Fellow Republican,
An upcoming event by the Republican Hispanic Patriots on Tuesday, August 4th, was inadvertently left off the last e-mail.

Fellow Republican,

Before a message from a State Committee member who was appalled at the State Committee meeting held last Saturday, July 25th, a couple other issues. First, just a reminder of some upcoming events and opportunities (click to skip below) for involvement for those of us who want to see a stronger, growing Republican Party in Georgia. Please be sure to invite other like-minded people. One notable and new group that is fighting for Republican Hispanic votes and candidates in Georgia is the Republican Hispanic Patriots, recently founded by Dahlys Hamilton. If you have any questions for her, please contact her at 770-870-9401.

Second, we must ensure that we keep all Republican offices in Georgia in the hands of Republicans. As discussed in my last message there have been numerous special elections and many Republican victories. However, in House District 80 (contained mostly in my home county of DeKalb), there is currently a run-off election between one Republican and a Democrat. Please assist the DeKalb GOP with turning out the Republican vote by contacting the DeKalb GOP through Russell Steen at 404-590-3002 or Russell.Steen@gmail.comWith low turnout, every bit of help will matter!

Third, here is a letter I have received from State Committee member Nathaniel Darnell, from the 11th District of Georgia. It's long, but important if accurate. We do not need a few people selecting who our nominee is by pushing through rules changes. Remember, the State Committee runs the State GOP between conventions and the positions are extremely important, so talk to your state committee members. If you really want to skip to upcoming events, click here.

Though I was not personally at the meeting, other state committee members verified the substance of the message below:


Due to a decision made at the Georgia GOP’s State Committee meeting in Buckhead this past Saturday, up to 79% of Georgia Republican voters could be disenfranchised.
If you read the proposal that was passed, here's how it can play out:
• Georgia gets a total of 77 national delegates to the Republican National Convention.
• Of those 77, 42 delegates are from the congressional districts, which get 3 delegates a piece for the 14 districts.
• 35 delegates are state at-large delegates.
1) Under the rule amendment the state committee passed on that Saturday, if Georgia’s primary results were like the latest polls, only one candidate could get over 20% of the vote, (right now, that's Donald Trump) and thus only that candidate would get all of the 35 state at-large delegates.
2) Assuming that the candidate who gets the most votes overall in the state (even if it's only 21%) gets the most in each congressional district, he would then under this rule amendment passed today get another 28 delegates because the 1st place in the districts gets 2 of the 3 delegates in all the districts.
3) Second place in all the congressional districts would be allowed to get one delegate per district. Third place and further down get no delegates to represent their votes. So that would allow the second-place at best to garner only 14 delegates.
The impact of that is that one candidate could mathematically get only 21% of the Georgia primary vote and yet could walk away with up to 63 national delegates while 79% of the rest of primary voters only get 14 delegates to the national convention. Not proportional in the extreme!
I made a motion to reduce the rate from 20% to 5% and there were others in the state committee who were considering a motion to at least lower it to 10 percent. But before the motion could be voted on, the parliamentarian falsely claimed that there could be NO floor amendments offered to the proposal since they had not been offered 12 days in advance as per GAGOP Rules. When another member pointed out that there were many floor amendments offered and voted on at the previous State Committee meeting in March, they were told that those amendments (which were passed) were illegal.
This is a blatant lie. Seriously, look up Roberts Rules of Order, Article XI Paragraph 68. As long as the amendment to a rules change isn’t hurting members or completely unconnected to the original motion, it’s allowed. So the rules changes in March were completely valid (if not due to this rule, then due to the fact no one objected at that meeting), and the above change disenfranchising Georgia voters was completely invalid.
Although the parliamentarian was misreading the party rules, let’s assume that any rules amendment needs to be presented, exactly, no less than 12 days before the meeting.
According to the parliamentarian, the State Committee broke our own rules by passing the rules change as presented to us, and here is why. The amendment disenfranchising voters was not sent out to the state committee until Friday afternoon, less than 24 hours, much less than 12 days before the meeting.
If this blatant hypocrisy is allowed to stand then we are not a party of laws but a party governed by the arbitrary orders of the few.
Though this is the standard operating procedure, it does not have to become an issue of impeachment or litigation.
The party chairman, executive director, party counsel, and parliamentarian should issue a formal written and verbal apology for the before mentioned illegal acts to the state committee. The next state committee meeting should also revote on that amendment which was passed illegally and allow amendments to avoid disenfranchising Georgia Republican voters.
This is the least the leadership can do after this gross display of either ignorance or malice.
We must be a party of laws and not of men, and each state committee member is duty bound to hold our leadership accountable just as we expect our Republican congressmen to hold President Obama accountable.
Your Humble Committeeman,
Nathaniel Darnell

Finally, we must stay involved and active. Some upcoming events:


Republican Hispanic Patriots - Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, August 4th from 6:30- 9 PM @ Tannery Row Ale House, 554 W Main Street, Buford GA 30518
$5/ Non Members, Members Free
Food and Drink Available for Purchase. Joe Newton will be presenting on Refugee Resettlement. Entertainment will be by My Salsa Dance School. Website is available here, please RSVP.

