Walmart
A bored husband waiting for his wife to finish shopping at Walmart leads to funny antics in this video featuring a permanent ban of both of them from the store. Although, my father was not banned, this husband's antics remind me of shopping with my father with Alzheimer's. There was always a risk of dealing with security.

The Caregiver's Voice BONUSEuropean Space Agency Illustration of space junk around Earth

Before we visit Mars, we need to clean up our mess at home.
Look around your home, your office, your garage, your yard. Look at our oceans. Look at the cluttered space junk around Earth. Before we colonize Mars, we need to clean up our own mess on Earth. We can begin by downsizing in order to make caregiving easier.


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The Caregiver's Voice MISSION

  1. Support Caregivers for People with Dementia
  2. Illuminate the Multi-Dimensional Role of Caregiving 
  3. Bring Caregivers Hope and Strength with Knowledge, Support, and Humor
CONTACT Brenda Avadian for one-on-one caregiver support,
workshops, and speeches.

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