Lamar County GOP - Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, August 4th from 6 PM - 8 PM @ PastTime Grill, Barnesville, Georgia
The Lamar County GOP has been kind enough to allow me to lead a conversation and speak on the importance of our party's principles and Advancing the GOP at their monthly meeting. Free event.

RedState Gathering
Thursday, August 6th-Sunday, August 9th, 2015
Multiple Presidential Candidates and conservative activists from across the country will be attending. Advance the GOP will be present supporting Republican principles and activities. Though tickets have sold out to the conference, there are some other options still available
 that include a Debate Watching Party.

Dekalb GOP - Debate Watch Party
Thursday, August 6th at 8:00 PM @ DeKalb GOP Headquarters, 1532 Dunwoody Village Parkway, Suite #100 Atlanta, GA 30338
Free/Bring Your Own Food/Drink

8th District GOP Annual Fish Fry
Saturday, August 8th, 2015 from 10 AM-3 PM at the Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry, Georgia
All Republicans are invited. Go out and see many of the statewide elected officials and some possible presidential candidates. General admission is $12.00. Details are available here.

Barrow County GOP BBQ
Saturday, August 22 starting at 5 PM at the Winder Lions Club
Includes a Presidential Straw Poll, food, and music. Tickets are $15.00 for adults. More details are available here.

As shown by past messages below, we will continue to Advance the GOP. If you want to spread this to others, forward it to your Republican friends and subscribe them to this mailing list. Together, we can all Advance the GOP in Georgia.       

Thank you for your leadership in the Republican Party and commitment to its principles. Like How the GAGOP May Have Just Voted to Support Donald Trump and Upcoming Events for Principled Republicans - Advance the GOP on Facebook

Alex Johnson
404-436-1GOP (404-436-1467)

P.S. As part of my efforts to continue to Advance the GOP, and to stay in touch, I may periodically send you e-mails and updates. If you wish to subscribe a friend who wants to Advance the GOP, use this link. If you wish to be removed from this list, please be sure to unsubscribe below.

P.P.S. Previous e-mails can be found at these links:

How the GAGOP May Have Just Voted to Support Donald Trump

How Money is Destroying the Georgia GOP: Lies, Control, and the Solution!

Get Good Republicans Elected Now; Opportunities to be Involved

Congratulations and Thank You!

Don't Know Alex? Meet Alex Johnson

What does the GAGOP Do? Johnson Plan for GAGOP Chairman!

Experience Matters! Vision Matters!

Stand for the Truth! Principles Matter!

Erick Erickson Supports Alex Johnson for GAGOP Chairman

Let's Work Together! Team Work is Vital to Raise Money and Grow the Georgia GOP

Alex Johnson Wins Straw Poll with 75% of the Vote - District Convention Results

What Do You Want From The GOP? Be Heard! Meet Alex Johnson - Video Introduction

Vote Alex Johnson for GAGOP Chairman - Stop Wasting Money: Let's Focus on Fundraising

Right Now, "Republican" Legislators are Trying to Violate your Rights: Stop Them Today!

Elect Real Leadership! Go To Your County GOP Convention!

Corruption, Power, and Running for Party Office

Don't Cheat, Grow the Party!

Declaration of Candidacy

Campaign Notifications: Leaders Get Involved!

Victory, New Leadership, and GETTING INVOLVED

The GOP Needs Leadership! Will you help provide it?

Vote Republican! Fill Out the Survey! And Be Involved!

Communication is Key! How Would You Advance the GOP?

Your Vote is Worth $18,000,000: Make It Count!

Who is in Charge of the Republican Party? You Are! So Fix it!

Get the Right Candidate Elected - Superintendent Edition

Get the Right Candidate Elected

Georgia Republicans are Supporting Obamacare!

What Makes A Republican?

Shape the Future of the Party

Copyright © 2015 Alex Johnson, All rights reserved.

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